Reviews from

in the past

It's been a while since I've had nights like this.

As an adult with a busy life, it gets much harder to find the time to spend with friends. Thankfully, things have been changing for me in that regard, and now I'm getting to spend more time with the group of people I've known for the past 10 years or so. Tonight, three of us gathered at a friend's place, looking forward to a night of fun and conversation. After thinking about what we wanted to do, we settled on doing a playthrough of Star Wars: Battlefront II on the original Xbox. Now, I had heard plenty of praise for this game in the past, but I haven't had enough interest to give it a shot. Now, I had no excuse to not try it out, especially since you could play the campaign in 4-player co-op.

This game, with friends, certainly is an experience.

One minute you'll be on the battlefield on foot, mowing down enemy troops, occasionally shooting a blast or throwing a grenade in the path of one of your friends, and working as best as you can together to complete objectives. Another minute, you're soaring through space, shooting out fleets of enemies while trying not to crash your ships just trying to land (or yelling in agony as you careen into a wall due to our lack of flight experience, which always gets a laugh out of the group.) You may also find yourself gaining the ability to play as a key character from the movies, such as Yoda or Darth Vader. You may also find yourself accidentally wiping out half of your friend's health as they're playing as this character because you started firing at a grunt just as they swooped in to do a lightsaber attack on the same foe. You'll take control of vehicles, even getting to pilot AT-ATs, feeling powerful as you fire strong blasts into enemy troops and turrets, as well as your friend who was just trying to capture the objective.

I guess with all that I'm trying to say that Star Wars: Battlefront II is messy, chaotic fun in the goofiest of ways. You'll laugh and bicker playfully with your friends as you explore stages and try to progress. You'll laugh every time the game sharply cuts to a screen that just says "VICTORY" when you complete a mission. You'll scoff as the framerate drops to like 15 fps because they crammed you all in a hallway with like 20 other NPCs all shooting at each other, and you'll all laugh again as one of you fires a blast in said hallway that kills at least 10 people on both sides, including themselves and the rest of your group.

Star Wars: Battlefront II gave me an experience that feels seldom rare in the modern era: a fast-paced objective-based shooter that can be enjoyed on a couch with a group of friends that isn't looking to nickle-and-dime you in some weird way. Outside of the framerate issues, you'll easily have a wonderful and hilarious time if you can get three friends together to sit down and just blast through stage after stage. The game overall is pretty short, maybe like 2-3 hours max for the campaign, but doing it in a group will make it feel like an adventure.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can experience this game in 4-player co-op, go for it. I can't speak for how this game plays as a single-player experience, but as a multiplayer one, I can guarantee that you'll have a great time!

Playing the greatest Star Wars battles anyway I want!

This game I am internally bias so I want to get that out of the way right now. This game is part of my Backloggd Top 5 and it is with good reason.

I think this is the best Star Wars Shooter Experience on the 6th Generation of consoles. I played this game on PC and PS2. On PC I managed to only install the Remastered Mod while on PS2 I remained Vanilla. I think the experience is well suited on PC nowadays with how much variety and mods there are for SWB2 such as KOTOR and different types of Era and Clone War varieties. On PS2 it remained with the nostalgia I had when I was a kid. I had a hard time managing to save up for this game but my father was kind enough to let us rent this game (Yeah renting from our local movie rental place. I think what sucked me into this game was also that Star Wars Episode 3 was also playing in theatres and since the internet was very foreign to me; every slice of content from that movie I was very eager to play. It also did not help that TV commercials were playing for both Episode 3 and SWB2. Anyways back to the game

This game certainly has alot of love thrown into it. From all the modes it offers to the impressive amount of Maps and even SPACE battles which was super unheard of for this type of caliber game. I was mesmerized and even while playing it as a adult it certainly still remained to captivate me with details I did not catch as a kid. The story about seeing the war from the 501st was a cherry on top and it ties up all the memorable battles quite nicely albeit the gameplay and objectives were quite straight forward.

