Reviews from

in the past

Joguinho bem bom sim, mas com certeza vale mais a pena jogar seu sucessor, apesar dos gráficos do primeiro serem mais atraente.

Only version of this game that I played at length. It's fun and I assume the sequels/remakes are way better.

"Isaac and his Isaac lived alone in a small Isaac on a Isaac."

I feel terrible for being this mean to a game that is essentially the momma to one of my top 5, but I need to be honest about my experience with this game. this game runs at like 20 fps at best, glitches like nothing else, has like 20% of the content repentance era Isaac has, and no controller support which is honestly the biggest death sentence for this game, Isaac on keyboard is awful imo. obviously it came first so the content issue isn't this game's fault, but it's another reason you shouldn't even be fucked to pick this one up. it doesn't help that I have no nostalgia for this game, I was only like 13 when afterbirth came out? so that's the one I grew up with. I'm sure this game was great when you didn't have other options, but now you do. this game got outclassed, and there ain't much point to it now. play repentance

Não vou discorrer sobre, só é muito bem-feito.

Roguelikes didn't click with me when I played this game. I didn't like the way the game felt to control, and while I enjoyed a few attempts well enough it didn't hook me where I wanted to keep trying time and time again. I got tired of the early game long before getting it down pat, and that was that.

baby, you’ve come a loooong way

Remake is better but this one has better music

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Addicting, grotesque, tragic and funny. The binding of isaac is my favorite roguelike game currently out and it is a classic to the genre, it has been a six month long achievement hunt, the experience only tainted by a couple of factors: Delirium. Oh my god delirium, insane boss fight to complete, but being telefragged as a character with only 1 health will always feel cheap. Other than that the graphics in rebirth are a bit outdated but that is fixed by dlc content. The binding of isaac is one of the games i can keep playing even after getting all endings and still enjoy. To this day I’m discovering combinations i could’ve never imagined, and met with mostly fair challenges. Discovering the lore bit by bit with each ending is also heartbreaking, the characters in this game are incredibly broken people, but uhh. Game fun :)

What started for me as a „Just Basement“ Flash-Game demo on Newgrounds, whenever I was playing on the Computer in School, ended up being my first proper introduction into Rouge-Like Games. Highly breakable with lots of references to other games in the time-frame of this release. There were numerous updates to this game via paid DLC and a fully fledged sequel, which plays a lot better now than this does.

Feces and Christ. This is just like my own childhood

What can I say? It's Isaac but with less fun options and worse graphics

a ver te cuento yo me pillé el barato en steam que es el puto flash original y no se puede guardar y faltan mil trillones de cosas por lo que jamás lo termino porque este juego me angustia más que nada pero te juro que me encanta.

I think that there is a quality game here it’s just not my thing. Which is a real shame

unimpeachably fresh until the exact moment rebirth dropped and we all realized how janky it was

Lo que tiene el juego base que no tienen sus secuelas es la preciosa e inimitable banda sonora. Por mucho contenido que se le añada al juego, jamás podrá sustituir a la banda sonora impecable de esta primera versión.

What's left to be said about Ed McMillen's scatological Rogue-Lite masterpiece about mother issues and infant mortality? A simple top-down single room game of shooting tears at monsters, dodging poop, and literally returning to the womb, swiftly becomes a time-crippling addiction. Multiple characters and mixing of power-ups offers untold adventures and replay value within the mind/chest? of the poor, eternally doomed Isaac.

in this game's defense, i was 10 years late to actually playing it and had just experienced the euphoric high that was the repentance update, which means i'm pained to say that while this game still holds up, it just can't compare to the sequel and it's dlcs. it's not really fair to compare them, but at this point if you're looking for an entry to the binding of isaac series, just get rebirth instead.

One of my childhood memories is modding weed into the game.

I could review this, but in 2023 it's not really worth it. I've played it, and it's fine to play just to see what it is like, but Rebirth makes this obsolete.

Este juego es una locura y todavía no entiendo cómo se puede hacer algo así en flash. El rebirth es mejor pero este por sí solo es admirable.