Reviews from

in the past

Starts off as fluff (featuring a lot of fluffy boys) but it goes to some certainly interesting places by the end. If you thought it was hard to parse what other characters are thinking in Echo, just wait until you read the explicitly political work by the same group of authors. If anything, I think it takes quite a while to get going, but every character feels like they get quite a lot of time to develop and slowly have more of their beliefs and motives exposed. The central romance is very good too but it's not like that's much of a surprise because I already read Echo so I know what these guys are capable of.

This game made me a furry but isn't even my fav!!!

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got about 10? hours in (stopped around when you visit amicus in the dungeon for the first time) and it's fine. kind of drags and a lot of the nsfw parts feel really forced. that being said it's probably the most well written piece of gay porn i've experienced thus far

its a furry porn visual novel with pretty good worldbuilding and a heartwrenching story

Daaaaamn that was really good ! Was expecting a lot after playing echo but it did not dissapoint in the slightest !

Solid characters stuck in a pretty cookie-cutter narrative. The wolf man is hot, as he should be.

The first half is great, the second half less so
I don't like the places where you got to make a decision which on the surface doesn't matter at all, but it actually can lead you to a lesser ending, and some of the characters are rather dumb and their personalities swing.

wow such furry, very much cry

This might be the only instance where i feel truly loved for once

i read this long ass ago and forgot to mark it here. it was ok. i learned i have a tsui no sora sleeper agent in me because for some reason i was able to connect tsui no sora and this together and told my friend in a frenzy about it.

I think there was a point in my life where I'd have liked it more, but right now it's just fine. The characters are interesting, the plot is entertaining, the emotional beats mostly hit, it's fine. The worldbuilding has some weird implications that I don't really want to know the answer to. It's fine.

Revistando minha review eu percebi que a história é boa mas o problema em si é no pacing da história, tem alguns dias da história onde a história é mais pacata e é apenas um slice of life, onde você começa a conhecer melhor os personagens e um pouco das suas motivações mas o problema são os personagens em si que não possuem um bom desenvolvimento. Eles começam de um jeito e terminam do mesmo jeito isso é algo que falta aqui mas não são todos mas é uma boa maioria. Como eu havia dito no meu post original a história é como uma montanha russa, tem muitas coisas boas e elas ultrapassam as coisas ruins da história que no geral é boa me lembrando até do filme titanic de quão emocionante a história pode ficar.

Well, first off, I want to say that I did like Adastra! I liked a lot about it, and while I surprisingly didn't fall into the Simp-for-Amicus group of gay furries (which I fully expected myself to fall into, as I am gay furry trash), I really liked the characters and the lore and world-building. Let's dive in!

Adastra starts with a rough first hour that, while I do like that the main character and player character (Here on out I'm just gonna call him Marco, cause that's the canon name I'm pretty sure) very much didn't like this idea of him being kidnapped by an alien wolf-man who accidentally went to Earth thinking that it was a subservient planet and kidnapped Marco because he wanted a pet.
That's how things get set in motion.
In my opinion, while the story never tries to pretend that it's not a bad thing, it also never fully gets to justify it in a way that makes the rest of the story (and eventual romance) be better. It's always something that's hanging over Marco and Amicus, and instead of diving into it like I half-expected Howly, the writer, to do, it just kinda gets brushed off to the side, and even semi-justified near the end (no spoilers in this review!).
Not a great start to a gay romance-centered visual novel, in my opinion! I think there's a way to get everything to happen where Marco and Amicus meet and Marco gets to Adastra and the rest of the story happens without throwing in a very very questionable sort of "falling in love with my abductor" romance. I'm not gonna call it Stockholm Syndrome cause that's way too extreme, especially because the story tries valiantly to make Amicus more liked after this initial first impression and to give him more reasons, and a good scene of him admitting he fucked up. While I don't personally like this start, I'm glad it stays in the air and in the mind of both Amicus and Marco, even if I wish it was resolved better.
This start is what made two of my friends give up on this right off the bat, and I really don't blame them, honestly.
I also understand that, yes, this is a gay, furry visual novel with an obviously schlocky tone (at parts) that makes these events just seem more like an isekai than an abduction, and that's fine, but I still don't like it. It's the weakest part of Adastra to me, but thankfully it does get better from there.

