Reviews from

in the past

the true deception here is valorant convincing anyone that it is a good game

Hey, I'm Nathan Drake and if you're the adventurous type like me then get in on the Subway Taste For Adventure for a chance to win epic trips and exclusive access to Uncharted 3! Get your code on thirty ounce drinks today! Subway, where winners eat! Ouch.

It's just as good as Uncharted 2 but people really like to pretend it isn't

Not pushing the boundaries that the previous game did but still some solid storytelling with excellent set pieces

Jogo é maravilhoso, a jogabilidade é ótima, o combate é fenomenal, a história é incrível e os gráficos são incríveis

Gameplay: Good
Story: Great
Controls: Good
Graphics: Good
Length: Great

Easily the weakest of the series past Uncharted 2, but still great. I think this one is a little full of itself after the success of Among Thieves. I'm fine with games having slower moments that progresses the plot and whatnot, but this one went a little crazy with it.

Odd, I have a sudden craving for Subway!

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never trust a blonde woman or a british woman, especially if they're both

My favorite of the franchise. Takes everything great about 2 and makes it better. The plane mission is one of if not the best in the whole series

way too over hated. honestly better than 2 imo

My first memory of this game was from those Nathan Drake Subway ads

Tecnicamente eu achei esse jogo quase um milagre pra um PS3 kkkkkk. Não só pelos gráficos, mas todas as animações e fisica de destruição nos cenários é de tirar o chapéu levando em conta o seu ano de lançamento. É como se fosse um vislumbre do que iamos ver posteriormente no PS4!

É um daqueles exclusivos que é a cara da Sony, com uma pegada cinematografica forte do inicio ao fim. Em alguns momentos perdem um pouco a mão com isso deixando trechos especificos um tanto chatos. Mas já em outras partes esse elemento é casado perfeitamente com a gameplay entregando cenas épicas e memoraveis.

O roteiro não é dos melhores ou mais interessantes, porém o pulo do gato nessa franquia é seus personagens. O Drake e o Sully formam uma dupla muito bacana de se acompanhar, ambos tem muito carisma e te seguram durante toda a campanha com tranquilidade.

Os vilões são certamente um dos pontos fracos aqui, no inicio soam genéricos e sem muita alma. Já no final... também! kkkkkkkk. Não existe quase nada de desenvolvimento dos mesmos, e obviamente isso acaba tirando muito do peso na conclusão do game. O que era pra ser um grande climax simplesmente não chega lá!

Mas em compensação o game apresenta uma excelente variedade de cenarios que cativam! Trás muito aquela sensação de aventura no pique ''Sessão da Tarde'', onde voce e seu grupo estão descobrindo coisas fantasticas e nunca antes vistas. Acaba sendo como no Uncharted 4, tudo é bonito e satisfatório de se explorar!

Aqui vai um destaque para a parte dos piratas e do deserto também. Esses dois trechos em questão são o ápice do que o game todo pode entregar, são umas boas horas do puro suco do entretenimento que envolve o genero ação/aventura. É simplesmente uma sessão memoravel e muito divertida!

Esses pontos positivos que citei acima são muito bem sustentados pelas excelentes trilhas sonoras que existem aqui. Não são muitos jogos que me chamam a atenção nesse lado, mas aqui certamente não foi o caso. Várias melodias são marcantes, e ficam um tempo na sua cabeça!

Zerei esse game pelo emulador de PS3 para computador. Sobre essa experiencia foi longe de ser a ideal! Não estou criticando a equipe por trás desse emulador, pois tenho uma leve noção do quão dificil é emular um hardware tão diferenciado como era o do PS3.

Porém, não posso deixar de mencionar que esse game é extremamente pesado para ser emulado. Tentei diversas configurações mas as melhoras de performance eram poucas. Utilizo aqui um processador Ryzen 5600 e uma placa Nvidia 3060ti juntamente com 32GB de memoria Ram. E mesmo com essas peças foi extremamente dificil segurar 30 frames. Em trechos especificos chegava a bater uma média de 15 fps! É absurdo de ruim kkkkkkkk. Só recomendo essa experiencia pra quem quer MUUUUITO zerar, como foi meu caso rs.