What was really the Slam duck IMO was being able to play your FAVORITE HEROES AND VILLIANS. This was something I was dreaming since I played the first game. Now being able to play as the Jedi/Sith or even the Alien lifeforms on some Hunt modes. This was a experience of a lifetime. The modes offered here as well from Instant action and my all time favorite Galactic Conquest certainly separates it from all the modern star was shooters and its a shame that mode has never come back in any capacity in our modern age.

As many have probably said in this review. This game is GOATED for a reason. Music, Gameplay and even the Online component is still active on PC and still remains nostalgic as ever. This game holds such a special place in my heart and I can never forget it. It celebrates all that was great with Star Wars as it was gearing up to its conclusion in the movies. (at the time). Lots of rich features to explore about and with some of the most fun shooting and dogfights. Do not miss this game if you are a Star Wars fan. Early 2000s was a era not to messed with for Star Wars.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) é um salto no "hiperespaço" comparado com o seu antecessor por finalmente estabelecer uma experiência "single-player" mais divertida e proveitosa com mais variedade e uma sequência de alternativas que fogem de maneira eficiente da necessidade de só o seu modo online ser bom, que mesmo que no antigo tinha um modo "Campanha" (que era bem raso), não era tão interessante e tão convidativo quanto esse aqui que temos, por exemplo, o modo de jogar além da campanha com só os "Heróis vs. Vilões" da franquia que é um modo tão conhecido e amado pela galera que conhece esses jogos (Battlefront), que aqui é chamado de "Assault" e é encontrado infelizmente apenas no mapa de "Mos Eisley" no modo "Instant Action" para ser jogado em partidas off-line com bots, e também a de voltando a falar da campanha ter a grata surpresa e o prazer de poder jogar com alguns desses personagens importantes da Saga "Star Wars" nos demais momentos específicos que eles aparecem, o que é uma surpresa ótima quando alguns deles aparecem nela e é uma boa forma para variar toda a gameplay que é inteiramente focada na batalha dos demais soldados da República com a Federação Galáctica ou dos Rebeldes contra o Império.

   Toda a história da campanha do jogo gira em torno da perspectiva de um esquadrão de até então "Clone Troopers", conhecidos pelo codinome de "501st Legion", narrado por um deles, que apesar de terem sido criados para esse jogo e é importante lembrar que essa perspectiva apresentada não é considerada oficialmente canônica (mas que convenhamos da pra ser, haha), foram extremamente importantes nos demais acontecimentos de toda a franquia de Star Wars por estarem na maioria deles em que avançando na história vemos eles ajudando ao Conselho Jedi na época da República até executando toda a "Ordem 66" e assim indo da Trilogia "Prequel" até a Trilogia "Clássica", em que acaba, especificamente no planeta de "Hoth" ("Episódio V - O Império Contra Ataca"). 

   O seu modo "multiplayer", por incrível que pareça, ainda de certa forma vive que por mais que tenham jogadores escassos por lá, ainda dependendo do dia dá para jogar algumas partidas de leve com esses players. Enfim, não preciso falar mais nada do porquê esse jogo ainda vale a pena, que dou todo o crédito aos desenvolvedores por trazerem um ótimo porte para a Steam, sem nem a necessidade ou a dica que sempre dou de capar o FPS, já que até nisso o jogo está extremamente bem otimizado e funcional, o que é bem surpreendente para a idade que esse clássico tem. Ah, e um último adendo que esqueci de mencionar, é que esse jogo apresenta em alguns momentos da campanha, algumas partes que são batalhas no espaço para variar do combate terrestre que é bem repetitivo nesse jogo, e o que eu acho mais legal, é que sabendo que esse modo também é bem repetitivo, a desenvolvedora deixa a opção para você de escolher se deseja pular ou não na campanha, apenas apertando na opção "Bypass Space" quando ela aparece, já que toda a parte de fato primariamente interessante na campanha do jogo é nos combates terrestres.

