Reviews from

in the past

The Sims 2 for the PSP is, to put it simply, positively bizzare. If you know nothing about this game, the familiar Sims-style character creation will lull you into a false sense of security. Next thing you know, your character is forced to live on a residential area that is built on top of a graveyard, and you'll be dragged into all sorts of uncanny and supernatural hijinks. Of course you can't forget that you got into this mess because your car mysteriously broke, and the mechanic that was supposed to fix it literally disappeared out of thin air, along with your car AND the mechanic's garage. All of this happened while you're getting tutorial'd by a spiritually passionate convenience store owner. This is only the start of a comical, slightly dark and self-referential adventure game that is definitely too strange for its target audience.

"Hold on", you might say. "Adventure game?", you might ask. Yes. This is not a straightforward Sims port, in case it's not clear yet. There are still Sims features here, like managing your sims needs, making your sims learn new skills, and socially interacting with other sims. But the game uses these mechanics, and adds a couple others, in the framework of an adventure game, where you play as a single character and complete various objectives. Think of Shenmue, but with sims. Heck, there's even a recognizable reliance on minigames, such as for the jobs that you'll be doing in order to get cash (whack a mole but with zombies, for example), or the Simon Says minigame for the aforementioned social mechanics. I find this blend of Sims and Shenmue-esque adventure to be a entertaining and novel experience, as it not only has fun ideas, but also executed quite well. For example, a big part of the game is learning other characters' secrets for mission-related reasons, and you can do this by getting close (or intimidate) them. This can be made easier by increasing your character's charisma (practicing speech with a mirror).

The gameplay loop can be quite simplistic and repetitive, and it can be easy to learn a bunch of skills quickly early on, which will make most of the objectives much easier. Despite that, the game just keeps throwing crazy stuff at you, and it's still fun to see everything this wacky game has to offer, even if it's not a very long experience.

The PSP's Sims 2 is like a baby's adventure game. Anyone can finish it if they want to. But giving this to children might irreparably devastate their growth and development, and turn them into literal goblins that speak gibberish. I guess it's subjective whether or not that's a good thing. I vote good.

I just love franchises that did the wildly different ports on EVERY platform they could get their fucking hands on.

This one isn't even slightly the sims, it's a whole ass RPG like the GBA versions.

sims 2 for psp is easily one of the most interesting sims games for me. it has you running around, exploring and uncovering the secrets of never-before seen parts of strangetown after your car breaks down outside a local store.

the gameplay consists of minigames to increase relationship stats and jobs, while also maintaining your skills and needs. there's also hidden secrets to find in each location and with each character. its not a difficult game at all, and not a long one, either. even with 100%ing the game, its not a ton of hours youll have to sink in

i think the writing reallyyyy shines in this game. i have some gripes with the story and how it fits into the pc release of sims 2, but it's not that big of a deal to most people. the writing and humour still holds up very well, though,, its a rlly funny game and the story goes to some absolutely insane places. its exactly the kind of thing i'd expect from a sims game set in strangetown. the environments and music are great too - it has this vaguely eerie atmosphere, at least to me.

the only MAJOR issue i have is that this game runs HORRIBLY on an actual psp. i got halfway through the game on actual hardware until i couldn't stand how poorly it loads - basically, the game loads in each action individually, and in my experience you can spend a whileee just waiting for stuff to load. my 1st time completing the game and my 100% playthrough were done on an emulator.

anyways, this game is one of my favourites of all the console games. it's just a really fun time and id totally recommend it!!! :D

This game doesn't have to be good by a lot of technical standards to enamour people by its contents, I appreciate everyone describing this as a fever dream from their childhood (mine, too). I have so many compelling and strange memories related to this game I cannot prove in anyway. Anyway Beelzebeef. This game has had an insane impact on me. If you're not overly picky about gameplay, this is worth it for its art, story, dialogue, and music. I quote this game a lot, I can say this game is not too rich for YOUR blood.

Pool ladder murder plots, alien abductions, haunted houses, bin man kidnappings, robot wives and mind control. Average Sims game from the mid 2000's.

Me daba miedo la mujer hombre lobo coso de niño saludos

I really enjoyed the storyline but the minigames got mildly annoying. I streamed it on Twitch while I had covid so it kept me busy :)

I really like this game because it's so fucking weird and bizarre that it genuinely frightened me when I played it for the first time on my shitty little Spiderman PSP. I tried to play it again recently and felt like I was committing a crime. Great game

Le jeu est assez vieux, mais je trouve que les graphismes des Sims 2 ont toujours leur charme. L'histoire ne se prend pas au sérieux et c'est assez drôle de rechercher les secrets des personnages. C'est un jeu assez agréable et absolument pas prise de tête. Malgré tout, le gros soucis est la répétitivité des mini-jeux : c'est vraiment lassant de refaire une énième fois le même mini-jeu qui consiste à... appuyer sur une touche pour faire le bon choix de dialogue. En bref : une note pas très objective, surtout basée sur de la nostalgie.

If I didn't have tangible proof of this game's existence, I would think that it was just a fever dream I had when I was younger.

This is the first of the few Sims games I've played, and I always loved it. It's sooo much fun! I've played it so often that, even if it's been many years since the last time, I could complete it without any difficulties and in little time.

It pokes fun to the way players treat their sims in the most known games of the franchise, and I love that they used such a thing for making a (definitely weird) plot for this one.

It's incredibly different from their other games, but I'm glad it is.

existe uma timeline onde os jogos de the sims viraram crpg com histórias engraçadas e complexas, e totalmente metanarrativas... infelizmente não estamos nela, mas temos essa pérola aqui (isso daqui é basicamente gurps rpg!)

Los Sims 2 pero con un modo historia increíble, lleno de todo tipo de historias que van conectando a la perfección y donde te hacen partícipe de todas, incluso algunas secundarias, además, tiene varias mecánicas muy únicas que nunca más veríamos en la saga

Cada cierto tiempo me invaden unas ganas inexplicables de jugar a Los Sims. Como prometí jamás reinstalar Los Sims 4 de nuevo, desempolvé la Vita para probar este juego que conocí por YouTube.

Tiene carisma y una atractiva interpretación de la franquicia, no es un port mediocre. Los personajes y diálogos son divertidos.

Puedes ligarte a una fantasma, una ginoide, una vampira, y probablemente también una alienígena. 10/10, esto sí es diversidad.

Mi mayor queja es que es demasiado fácil y repetitivo. Las interacciones con los NPCs y minijuegos son variantes de Whack-A-Mole y Simón Dice que aburren a la brevedad. Una pena porque disfruto la historia tan alocada sin pretensiones.

Jugaría plácidamente una versión moderna. Sus fallas son fáciles de corregir: que los muebles para aumentar stats tengan un límite máximo, incentivando el ahorro para comprar mejores y así evitar una ruptura de la dificultad; que una sola interacción de amistad o romance pueda llegar hasta el máximo nivel según el carisma porque el sistema de secretos hace inútil dejar una relación a medias; y no abusen del mismo minijuego para todo. En resumen: háganlo más RPG.

t fou on pouvait baiser dans le jacuzzi

Comprei na expectativa de só jogar o jogo que todo mundo tinha, mas na realidade recebi um RPG de resolução de mistérios (???)
Até não seria tão ruim, se pra cada atividade o jogo não precisasse travar por 5 segundos enquanto o CD rodava freneticamente, carregando a cena
Além de que eu só queria construir minha casa e ver os loucos tacando fogo em tudo kkkk