De maneira geral o jogo tem momentos incriveis, outros legais e alguns simplesmente chatos como já citei. Mas vale muito a pena zerar, é uma experiencia bem prazerosa no saldo final!

It's like every other game in this franchise except for the fourth one, competent and fun, but unfortunately, it doesn't go beyond that.

i was so excited for uncharted 3 after starting/shelving it nearly a year ago. when i finished among thieves, i was so into the series and the characters. but after this playthrough, i felt like i was just so caught up in the things that were frustrating that any redeeming qualities felt difficult to appreciate!

shooting feels clunky at times & lacks any sort of feedback, leaving me emptying entire magazines into regular enemies only for them to flinch. getting in/out of cover is inconsistent. i'd also oftentimes feel confused as to where i was supposed to go/what i was expected to do (not necessarily in a fun, puzzle-y type way), running around a small area trying to find where the game wanted me to hit triangle. any time i was exploring/traversing an area, it felt as though i was always bumping into something/not quite where i wanted to be.

i don't think that the series as a whole is lackluster, and im not saying that i dont think this game didn't have anything to offer. i did enjoy the shipyard chapters, music, and action set-pieces, but about halfway through i found myself just speeding through trying to get it over with! just my experience with this one.

The best uncharted game dont @ me

Massive downgrade from Uncharted 2. I always heard that they designed the set pieces before writing the story and god does it show. Really lame entry in the series with maybe only one or two cool moments.

I think I was a little burned out when I played this one, I had just played 1 and 2 back to back in anticipation of the release of 4, and this just felt like a slog. I'd like to retry it again some day, but until then...

Oyunun yüksek boyutundan dolayı kutulu olarak alayım dedim 4. Cd de anca çalıştı. Türkçe dublaj ı olması keza ayrı bi güzeldi. Seslendirmeler kaliteliydi ama oyun içinde yer yer az geldiği için altyazıyı da açtım. Bu sefer yakın dövüşe ayrı bir önem verilmiş gizlilik de biraz daha geliştirilmiş ama çok değil gene bir şekilde olay silahlı çatışmaya bağlanıyor. Güzel bir yakın dövüş başlangıcından sonra oyun bulmacaya ağırlık vermeye başlıyor. Üst üste bulmaca çözüyorsunuz. Oyunun yarısına kadar böyle devam ediyor daha sonra full aksiyona dönüyor ki oyundan istediğim şey zaten buydu bunu da güzel yapıyor. Hikâyeye biraz daha önem verilmiş. 2. Oyundaki son bossdan çok daha iyi son boss da var. 2. Oyundan daha az aksiyona sahip olsa da 3. Oyun da size eğlenceli saatler yaşatıyor. Kafa dağıtmalık aksiyon oyunu arıyorsanız kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.

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If you know me and my opinions on Uncharted, then this rating is probably just as surprising to you as it is to me. But it's true; despite all odds, Uncharted 3 is phenomenal. I cannot describe just how much better it is than its predecessors without sounding hyperbolic, but what I will say is that it is literally unbelievable. I'm still in shock.

Every single thing is better here: the puzzles are brain-teasing and satisfying to solve, the melee combat is way more fleshed out and a great pace-breaker to the gunplay (which is also really good here), there are so many more animations for all your actions throughout the game, the score is great, the villains are competent threats while being hatable bastards AND have connections to the characters, and this is the first game in the series where the shootouts all feel memorable, distinct, and follow a smooth difficulty curve throughout the game.

But what I love is how perfect the pacing is. Every chapter flows seamlessly into the next, and the game expertly creates natural feeling ending points for each chunk of the game that always left me feeling satisfied with what I accomplished and eagerly looking forward to my next session.

