Reviews from

in the past

Balance incarnate. I suck at it and can't appreciate it properly, so my big takeaway is usually just whining at how long every campaign mission takes.

I played a gta map that had a porn sound file when you stand on the sex circle and i think my mom heard me playing it when i was like 7 years old but she never said anything

This was my first super addicting game. I played this so much online. The custom map mod games were awesome too. This game was perfectly balanced. It was very easy to sink tons of time into this.

It's so funny that here in 2023, Games Workshop is attempting to make a family friendly turn in Warhammer 40k, when that's literally just StarCraft. I think by and large that this game was an outlier, as Blizzard's catalog is SO lacking in comparison. But hey, being lucky in the right way is good enough to mean you get to exist forever, no matter how many people you get abused and killed.

This was really neat game, but I barely played it except within the occasional LAN party setting.

Best RTS of all time, especially in combination with its add-on, Brood War. Perfectly balanced, though the races play so different

I love going back to StarCraft from time to time so much nostalgia playing as an introduction to the RTS genre and PC gaming as a whole. The gameplay is super outdated, but for me, it's made up of incredible styles, designs that are just oozing with many unique structures, and units of remediable voice lines I still quote for fun. The soundtrack is just so iconic to me each race is complemented by thematic and atmospheric osts it gets me immersed in playing as them. The story presents itself in meh cut scenes and briefing rooms with great voice acting it's a joy to listen to my favorite characters. To be honest from the original before brood war my favorite characters are Raynor my beloved sarcastic ass vulture buddy the tried and true rebel crusader, Arcturus the snide emperor taking any chances to rise to power, Aldaris, Fenix the cunning warrior, and Tassadar does what he thinks is just even if he's disobeying orders. It's always a treat going back to having fond memories of playing multiplayer with my relatives with barely 50 apm or any understanding of the meta. It's hard to get people into this game but, damn I get so sicced watching someone play getting into it. For anyone getting into RTS En Taro Adun brave Executors don't give up the fight.

The Legend! I've dreamed about it since I didn't have my own PC. And since I got it, I've been playing a lot. However, I still regret that I couldn't beat the protoss campaign. 

Starcraft fue el primer juego que jugué en toda mi vida, gracias a una copia pirata que consiguió bajar mi padre allá por el 2012; si no hubiese sido por este juego (y por mi padre) probablemente nunca hubiese desarrollado el amor que tengo por este medio.
Sin habermelo llegado a pasar nunca, significa mucho para mí lo que ha implicado este juego en mi vida, y por ello lo tengo en tan alta estima.
Algún día lo acabaré.

Many years ago, I hadn't completed the campaign and just hopped online to spend countless hours on playing against whoever else was on.

Having picked up the game again and playing through the campaign this time around, it holds up still as one of the best games to come out whether you're just a casual story enjoyer or a competitive player.

The music is perfect in setting the atmosphere. The characters from Raynor to Zeratul are all memorable. The fights feel big and give you a sense of accomplishment when you win.

Original game still remains a gold standard in the RTS space, especially with the campaign full of memorable characters that had yet to become caricatures of themselves. Solid 30 mission campaign telling a big story (and leading into another...) with some very unique gameplay across the three playable races. If I had any criticism about it, it'd be the difficulty spiking somewhat in the second half of the Protoss missions but that might be, in part, due to my never fully grasping how the Protoss play.

I think this was the first RTS game I played properly, outside of seeing my neighbors play Warcraft II. As a big sci-fi kid already this was just awesome. First unlocking the Zerg and Protoss campaigns after playing as Terran for what felt like so long was cool as hell. I usually ended up leaning on cheats for later levels since my ability to micromanage an army was crap, but I always had fun. The cutscenes and voice acting felt groundbreaking at the time as well

Классика с интересным повествованием.

😳✌🏻🚬 need a lighter?

as crianças pc master race dos anos 90 eram poderosas demais (por mais que eu duvide que zeraram isso sem cheat). esse jogo me deixou triste com duas coisas: a primeira, que é um puta papo de véio, foi pensar na diferença abissal entre quem jogava isso na infância e quem jogava fortnite. a segunda, que é uma das maiores depressões modernas de quem joga videogame há pelo menos 15 anos, foi ver o que a blizzard uma vez foi. eu odeio o capitalismo.

pensando seriamente em fazer o sacrifício do tassadar porém na sede da activision.

It's one of the earliest true RTS, but I still will judge it for its age. I still liked it, don't get me wrong, but there are much better games available- Dawn of War comes to mind.

Just too dumb for this. Finished the human campaign.

An amazing RTS. Forever burned into my memory.

Pure nostalgia for me. All the sounds, visuals, voice actors, cutscenes, even the silly early Blizzard humor: all perfect.

Got obliterated by 15 tanks that appeared 5 minutes after beginning the mission. Good RTS for beginners

There's something I really liked about the briefing screens all being these sci-fi zoom meetings. I get why they changed it in 2, but I liked the vibe of it.

You must construct additional pylons.

The OST is worth lord knows how many stars. Then there's the compelling narrative, gritty visuals, and addicting gameplay. Still an all-time classic.

an outstanding genre defining game with a great setting. the gameplay stood the test of time and is still a fun experience with friends