Moving right along from my massive criticism of the start, the rest of the visual novel is a fucking blast. The characters are all superbly well-written and given quirks, personalities and fun moments that are consistent and give them all a very good breath of life. Howly's strong suit, in my opinion, is making these characters real and I love his writing for it, because I do end up really caring about Cassius' motivations, despite his cruel and elitist attitude, and I really do want to know more about Virginia, despite (and in spite of) her standoffish attitude and absolute indifference, bordering on contempt, for Marco. I especially applaud Amicus' character, because we spend the most time with him (and Marco, of course) and are able to really get a feel for what he's like while performing the role of soon-to-be emperor, or how he reacts to stress and failure, and especially how he treats his own sexuality. It's a character that feels very rooted in personal introspection, and I can really relate with him, and I love that he's able to grow, fail, and even stagnate throughout this story. It's just so, human. I love it!
Marco might be my least favorite character, through no fault of his characterization or anything like that! I just don't think we should have seen things from his POV, really. If he was referred to like Chase was in Echo, as being a character but not a self-insert, I think it really would have helped a bit with a few things, I think.
The story also gets praise from me! I loved the world-building and political intrigue that came with all these characters coming together, because it was not just fleshed out but felt almost like an espionage thriller at points. The politics of Adastra and the rest of the sibling empires is so fucking interesting and cutthroat that I want nothing more than to read the wikipedia entries for all of them!
Granted, there are several late-story elements that are more heavily involved and introduced into the galactic scale of things that I really, kinda don't like? Without going too far into things, Adastra dives headfirst into some deep themes like political warfare, sexuality, and religion, but then seemingly leaves the water very quickly when it comes to religion, going as far as to even just have a very, set-in-stone view on how things work here. It was just kind of, out of place given the events of Adastra and what all happens, and while I know Khemia goes into things a bit more, it just feels weird that something so vast and mysterious is treated as so cut and dry here.
Given Howly's writing of religion in Echo and especially Arches, I just wanted more to be done here. Second thing I think really impacts Adastra for me!
Even after I say all this, though, the thing that really elevates Adastra enough that I can just deal with the quirks I don't like, is the romance. Oh my GOD is it well written. Despite their tumultuous start, Amicus and Marco fall so head over heels for each other in such an endearing, affectionate and loving way that it almost made me cry several times through the story. It's fucking awesomely written, and it's the absolute highlight of Adastra for me and why I would recommend it. S-tier writing, especially for the gays!

With that, I really liked the presentation of Adastra as well. Haps on the sprite work was aboslutely incredible and I loved each full illustration and each change of the sprites, just so well done, well characterized and stylistic. Beautiful!

At the end of the day, though, I may have wanted a bit more from this than I think I should have expected from this? Adastra isn't as subversive as Echo, nor is it as confrontational, but it doesn't need to be. It's a romance story with political drama, a story of star-crossed lovers finding peace, or trying to, all while coming to terms with sexuality. It's really nice, for the most part! I liked it a lot, and I think I'd like to replay this again later. I debated giving this 3 1/2 stars, but just thinking of the romance bumped it back up to 4 lmao

the game is cool as fuck and virginia is a girlboss but it isnt for me
the writing is topnotch in some scenes though

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Amicus best husband.