And WOWZERS is the spectacle here incredible! Part of this has to do with how much more I like the locales here. Never ending jungles and the Himalayan mountains? Eh, not my thing. South America, the middle east, and A PIRATE SHIP GRAVEYARD!!!!! Yessir. But beyond that, everything that happens is mind-blowing; the chases through rooftops and crowded city streets, the burning chateau, the caves full of spiders, the drug trips, the sinking ship, and of course the plane. Every sequence is spectacular, and they finally feel thrilling and not like they play themselves. After chapter 15 I had to put the game down and just sit with my thoughts for a long time, and I don't remember the last time a game made me do that.

But the absolute best part of all is how the game focuses so sincerely on the characters. The core of the story is about the relationship between Nate and Sulley, exploring their origins as well as the depths of their trust. It's a story about loyalty that finally turns these stupid, tropey, archetype husks into compelling characters. When Sulley said he would've shot Charlie "like a rabid dog," that moment hit, and that moment would've felt so unearned with just the first two games, but this game does such an outstanding job of establishing that relationship.

And my favorite part of all, Drake finally faces the consequences of his actions. His companions constantly tell him that this treasure hunt isn't worth it, a point that would be so superficial in the other two games, but feels earned here. Drake's pride becomes apparent as he tries to shrug off the question time and again, and for the entire second half of the game, the treasure is the last thing on his mind as he finally humbles himself and looks back on how he's dragged everyone in his life into such a mess. It's brilliant. This is finally an actual character-focused story, with actual character arcs and real stakes. I can't believe it took three games to get to this point but I also can't believe that it's this good. My only gripe is that there are a few contrivances that move the story along, but its only like three that I recall sticking out, and I don't think that they're so egregious that they take me out of the game in any way.

I only have one question: how the hell can Uncharted 4 top this?

Felt a little more formulaic than 2. Played the first mission in 3D, it was terrible.

Okay, so he hasn't taken on Clowns yet, but they've tackled public enemy number 2: British People.

Uncharted 3 is basically just a worse version of uncharted 2. While Uncharted 3 has more setpieces and more spectacle than 2, it came at the cost of the quality of the story. The story in Uncharted has never been anything to write home about but it was decent enough to get invested in thanks to the characters, but this game just feels so thoroughly confused that it's hard to get invested. Halfway through the game the story literally pivots and half of the characters (who were honestly pretty interesting to watch interact with each other) leave.

For being the 3rd game in the series on the same console one would hope that this game would be the one to create some changes to the core structure and maybe try to get more interactivity and reinvent the cinematic game once again, Uncharted 3 doesn't do any of this, which would be okay if it at least felt like a genuine improvement over uncharted 2 in some way.

While I have been taking a long dig at this game I will say I still like parts of it, the setpieces are all fun to go through, and the characters are still fun to watch in the short time they have. Thanks to all this I still find this a more enjoyable experience over Uncharted 1. Overall a pretty okay game that still has its fun.

I think my uncle raped me to this game

imagine uncharted 2 but slightly less impressive because uncharted 2 did it all first.

Uncharted 3 is a very strange end of a trilogy that started out great but ended in the depths of hollywood mainstream action.

Drake's Deception is clearly an upgrade in almost every front, featuring supreme platforming sections, great shooting sections and amazing set pieces that make you feel each and every location, making it a very visually stunning experience.

What drags this game down is that despite being shorter than Uncharted 2, it feels much longer because there are basically no breaks from the non stop action, and you get used to it real fast. After 3 hours, you will get totally numb to any of the fantastic action, no matter how good it looks, and the whole experience becomes a giant mess of explosions and shooting.

At one point I almost deleted the game because I felt no motivation to even finish it as the story itself is the weakest in the trilogy.

At least Sully has a major role in this adventure, and that left me a tiny bit of motivation to continue.

I wonder if I played this at release it would’ve felt better but the controls just felt so off in many ways. The gunfights were awful but I felt like they were never the best in any of the games. The stages and set pieces were really cool and pretty though. If you’re going through the series I still think it’s worth playing as it had some fun sections. Also Drake quit falling pls.

Sin estar a la altura de su anterior entrega, sigue siendo un blockbuster irresistible y quizás el que mejor fluye de principio a fin de toda la saga, pasados eso sí ese comienzo tan torpón en los túneles de Londres.