Reviews from

in the past


The Binding of Isaac Rebirth is my favorite game of all time. But what about the original, programmed in AS2 rather than C++? While I did play Rebirth first, this review series would be a bit incomplete without mentioning the original, no? Flash was made by a much smaller team than Rebirth, composed of solely Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl, with music provided by Danny B. Flash was worked on for the course of several months, but it was considerably rushed and generally unpolished, even to this day. Even then, it still attracted a large audience, even to this day, where it still gets about a hundred players daily. Is this for good reason? Perhaps Flash has something that Rebirth (and subsequent versions) don’t? Only one way to find out! So let's hop in this old ass Basement and check out what old Isaac has to offer.

Right off the bat, there's a few noticeable differences between this and Rebirth. First off, the artstyle and music. Compared to Rebirth, the game sports a hand-drawn artstyle, and a different music genre entirely, compared to Rebirth's pixel style graphics and hard Rock. In terms of graphics, Flash is just as strong, arguably stronger than its Rebirth cousin, as grotesque as ever, gore, piss, and shit all left intact. However, when it comes to the music, it's a fair bit debatable. Flash’s soundtrack goes for a more electronic style, with its music focusing more on the beat of the tracks compared to Rebirth. Meanwhile, Rebirth (and subsequent DLCs) have a very heavy focus on leitmotifs and melodies. It’s a bit of a tossup as to which one I prefer, but even though I find myself leaning towards Rebirth’s soundtrack more, Flash’s soundtrack is pretty good as well. All of these tunes are all time classics, with Repentant being my personal favorite track in the game. The boss tracks aren’t as great as Rebirth’s, but they’re still pretty banging here. The songs do feel a little short, but granted Flash’s limitations, it’s understandable. But what about the gameplay itself?

Rebirth is about the same as Flash, control-wise. You still move and shoot in four directions the same way you do as Rebirth, place bombs and use cards like you do in Rebirth. But, there's a bit of an issue… Where the fuck is the controller support? This is one of the unfortunate downsides of the game being programmed in Flash. Because Flash lacks any support of native gamepad support, you have to use a program called Joy2Key to even try to use a controller. And even then, the controls don't translate the best, because the movement isn't analog. And on that note, I found, even on a keyboard, the controls were pretty damn sensitive. Isaac instantly darts with a tap of WASD, and it feels mediocre, especially compared to Rebirth. Shooting feels just as good as possible, which is nice, but I can't help but feel the controls are just too janky for my tastes.

On the topic of gameplay and story itself, Flash still holds up pretty well, as much as Rebirth did. For a more complete gameplay overview, I highly suggest reading my Rebirth review, but the gist of the game is that “Mom tries to kill Isaac but that's not really what happens”, the player goes through randomly generated dungeons, collects items upon the way, and defeats supernatural creatures at the end of each floor before moving on. Avoiding damage is key to success, as you can achieve Devil deals which significantly power up your character. It's just as fun here as it was in Rebirth. Obviously, there's a lot less content here as there is in Rebirth, it being an older version of the beloved classic, but I really appreciated the balancing here. The game is a fair bit more difficult than Rebirth, but a lot less focus is placed on the items and more so the challenge, and it does that very well. Flash provides a consistent challenge from beginning to end, and I am all here for it. But said challenge comes at a bit of a cost, and one of the main reasons why I spring towards Rebirth rather than Flash. I love Flash, I think it's great, but where the hell is the content? Flash is a really fun game hampered by a lack of run variety, making the game become way more stale than Rebirth and future iterations. In Flash, there are a little over a hundred items, and before a Halloween Update, there were about 80, a disappointing amount compared to Rebirth's 300. And the items present at best aren't as innovative as even Rebirth’s worst. Each run is pretty similar for the most part. Find stat ups, maybe flight or one or two tear modifiers, a few useless passives, a half-decent activated item, and bam. Run’s over before you know it. Flash also suffers from a lack of synergies, another unfortunate consequence of Flash as a programming language, adding to the issues of a lack of run variety. And those issues of content don't just apply to items as well.

Flash also suffers from a lack of final bosses and floors. It's almost customary for any roguelike to have a super secret ending that's really difficult to achieve (Hell from Spelunky, Throne II in Nuclear Throne, and so on), but Flash really only has Satan to its fairly small name. And that was added in a patch, as base release simply… ended. Without any major conclusion. But Satan himself isn't really that difficult, either. A step up from previous floors, but far from difficult to get. And having him be a random spawn pre-It Lives kind of takes the oomph out of him being the “true ending”. He isn't labeled as such, but I feel that's what they were going for.