This game is THE reason why I cry more easily at media now. It's amazing.

passei uns 40 minutos direto chorando sem parar,adorei

It's great to see this visual novel mostly finished, as I had previously played when it still didn't have its true ending. I love the characters that Haps drew for this game, their personalities certainly shining through visually to heighten the in-game text. The special in-game art that would appear in certain scenes were a treat as well, especially the newly added ones for my second playthrough. While it's easy to expect stock images and music for visual novels like these, they served the story and setting enough to not be distracting. Though I can understand if the story doesn't appeal to everyone, I had a great time through my visit in Adastra and its grand space opera.

am i the only one who thinks this is like cruelty squad but with all of its humor removed n placed within the context of a indie furry game about roman space wolves?

but ye, this actually moved me. the characters were fascinating and weren't onesided, the art was pretty gorgeous, and i can tell that the developers didn't set out to be some calarts grift.

wolven nick mullen: hey what about this amicus voice hey i'm anti-uplift amicus, i hate the khemians. also i'm a tail-raiser

I'm a massive furry and I'm a massive gay, thouroughly enjoyed it

I was trying to figure out why I was having so much trouble attempting to review this game, until I realize it is a visual novel so I am writing a review of just a story more so than an actual game. So take this as a warning, I am no literary critic.

Adastra was a really great visual novel that I never felt bored or tired of reading. It tells a compelling story full of queer romance and brutal space politics. As an avid Mass Effect fan as well, I love myself some queer romance and space politics.

I was worried near the start of this game that it was going to be awfully predictable plot wise. A shortcoming of many stories, especially many visual novels, is how predictable they can be. Visual novels especially are often guilty of falling into the same line of tropes. I worry was luckily unfounded. Though there were some incredibly predictable plot twists, there were many that I was not expecting. Additionally, the predictable "twists" naturally felt as if they were supposed to be predictable near the end of the story almost as a way of testing the player before throwing them into another completely unexpected twist. This alone cemented my appreciation for this game. It successfully kept me interested, I always wanted to know what was going to happen next considering my expectations were often incorrect. I think this alone cements Adastra or any other story as something worthy of praise and worthy of your time.

The other massively powerful element in Adastra are the characters. Virtually all visual novels are character focused and Adastra is no exception. Adastra's gallery of quirky critters is not the largest, but they are all super fleshed out for the most part. No single character really fell into a solid archetype that I've seen elsewhere which made them all seem fresh and unique. Again, the uniqueness of these characters kept me interested in the story throughout which I believe is the sign of success in a visual novel. For the sake of length and keeping this spoiler free, I will no go into the specifics of characters. Though it must be said, some characters are much more fleshed out than others.

I believe this is a good place to move to talking about what I did not like so much, what keeps this story from being a 4.5 or 5 star. Though every character is incredibly well written, some of them are significantly weaker than others. Additionally, some characters, though good, stay quite stagnant throughout the story in concerns to development. Thinking about it now, very few characters develop much at all. Great, abundant character development is not something I believe is always necessary, but it does leave some characters feeling a little less concerned for writing wise than others.

A final critical thought I have, for the sake of time, is that I believe Adastra could have greatly benefited from more choice. Again, choice is not something a visual novel MUST have. Adastra is a linear experience and that is completely fine. I simply feel that Adastra is the perfect game to have more choice considering the political navigation that happens within the story. Lack of choice does not damage the story of Adastra, but I feel it does hinder the experience of Adastra as a game. Simply missed potential and something I would like to see more of in the sequel.

I loved Adastra because it hits the marks of what I believe a good visual novel should have. I had a great experience going through it with my partner, voice acting the characters, giving them silly voices that accidentally fit their personalities perfectly. Without a doubt, an experience that cannot be matched in the same way.

Oh yeah, can't forget the HOT FURRY SEX. I liked it, but definitely a secondary thought for me concerning the game. Adastra is not a porn game, it just acknowledges the importance of sexuality in the experience of being alive. It does so in a tasteful way and that's all you can ask for. Do not go into Adastra looking for specially the NSFW elements because you will find yourself quite bored as they are sparse. What Adastra does offer to the space, however, is well drawn and written. It is more cute than anything else.

a game i completed and got tattooed to my wrist less than two months later. love is worth fighting for.