O melhor jogo de Star Wars da história, o modo de conquista da galáxia é uma obra prima, eu fico muito triste por ele não ter sido levado aos Battlefronts atuais.

played this through the classic collection not a great collection but the games shine through and its the value proposition of being able to play this online easily 20 years after the release but anyways I am not sure if I like this one more than the original tbh its interesting to look back now and wonder how much studios shared around assets like it so clear a lot of UI and character models must have been shared around between this kotor and republic commando. this was the Star Wars game from my childhood I used to play this a lot on my dad's work laptop lol I remember I never actually beat the campaign as a kid. However, I think much of it was just because I couldn't figure out the spaceship combat as a kid I still don't like it now. Still, the campaign is a lot easier than the first Battlefront primarily since its also more of a campaign than the first game was, just multiplayer matches disguised with some Star Wars lore to call it a story this one is more of a make-shift campaign it still used the multiplayer maps still but it modifies them a bit and adds some objectives to give them a more of a linear feel and honestly idk if I like it.

This is a game I could play for hours and hours in the free play mode, even after all this time. Fun gameplay, lots of unique characters to choose from, and a really interesting story following the Clones through the war and transitioning into the Imperial army.

ej he ett vivid minne av å spele ditta med min nabo elias og han som fortelle mej "du leve for å drepe" når ej fikk spele som en jedi, ej vart hyped up

Every year I come back to play and Every year I am reminded of how incredible and immersive this game still is. This game had so many iconic maps that will forever remain with me and the amount of quotable lines from this game is insane. The story mode (Whilst just reused multiplayer maps) is one of the most impactful Star Wars stories ever told all from Temuera Morrisons own voice as he gave one of his best performances he had given in all of Star Wars. This game delivered on its promises and will always be remembered for it.

Can't believe they never made Battlefront 3 with evil obi wan

We need a mod to add kids in the Jedi Temple level... just for historic accuracy

Super cool, thrilling 3rd Person Shooter. The kinda game that makes me lean in the chair. The campaign takes you through most of the levels from the perspective of the clone/storm troopers, now I’m trying to play with a friend and hit up the mod community. Great game

The most fun Star Wars game to play!

Love the gameplay and the novelty of being able to play on so many iconic maps from the film series as well as a dozen or so heroes and villains. Everything the first game did this does better. The Rise of the Empire storyline deserves its own movie or miniseries because its that interesting. The attention to detail is insane down to having Han frozen in carbonite and the Rancor on Jabba's Palace or the trash compactor on the Death Star.

My only real flaw is I wish there were some more heroes to play as like where is Padmé, Qui-Gon, Lando and Plo Koon etc. as playable heroes?

Favourite Hero to play as: Luke Skywalker
Favourite Villain to play as: Darth Maul

Favourite Maps
1. Death Star
2. Jabba's Palace
3. Geonosis
4. Hoth
5. Bespin
6. Tantive IV

Battlefront 2 was a massively important game for me as a kid and I think that it mostly holds up. Nothing is ever quite as good as your childhood memories of it, but revisiting this was a fun nostalgia trip and I had a good time.

Space battles, playable heroes, and a narrative campaign are the big additions over its predecessor. Space battles add some much needed diversity to gameplay and the heroes are a fun reward for doing well. The campaign is also well-crafted, offering an interesting look into the Clones' perspectives during the fall of the Republic.

However, I think you can definitely tell this was developed in a year. The menus and UI are super bland and ugly, loading screens are blurry screenshots of gameplay, and the entire thing has a very unfinished, placeholder look. The map design also took a hit I think, and BF1's maps are overall stronger and more tightly designed.

Still a fun time and a worthwhile nostalgia trip. The PC version also has a very active and cool modding scene and they're doing crazy stuff with the game.

I’m probably overrating it for technical polish, but I’m underrating it for the amount of fun I got out of it. It’s full of things to do, so many maps, modes, vehicles, characters, easter eggs and wacky gimmicks. I have so many memories with this game, playing split screen with my friends, force pushing people off ledges on maps like Mygeeto and Mustafar, kicking Darth Maul’s ass as Luke in Heroes vs Villains as if I were playing with action figures, bullying Rebels as a wampa in Hunt mode, sticking mines to the side of my snowspeeder and taking out an ATAT in one pass, being cheeky and hiding mines in the command post light (I got up to all sorts of fuckery with the mines), creating playlists to reenact Clone Wars episodes. Fun was the developers’ clear and earnest priority above everything else, and that’s in stark contrast to the EA successors. It’s a relic of a far more innocent age, one I really wish to go back to at times.

