Reviews from

in the past

Meme culture changes so fast it's kind of insane, I'm sure this was the funniest shit back in early 2021 but playing it nowadays had me staring at the jokes with an emotionless plain face like I was watching SNL.

I only played this for the plausible deniability of having "how to commit tax evasion" show up in my search history. Look no further Mr. IRS agent, I just needed to get that platinum trophy.

Nice but the movement is kinda annoying

Funny! Charming! Decent puzzles! Subpar movement and combat!

Was near the end and my Xbox decided to sync save data from the cloud, overwriting my progress with an older save file. Booooooo.

The game is good enough that I was going to finish it, but it's not good enough to replay an hour to catch up to where I was.

O melhor: Sonegar imposto
O pior: Movimentação podia ser mais rápida
Rentável: Dá para ganhar vários troféus/achievements em coisa de 2 horas de jogo, o que provavelmente não vai ajudar sua situação fiscal, mas né...

TBCTE é um Zelda-like bem curto, fácil e engraçadinho. Seus memes e referências às vezes funcionam, às vezes não, mas nunca chegam a incomodar. Dá pra terminar a história principal numa única sessão e mesmo os conteúdos extras pós-game são bem simples. Algo bacana pra jogar entre outras coisas maiores, mas nada de especial.

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(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

You tear up a bunch of papers, and you tear up a bunch of love. And you throw things in the trash, and you kill giant pigs. And you steal a watering can, and you whack a tangerine dog. And... hum. No, I think- And you swap a baby for a stool, and you blow up stuff with a cherry. And you see a spoopy ghost!

It was funnier than I thought.

I hate the game so much that I filed my taxes the next day after playing it.

Engraçadinho e fofinho, mas um tanto amador

Jogo do nabo ancap. Herói incompreendido

A tiny Zelda-like with a sense of humor, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion turns conventional manners on their head in a fun and forgettable journey through Veggieville. The game opens with Turnip Boy tearing up the overdue tax notice from Mayor Onion, and you’ll spend the next hour and a half running around town completing small fetch quests for the inhabitants. While I enjoyed the writing well enough, the gameplay itself lacks the fun combat and clever puzzles of other Zelda-likes. I also experienced many technical problems on the Xbox Series build of the game, including unpopped achievements and multiple crashes in two hours. If it weren’t for the technical problems, this would be a 3/5!

it's cute with charming dialogue but nothing special in terms of actually being something to play. the length is in a good spot where it doesn't overstay its welcome which helps a ton. worth a look if you have access to it through a subscription service, it shows up in a bundle, or there's a nice discount.

the game immediately going into you ripping up your tax form with no other info or context after hitting start in the main menu made me SCREAM. 😭

Cute little Zelda-like that feels like asdfmovie turned into a video game. Brought me back to that weird time of the internet and kind of loved it.

You can do basically everything in the game in about 3 or 4 hours, definetly the perfect kind of quick game to play on Game Pass over the course of a day or two.

Some of the mechanics can feel kind of jank, and unfortunately on Xbox three of the achievements are just flat out broken (such a shame cause this is one of the easiest and most pleasant max achievements I've ever had in a game).

The lag on the very first screen of the game also got worse and worse every time you did an objective, I have no idea why it happens and it only effects the first screen of the game. Heard neither of those issues exist on PC

Super charming and hilarious game from start to finish, if you have Game Pass, no real reason not to play this. If not, I'd probably only get it if you could get it for like less than 5$.

EDIT: Went onto PC Game Pass and got the last two achievements on there, took me about an hour and was worth it lol. Going through the game a second time I noticed some cool story beats too. Man what a weird game lol

Engraçadinho, curtinho e bobinho.

Levei umas 2h pra concluir, e talvez se durasse mais do que isso eu não recomendaria. Mas já que é curtinho considero uma boa pedida pra jogar no xCloud pelo celular, ou só pra passar o tempo.

Overall a very enjoyable game, my only grips with it the price for how much you get (15 bucks for a game that can be finished in less than an hour), the puzzles were way too easy, and some of the dialogue was just too memey for me taste.

But yeah overall it's pretty good.

they figured out how to teleport a game from 2010 into 2021

I get to evade taxes AND be a gamer? This game was written for me

It is probably too high a bar to compare Turnip Boy to classic top-down Legend of Zelda, though that would feel like the obvious comparison. It never sticks the landing and the adventure game aspects feel distinctly half-baked.