Now, with all that being said, you might be wondering why I rated Flash a 8/10. Well, that's because Flash is still a REALLY good game, just as not as good as Rebirth. Like I said at the beginning, it's still as fundamentally great as what comes after it, but I hold a heavy preference towards Rebirth. It’s a very small, yet focused game, and while I appreciate that, it really needed more content to warrant spending more than a few wins on it (in my opinion). However, almost all of my problems with it would be fixed WITH…

Within the past grasps / All familiar faces surround / My life is rebound” - “Flash” by zeusdeegoose, Written on 4/22/24

the quintessential rougelike

it just can't say no. you can do whatever you want to it and it lets you. the game allows for the most game-breaking builds and keeps going with a smile.

in exchange, it will be the most annoying and draining experience of your life.

I would've liked it more if Rebirth didn't exist.

Can't rank it higher than this due to fps issues. Tried to 100% the game, realized that the framerate cap and dps based luck only gets you so far. Gave up with 50% achievements :(

I could review this, but in 2023 it's not really worth it. I've played it, and it's fine to play just to see what it is like, but Rebirth makes this obsolete.

The aesthetics are awesome, but the gameplay is just... dull and repetitive, to say the least. I can appreciate the thought put into all the different upgrades and enemy designs, but for me, it's not nearly engaging enough.

É um jogo que tenho poucas memórias hoje em dia, mas as memórias que tenho são de tardes nas quais me diverti como nunca pensei que me divertiria

Quite a grotesque game in it's design of creatures, but that's also it's point as well as a rather sad story for the main character. Game is a typical kind of game where you shoot at incoming enemies and there are many different upgrades to get yourself more powerful and ready for the bosses. I often decided to search the entire area before entering the boss where by then I at-least have a few upgrades and abilities that give me an edge. I have gotten bored with it as no matter how many times I played it, I never got to the end of the game. Not much to say, but it is fun for it's price.

Edit: I'm not certain as to my reason, but for some reason the grotesqueness of the creatures in this game get to me far more than even the most visceral and gory of games out there, but I can't quite pin down as to the reason why.

I'm very interested in getting back into playing this and having a lot of fun with it. Especially as now I appear to have multiple versions in my library that are currently buried under so many other games too. Regardless, this is still a very well made game and loved learning about how the creators had no idea it was going to explode in popularity in the way that it did!

Feces and Christ. This is just like my own childhood

people argue about repentance but overall the game is incredible

Why dat mf eyesac always cring

Great roguelike to spend some time on

very nostalgic, I love the way it looks.

Beaten on a PC. I thought this version SUCKED at first. I hated nearly everything about it compared to Rebirth. But 20 hours later? It's actually pretty fun. Isaac is a randomly generated roguelike where you play as Isaac, fighting monsters, your mom, and even Satan along your way with your own sadness. The controls are okay but leave a lot to be desired. Shooting feels nice but movement is janky. The graphics are okay; nothing compared to Repentance but they somewhat hold up. The initial reason why I disliked Flash was because of its difficulty, but now I find it pretty easy. Overall, while Flashsaac is not as good as Rebirth, it's still a good time today.

Foi, talvez, o primeiro jogo indie a me fazer ficar tão fissurado e apaixonado por um jogo e seu estilo de gameplay, que só fui descobrir o termo (e o que era, de fato) anos depois. Voltei para ele em 2020, por uma vontade de jogar o seu remake, Rebirth, só que com um objetivo de que só compraria se eu matasse a "Mother" no jogo original. E eu consegui!

(eu acho)

es muy viejo lol pero me gusta lol xd

Rebirth is obviously superior when looking at the larger scope of things, but the artstyle of this game and Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack still haven't been topped to this day.

so fun that i washed my education away playing this in school

by the time im writing this i have over 1750+ hours on this game, so i think its ok, decent game

shitmund i will become back my money

just play rebirth but this is a cute lil piece of history

Este juego es una locura y todavía no entiendo cómo se puede hacer algo así en flash. El rebirth es mejor pero este por sí solo es admirable.

fekalia, martwe płody, satanistyczne obrzędy

a to tylko część rzeczy, których doświadczyłem stojąc w kolejce po 20zl paysafecard w kolporterze w strzemieszycach

I should've just booted up Newgrounds and played flash games.

played this a lot when i was like 11-12, and loved it. definitely isnt good in retrospect but hey still better than afterbirth+