Reviews from

in the past

This is definitely a good KOF game, its got some pretty cool things that we havent seen in any other game like, boss challenges, custom songs from past games for stages, has some pretty good mod support as well. They even brought back K9999 from copyright limbo, under a new name, Krohnen Mcdougall...

it knows its audience and doesn't try to reinvent the wheel.

I've played other KOF games in the past but this is the first one that I decided to actually learn and its absolutely fantastic. Terry is my dad.

I can't hit confirm to save my life.

kof still stands as one of the few fighting game series that are actually made for the fanbase rather than appealing to outside audiences. make of that what you will—it of course makes the games markedly niche—but for those it appeals to, it feels second to none. probably my favourite thing about kof is its roster of characters that are each their own take on a versatile, refined shoto playstyle rather than half of the cast being primarily shallow, overpowering gimmicks (something sf is really struggling with lately).

the big 3 might include MK for some—but for people like me who are passionate about 2D fighting game design, KOF has to take its place. if only it managed to reach the popularity of others, because i really think KOF15 is a great competitive game that has maybe the least design frustrations of any modern fighting game. fun movement, offense and neutral; all with very few knowledge checks or unintuitive, overwhelming, or flowcharty mechanics.

i would say it's the best release of a fighting game in years but at the time of this review the matchmaking is still broken

i guess we can't have shit

The best released this year bar none. Haven't put that many hours into it since online play doesn't work very well on my platform of choice, but I sure wish I could. Gameplay is top notch, don't think I've played a KoF that feels smoother to play than this one. No real singleplayer content is a real shame, though.

I had never played an SNK game before this and at first it took some getting used to but I really like how it plays now. I also just love the characters. They're super diverse and just feel nice to play and improve with

I prefer 14 but I think the combat is pretty good. I can't say much for Online play because I only play arcade but technically this game is pretty good. I do feel like this game was more of a cash grab for EVO. I'm not a fan of that shift.

I don't want to sound like the "noooo my high execution" guy but the part that i liked abt kof is the gratification of doing needlessly difficult stuff with max mode and i don't find the same feeling labbing combos.
Otherwise, no complaints, not rated yet bc i have still 10> hrs in the game and im still doodoo at kof

Really fun KOF. Love the Garou team coming back in 3D.

i am so fucking glad this game is good i spent 2 years hyping it up

Great presentation and netcode are a huge positive, but the lack of modes and awkward throw mechanic keep it from being a favorite.

A solid addition to the franchise. The launch roster is a bit smaller than XIV's, which was a little disappointing, but DLC appears to be making up for that.

KOFXV is an amazing fighting game1 with an impeccable roster of unique fighters with badass super moves and Climax moves. The characters are vast and feature characters from the history of King of Fighters, as well as Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury. The models are high quality and very artistic in its style and design. The male characters look badass and muscular, while the females look badass, sexy, and cute. The story mode is a classic arcade style story, where you choose 3 members for a team (depending on which 3 are paired based on the roster is who's story you'll go through, with the most important being Isla and Shun'eis being the most important in terms of what happens. The game is a very japanese esk fighter but features a vast amount of diversity among the cast. The game is my second king of fighters and i have to say it was a very amazing and awesome experience. If you were a little unsure about this series of Fighting games, i absolutely recommend it. 😁❤️

Criminal that SNK doesn't know how to advertise, cause this is a really good KOF game. My opinion of this is kinda like my SF6 opinion but altered. It feels stiff at times (Idk a better word to describe it, but the interactions are anything but smooth). I wouldn't put anything above really good, but that's just me.

Não sou lá muito fã de Fighting Games, muito menos de KoF (apesar de amar os antigos até o '99), mas me agradou bastante a gameplay, me parece mais cadenciada e dinâmica comparada ao seu antecessor. Só senti falta da Nakoruru :/

pretty fun mechanics and a good challenge for your hands

I love king of fighters i think the roster is really cool and fun and I rlly enjoy picking three characters for my ass kicking entrouge. I think this one is kinda weird with its reasoning for some of the characters being back but otherwise its the best looking a 3d kof has ever looked in my opinion
i wish street fighter 4 looked like this lol
ALSO B JENET IS BACK!! cant wait for snk to vault her again for another decade but.. atleast shes here! my favorite character purely bc i think her kit is so fun and something abt a pirate lady is intriguing to me.

Id probably either like or dislike this game a lot more if i was aware of more than like 12% of the overarching plot in king of fighters

final thoughts: beating motherfuckers with your high heels will never not be gnarly

i would highly recommend every FG fan to get into KOF and this is honestly an easy to get into entry. fun as fuck and looks sleek as hell

XIV but better. Bring back Raiden!

Best fighting game of the 2020s til SNK drops KOF 16 at the end of the decade.

Yeah, this was really good. Like peak SNK. You're gonna get smoked online, that's normal. But enjoy. I can recommend it, you'll have a lot of fun with it.

free death combos for all characters

Assez technique et difficile a comprendre au premier abord pour un Jeu de combat japonais mais tout est pardonné grace a la jiggles physique et design des personnage feminin