Early LoZ adventures are well-known for their emphasis on both combat and puzzle sequences, but Turnip Boy does neither of these metrics competently. The puzzles are very simple to figure out, and completing the longer sequences is consequently more tedious than satisfying. The combat feels like a downright afterthought as well. Bosses usually incorporate the latest item and puzzle mechanics in Zelda fashion, but the enemy patterns are simple and the AI and pathing are absymal. All you have to do is just wait for a boss to stand still and then smack it a bunch of times rather than doing what the game actually wants you to do.

The game is really just a series of fetch quests in order to move forward the story and obtain collectables. You will mainly be interacting with various NPCs, reading through quirky dialogue, picking up an item, backtracking through the map and repeating that process to open up more parts of the overworld.

Unfortunately, the dialogue is the worst part about this game by far. It is hard to explain how excrutiating it is, but the best way I can describe it is as if the Borderlands 2 writing team was staffed by people who grew up on pre-2016 Tumblr and Undertale. I don't understand how, in 2021, the developer thought it would be funny to have just one of the NPCs do the entire Navy Seals copypasta. However, that seems to be the caliber of "humor" in this game.

Consequently, the closest Zelda title this actually resembles is Super Flash Bros' unofficial fangame The Legend of Zelda and the Lampshade of No Real Significance (2005). Lampshade was a Flash game where the aim was also focused on doing fetch quests to progress the game and followed the exact same formula. It also had the same focus on off-beat humor, but the dialogue of Lampshade was a product of early to mid-2000's Newgrounds culture. It is hard for me to determine if that is better or worse than the dialogue in this game, though.

Although the game has excellent pixel art, it appears to be following the trend of many modern indie titles that prioritize style over substance. Consequently, my overall impression of the game was poor.

Joguinho simples e fácil de zerar, os bosses não são dificultosos, é só acostumar com a mecânica. Excelente para passar tempo!

found out about this game absolutely by chance while browsing some cute short games to play and it surprised me forreal

the title says all you need to know about this release turnip boy commits tax evasion and thats basically it

story wise this is absolutely fucking dumb you get an onion boy (which in italian is called rapetto its so fucking cute whaaaaaat also side note the Italian version is kinda competent but I feel some jokes were lost during the 1 to 1 translation but most of the puns are untouched and its still kinda funny) who doesn't pay his fucking taxes and begins a quest to first and foremost repay his debt but also ripping any single piece of paper that resembles taxes so thats cool ideally I relate to this character

for what this is its basically a BS premise and thats what the game tries to do the entire charm of it all is the quirky writing and the cute little character arts and interactions which generally feel amusing with all the Internet puns and what not that the creators vomited into this and it's great

this works like a 2d zelda like game with top down perspective different objects to use ferry quests and simple and straightforward combat which was neither too interesting nor too boring to get used to so yeah

the portrait style is super cute and the pixel art is well done so yeaaaaaa

that's actually all the things worth noting this is a super short game and deserves a super short review but that doesn't mean this isn't a cool game

for 2 hours (ish? I dont actually remember) it's fun

I wasn't expecting the competent OST and surely I was NOT expecting the absolute masterpiece that is the final boss theme I lost my damn mind this song is fucking great I can't believe it's from a game like this honestly the little jazzy breakdown in the first minute of the song ? I gasped masterpiece

PS I read in the credits the creator(s) thanking their 2 mothers im so glad they included that LGBT peeps are thriving

OH also didn't play the dlc couldnt be bothered to be honest I'm sorry rapetto I failed you

It's exactly what you would expect.

this game would go hard if I was still the twitch watching loser I was in 2020

I was blinded by the great name and the pictures. Sadly, the gameplay is basic at best, the characters are not nearly as interesting as I had hoped for and the music starts to annoy after 2 minutes of hearing it. I wanted to like it, but I ended up refunding it.

this game has that smiley face pfp youtuber humor and i hate it

Engraçadinho e curto.
Combate é bem quadradão, mas é um jogo gostosinho.

I think this is what people mean when they describe something as being "reddit".

"Turnip Boy" surprised me. I had heard it was easy achievements (and it's definitely that) but I got more than a gamerscore boost as the game was a lot of fun. It's very easy, but I liked that the game felt purposefully at odds with the stressful story. I loved the writing too and all of the characters. Felt like a middle schooler wrote it who secretly thinks they're cooler than everyone else, but actually are. I want a sequel!

What an exhaustibly unfunny game. Yes, the Turnip Boy does commit tax evasion, and that's the funniest bit the game has. Under the surface, it's a pretty mediocre 2D Zelda style fetch quest into dungeon loop for gameplay. I don't have much to say having not finished it, but the novelty just wore off within the first hour. Good for a quick gag and then never to really be thought about again.

Played through whilst in the airport/on a flight. Neat little world, funny characters, decent bosses, and all round good couple of hours spent.

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