Esse video resume o que você vai encontrar nesse jogo mas tirando isso é ok. os personagens são bons mas a história em si é boa mas não tanto. A história é bem emocionante com algumas partes que realmente me pegaram desprevenido, mas no final do dia é só ok.

Adastra feels like exactly what it is; a much more lighthearted side project written to take a break from writing the literary behemoth that is Echo. Sure, lighthearted for EchoProject still includes a handful of emotionally distressing scenes, but they're in a much lesser number, intensity, and frequency when compared to something like Echo. In fact, I feel like this story is missing or weaker in a lot of the aspects I find particularly intriguing about Echo, but that kind of feels like that's the point?

Adastra strikes me as something that's more accessible to a furry audience than Echo, but way, way less accessible to a general audience. Dating the buff, half-naked (and sometimes fully naked) wolf man is kind of 'The Point' in Adastra--the Itch pages say as much; Adastra is described first and foremost a romance VN, and Echo a horror VN. This is a narrative goal, of course, that is going to appeal wayyy more to furries, and so if you liked Echo in spite of its presentation, I probably wouldn't recommend this one to you for the handful of scenes that remind me most of that game.

But does the game deliver on this goal? Generally, yeah, but I still can't help but feel disappointed in how predictable the arc of everything is, an aspect I don't think I'd ever ascribe to Echo. Sure, there's romance drama and royal drama but it's not very difficult to see the vague direction of where the story is headed, even if the path towards it is blurry at times. The political story almost feels a bit Shakesperean, and I don't really mean that as a compliment; it feels very telegraphed and theatrical, if that makes any sense. The heavy usage of Greco-Roman aesthetics and focus on royal power dynamics certainly doesn't help with that.

I wish the sci-fi elements were a bit more present. The world building is cool, and there's a decent amount of bits we get of it, but the story doesn't really start indulging in it until well past the half way mark. Aside from that most of it just feels like an explanation for the Isekai to happen, and such a vast majority of the story happens exclusively in the palace that it's pretty easy to forget that you got to this planet in a space ship that could shorten time and space in front of itself, even with the presence of Com. Just feels like a missed opportunity imo.

There are honestly a lot of missed opportunities in Adastra. I wish the MC wasn't so blank-slate. I wish we saw more than a couple of sapient races, since the game brings up the fact that there's probably, like, hundreds of them. The sex scenes feel, gratuitous, I guess? Like you could replace most (not all, but most) of them with a fade to black and not really miss anything. But I have to remind myself what the 'goal' of this VN is in the first place and that a lot of people are going to be coming to this specifically for those scenes. No wonder it's got twice as many ratings on itch compared to Echo.

I personally liked Adastra despite my issues with it, but I'm in, or at least, pretty close to, the target demographic here. I can't really see anyone too far from it getting anything out of this like I could see with Echo.

Ultimately, Adastra almost feels a bit too polished, and in that, becomes a little too reserved, like it's got all of its harsh edges sanded off. Echo is radical and experimental, it feels like a truly forward thinking piece of media. Despite having much more graphic sexuality than Echo ever does (and outnumbering its sex scenes in a third of the time), Adastra feels like it plays it a little too safe, at least as far as you can for a gay furry VN. There are hints, glimpses of something outstanding here, and there are a few scenes that I'd say cross into that, but largely Adastra is "pretty good escapism (only applicable for a small demographic) but not super notable." Not a bad place to end up for a video game, but seeing what Echo was just makes me wish this was so much more.

This game has traumatized a lot of furries all around the world, and it all has been because Amicus... IS PROLLY THE HOTTEST SPACE WOLF TO EVER EXIST!!! (If you don't count O'Donnell that is but like, that's not the point)

Why aren't you real dear space communist :''''''(