Reviews from

in the past

every single person i know has like 439088574057439827534089754329758 hours in this game. but i just don't get it

Bahahaha POOP hahaha FART looool PEEPEE! I'm not a fan of the Moms Divorce Papers item, Aborted Fetus is way better, it synergizes with Anal Prolapse and Burning Hemorrhoids. But don't even get me started on Projectile Vomitting.

Hopefully my man Ed finishes middle school before he makes his next game.

when i first played this game in some god forsaken flash games site with a total of like 3 fps and a shit ass pc i thought gaming couldnt get better than that and i still kinda believe it

It took me 14 hours to finally get a clear on this game. Pretty frickin sweet ngl

Great concept, great music, made me realize I hate roguelikes.

Can't rank it higher than this due to fps issues. Tried to 100% the game, realized that the framerate cap and dps based luck only gets you so far. Gave up with 50% achievements :(

Rebirth is obviously superior when looking at the larger scope of things, but the artstyle of this game and Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack still haven't been topped to this day.

Foi, talvez, o primeiro jogo indie a me fazer ficar tão fissurado e apaixonado por um jogo e seu estilo de gameplay, que só fui descobrir o termo (e o que era, de fato) anos depois. Voltei para ele em 2020, por uma vontade de jogar o seu remake, Rebirth, só que com um objetivo de que só compraria se eu matasse a "Mother" no jogo original. E eu consegui!

(eu acho)

the quintessential rougelike

it just can't say no. you can do whatever you want to it and it lets you. the game allows for the most game-breaking builds and keeps going with a smile.

in exchange, it will be the most annoying and draining experience of your life.

Não vou discorrer sobre, só é muito bem-feito.

Lo que tiene el juego base que no tienen sus secuelas es la preciosa e inimitable banda sonora. Por mucho contenido que se le añada al juego, jamás podrá sustituir a la banda sonora impecable de esta primera versión.

I hope everyone is still playing this during computer class

Hard to come back to after Rebirth, Afterbirth or whatever the fuck it's called now. The engine is Flash so can be slow with a lot of particles but it still has its charm and was great during its heyday. Would recommend the remake over this

knowing that ppl used to devote a lot of time and brain space to this game is like remembering that people used to buy things called "pet rocks". it ain't for me!

very nostalgic, I love the way it looks.

The sad little boy sure is unlucky.

great game that's been completely invalidated by its sequel

Beaten on a PC. I thought this version SUCKED at first. I hated nearly everything about it compared to Rebirth. But 20 hours later? It's actually pretty fun. Isaac is a randomly generated roguelike where you play as Isaac, fighting monsters, your mom, and even Satan along your way with your own sadness. The controls are okay but leave a lot to be desired. Shooting feels nice but movement is janky. The graphics are okay; nothing compared to Repentance but they somewhat hold up. The initial reason why I disliked Flash was because of its difficulty, but now I find it pretty easy. Overall, while Flashsaac is not as good as Rebirth, it's still a good time today.

es muy viejo lol pero me gusta lol xd

I would've liked it more if Rebirth didn't exist.

a ver te cuento yo me pillé el barato en steam que es el puto flash original y no se puede guardar y faltan mil trillones de cosas por lo que jamás lo termino porque este juego me angustia más que nada pero te juro que me encanta.

Strange rouge-like game and something that I really like for it's pretty simple yet incredibly difficult gameplay, basically an isometric shooter where you cry on mutant abominations and shit until they explode/disintegrate and you collect upgrades along the way.

Feels really surreal to describe what you do and what happens in this game, but it has an interesting approach storytelling - combining elements of black comedy and horror together, and it's basically about a child exploring his traumatic background where it's presented very abstractly and symbolically. Love playing this game when I was younger though, and there's something about the story and the rouge-like elements that kept me hooked to it (this is also a game that demands a lot of hours of gameplay).

I think that there is a quality game here it’s just not my thing. Which is a real shame

baby, you’ve come a loooong way