This and the Lego games were my first and only exposure to the prequels until like 8 years ago and I wish it stayed that way.

The amount of gameplay variety it has to offers is astonishing. Great for a singleplayer, cooperative, or competitive experience with friends

Battlefront 2 é um jogo muito bem elaborado e extremamente divertido. Nele, você pode participar de grandes batalhas vistas nos filmes, seja em terra ou a bordo de uma nave, escolhendo entre os períodos das Guerras Clônicas ou da Guerra Civil Galáctica. Além disso, é possível jogar com vários heróis e vilões da saga.

O modo campanha nos coloca em diversas missões na pele de um clone da 501ª Legião, desde batalhas contra a CSI até o grande expurgo Jedi. Após a queda da República, o Império Galáctico é criado por Darth Sidious, e a 501ª agora é conhecida como o ''Punho de Vader''. Como um Stormtrooper Imperial, somos designados para diversas missões a fim de eliminar a escória rebelde. Antes do início de cada missão, podemos assistir a trechos do diário da 501ª, mostrando o que cada soldado sentia antes de suas batalhas, revelando o desenvolvimento da divisão de elite de Darth Vader.

No modo Galactic Conquest, você escolhe um período da guerra e utiliza sua frota para conquistar planetas. É possível adquirir bônus para auxiliar seu exército durante as batalhas, como mais munição para os soldados, rifles aprimorados e regeneração de HP. A partida é vencida por quem dominar a galáxia.

O modo Instant Action proporciona partidas rápidas com os modos: Conquest, Space Assault, Capture the Flag, Hero Assault, Hunt e XL.

O jogo também oferece suporte a mods, o que pode aprimorar significativamente sua experiência e transformar completamente o jogo, adicionando conteúdo adicional.

Apesar do suporte oficial para o modo online ter sido desativado, ainda é possível jogar o multiplayer utilizando outros programas.

Passei muitas horas jogando Battlefront 2 no meu antigo PS2, e o jogo não perdeu nada de sua diversão. Recomendo não apenas para os fãs de Star Wars, mas também para aqueles que procuram um excelente jogo de tiro.

Yeah, I have to give this classic of a game full rating. Why? If you are a Star Wars fan, you have to try this, trust me! Finished the campaign in 3 hours, and after all those years, multiplayer still filled with players. You play as a 501st trooper in the campaign, and you have different modes of playing!

This is everything EA wants their games to be. Might be the nostalgia speaking, but holy heck. BEST. GAME. EVER. Also, the Jedi Temple mission is hard as hell. Goddamn jedis STOP DESTROYING THE DAMN BOOKSHELVES PLEASE I CAN'T BE EVERYWHERE AT ONCE :(

This game is incredible, was the highlight game of my childhood!

The true Battlefront II. Just a pretty well rounded game overall.

The new remaster is absolutely horrible, ugly cutscenes and non-functioning multiplayer, just a total wreck worth avoiding at all costs. However this is still one of the most endlessly replayable games I've ever touched. There's some kind of secret sauce here that has kept me hooked since birth. The 10 hours I'm logging here is only for the Switch version, because I genuinely have no clue how much time I've spent on this over the years.


but honeslty I love this game. I have the fondest memories playing this game with my brother at our aunts house on Chirstmas (who we basically only saw on Christmas cause my Aunt lives a few states away). I would look forward so much to going becuase their PS2 was the only way that we could play this game. Everytime we would boot it up my brother would beg to play the "hunt" mode on Hoth so that we could play as "yetis." So nostagic of my childhood.

One of the best Star Wars games ever! The campaign is awesome and the multiplayer is still active. I play it modded, which is actually way more fun

Endless fun force jumping around Mos Eisley. Nailing someone with that running attack Obi-Wan and Anakin had was satisfying. A major downside to the PC version was the lack of splitscreen, so we took turns playing.

Pinnacle of Star Wars games, that multiplayer was so good.

The best Star Wars Battlefront game, hands down. Between the combat and the campaign, there's tons here to keep you going. The conquest mode is interesting, but doesn't add too much relative to just doing random maps, but it at least exists. That said, I've never played this game multiplayer, so I'm sure there's quite a bit I'm missing on that (battle)front.