Reviews from

in the past

KOF02UM does everything right, the moment the game puts you on the character screen with that banger theme and one of the biggest rosters to ever be in a fighting game filled with fan favorites, you know you're in for a treat.

The game is technically a revision of kof02 but honestly they improved so much here it wouldn't be fair to call it the same game. From the expanded character selection to the UI to the stages and the music it's basically a whole 2nd NESTS dreammatch entry. The gameplay here is the finest the series has ever had while also being one of, if not the most challenging in the series, as that's obviously built on vanilla 2002's already acclaimed style of gameplay. That being said KOF02UM is one of the best, hell i'd say THE best fighting game ever made; the game is tough but is seriously satisfying to play, easily my favorite entry in the whole series. Now if only they'd canonize Nameless...

Si con 98 UM se demostró una dirección ejemplar en retrabajos y actualizaciones por parte de SNK Playmore, con este 2002 Unlimited Match ya es sencillamente algo demencial, algo irregular, casi un milagro.

Tomar la tarea de rehacer desde cero un título tan malo como el 2002 vainilla es un oficio dantesco que haría sonrojar hasta al más profesional y ciertos bugs e infinitos todos rotos (uno particularmente fácil de ejecutar con Hinako) de la primera versión de Unlimited Match para PS2 dan fé de ello, no obstante acá no estamos para rendirnos ante un jefe insano y de la misma manera, con Tougeki en puerta y todo, SNK tampoco quería dejar un trabajo sin refinar.

Esa así como la segunda versión de Unlimited Match (la que ahora está disponible en PC y consolas modernas) pulió sus detallitos y ahora sí, estamos ante el paquete completo del dream match, y nunca mejor dicho, ya que en verdad debemos debatir si tenemos en nuestras manos el mejor exponente de esta estirpe de juegos.

Con un roster INMENSO y balanceado que nada le envidia a cualquier entrega de la franquicia, unos visuales preciosos y una banda sonora de infarto con múltiples opciones de enfrentamientos de jefes y sub-jefes basados en tu desempeño en el arcade estando presente todo el cartel de Nests y un inteligente nuevo añadido actualmente querido por los más fans como lo es Nameless para seguir perpetuando el mítico y falso rumor tras el desuso de K9999 y alineaciones especiales de personajes que te dan imágenes especiales al superar el modo arcade cuesta creer que algo de tan excelsa calidad sea un derivado de 2002, al que por obviedad le saca mil vueltas pero si aún así tienes nostalgia por la desabrida versión original, las primeras versiones de consolas de 02 UM te permitían jugarla sin reparo.

SNK sin duda se marcó una extraña "trilogía" de remakes a los dream Match de The King of Fighters iniciando con 94 Re-Bout que nos condujo, sin real preámbulo, a dos títulos increíblemente bien cuidados, si 98 ya lo establecimos cómo hito para estos trabajos 02 es casi que un milagro, el derroche de calidad aquí presente marca simbólicamente la despedida de la etapa más clásica de sprites de la saga, que pasaba, como su compañía, por una extraña etapa de transición.

Es un gran título, está perfectamente cómodo en el salón de la fama de los videojuegos de lucha, no solo por sus grandes ambiciones, si no por surgir de las cenizas de un juego popular, más objetivamente malo y lo lleva al estándar de calidad merecedor de los más grandes.

Un must play para cualquiera que se precie fan de The King of Fighters.

can’t go wrong with a night of 02UM with the boys

Muito bom, praticamente todos os personagens de todas as sagas, melhor dream match que tem, sabe o Kof 2002 vannila? Esquece esse jogo faz aquele jogo nunca ter existido.

um dos melhores jogos de luta de todos os tempos, e o auge de King of Fighters como franquia.
o sistema de combate é um dos mais completos e diversificados entre os jogos de luta 2d, tendo comandos complexos, mas fazíveis e que qualquer iniciante ou veterano, com o devido tempo de prática, consegue executar
acho que se tirar os Tekkens, esse jogo tem o maior ceiling do gênero, onde um jogador experiente consegue fazer combos, cancelando animações e ligando um golpe no outro de formas que chegam a dar águas nos olhos.
o cast, por se tratar de um dream match (que nem o KoF 98, onde não se compromissa em prosseguir a história, e sim em ser um jogo festivo, com todos os personagens possíveis) é enorme e bem diverso, onde tirando os Ryu-clones, todo personagem é muito diferente do outro, com cada um brilhando em um certo aspecto, na mão de certos jogadores
uma obra prima que todo mundo deveria jogar algum dia

This game has Hinako so it's a base level of pretty good right there

jovem fica insano maluco biruta tentando executar inputs de kof 2002 unlimited match entenda o caso

one of the greatest fighting games of all time hands down

While this isn't my all-time favorite KOF game, it's still quite an amazing game thanks to its large roster and easy-to-understand yet hard-to-master mechanics. I felt like there should've been more stage and music variety, along with a slightly better balance with the roster, but it's still a pretty excellent fighting game.

The ultimate King of Fighters experience. So many characters, including the ridiculous boss characters, and the beautiful classic graphic style make this my favourite in the series.

Não vou fazer um comentário pertinente sobre o jogo em si porque não entendo porra nenhuma de jogos de luta, mas só quero dizer que a franquia KOF tem o melhor character design que já vi num jogo até hoje, os personagens são super estilosos e maneiros, com designs super únicos, ao mesmo tempo que não é exagerado (até o KOF XIII ao menos) igual outros jogos de luta, muito foda.

Kula my beloved

The best fighting game i have experienced so far.
Containing a gigantic cast of characters to choose from with each one of them being well made and fun in their own way you will definetely find a character that suits your taste.

The online, while its not filled to the brim with players right now if you find someone to play with trust me you will have a good time the online is amazing you will barely ever notice any lag and makes for a really fun experience when facing against friends.

They assured me that my PC would not run Plants vs Zombies, here we are

Update: my current PC runs Plants vs Zombies

If you showed this roster to someone from 2002 they would say it's baller

Suck shit but so addicting. Please play it. PC and PS4 has Rollback Netcode

uma puta comemoração dos jogos da snk, esse sim tem alma diferente do 2002 original q no quesito cenario e etc e horrivel.

My favorite KoF to play with friends. Fantastic OST and probably the best roster in the series.

This is the best KOF game in my opinion. It's a love letter not only to the NESTS saga but to SNK in general. In this game, everyone who was playable in the NESTS saga is playable, yet that's not where it stops. There are stage cameos and references to older SNK titles like World Heroes, SamSho, Metal Slug, The Last Blade, AOF, and the older KOF games; there are even references to the Fatal Fury games, including MOTW. Everything is improved in this game as well, there's even remade themes of the older KOF, FF, and AOF games. (Usually, this would be a problem because I have a gripe with remixed themes, but it's done well here.) I think I've mentioned it before, but I love the characters of SNK. They're all brimming with personality and they're all unique. (Minus the literal clone characters, but even K' has his unique gameplay charms compared to Kyo). Just an all-around perfect fighting game.

This game is just very very based. Huge roster, great controls, rollback, there's a lot of good in this game and I have more and more fun with it and learning with it the more I play. This game was pretty much my proper introduction to traditional fighting games and I'm glad it was. Learning more about KOF, the lore, the characters felt so interesting to me after playing this game because of such a huge cast, entering in my first time only knowing at max around 10 characters. It's really, really fun and the best way to scratch any 1v1/fighting game itch for me now.

With the multitude of characters offered, the gorgeous pixel art in the background, the music and online mode in the Windows version, the best way to play KOF 2002 is definitely Unlimited Match.

the best fighting game ever i love angel tho

I can't combo to save my life.

So what do you get when you combine KOF '02 (a game I already love), with everything I love about KOF? It's the best SNK fighting game out there. Everything I love about Garou, KOF '02, KOF '98, and hell, SF 3rd Strike is in this game, and it's just...idk what else to say. I've glazed it long enough. Play KOF '02. Just play it if you love fighting games.

Deixaram o 2002 bom.

Adicionaram uma pohada de personagens pra esse dream match delicioso, alguns balanceamentos que mudam o jogo drasticamente, e o nameless não é uma re-skin tão ruim.

2002 UM é mto melhor que o Base, se tu prefere o 2002 base ou o Magic plus, vai se foder.
