Reviews from

in the past

I didn't like this nearly as much as the first game. I felt the atmosphere was no longer creepy, it no longer felt like it was mimicking a specific retro era but instead just doing the "big dots" thing for its own sake (though I realize this game was made entirely by one person, so I'll forgive the pixel art graphics, but the previous game felt like it had more of a purpose for them). Story and gameplay less interesting to me, but I loved when I got to visit an era that heavily resembled the first game. And the "crossing over" between two worlds was a nice idea.

The combat in this game felt a bit weird with the weapons you had at your disposal compared to the first game, but some of the abilities you get later on made the exploration enjoyable enough to not really care.

I think people give this game too much grief for changing up the formula that the original laid out. They took a risk by deviating slightly from the rigid metroidvania genre the original was known for, and while it doesn't always pay off, I have to commend them for trying something different. Especially when they could have very easily just made that first game again, slap a new coat of paint on it, then call it a day.

The same as the first one: it got me hooked then totally lost me. The path forward is too cryptic and the backtracking is not fun.

I do like this game, but it's not as engaging as the first. It also leaves off on a really weird note, just when it seems the story is going to pick up.

Very well done game, built wonderfully on its predecessor. Intriguing story that really leaves lots up to player interpretation and a phenomenal score that is both very catchy and beautifully atmospheric.

taking deus ex machina a little too literally

It's fine but each step of the journey being guided by an indicator of where to go and any obstacle only being minutes from being cleared makes the progress a lot less rewarding than I'd like.

Feels good to play and has a nice soundtrack at least! Sound design overall is quite good but the whole is brought down by incessant beeping at low HP.

dissapointing compared to 1 especially when i liked the mc and her story more and it just seemed like they made half a game and posed it as a full game

I liked this game. The story was interesting and the visuals were incredible. However, there were some things I wished were used better. There aren't really boss fights, which were some of my favorite things about the first game. Then, some of the puzzles are just ridiculous in how they are done.

Não tem analise de nada, com 30 minutos a música e os efeitos sonoros do jogo me deixaram com dor de cabeça, tem que ser crime o som de jogo 16 bits.

Excellent game, keeps a fresh exploration focused approach and the surreal elements really stand out and make the game world pop. It's also nice to have a metroidvania not focused heavily on boss fights. Though some could say thats a negative for AV2.

No me gusto, muy chuminga la pocha, el 1 esta muchisimo mejor y es tremendo juegazo.... pero este no me gusto

Love a good Metroidvania, and this one was free on PS Plus so thought id give it a go, and its pretty damn fun. Uncovering 100% map and all items was addictive as hell, probably more fun than the actual main game.

The story is weak though, I never really cared about what was happening, and all the lore stuff you find was just boring gibberish for the most part. Combat is ok, nothing special. Graphics are standard 8-bit retro style, its ok, definitely not anything too special. Level design is great, the way all the different stages and levels are interconnected is pure Metroid and is impressive. Also the way the overworld and breach world interconnect is clever, and a great feature that plays a big part in completing many of the puzzles.

The map is absolutely essential to the game, and is something you will be referring to like every 5 seconds. It could have been a lot better though and more user friendly. I wish I could have beat this game and 100% it without using a guide but its impossible. You can 100% without a guide (maybe) but it will take you 100 hours of running around blindly and backtracking, which is ridiculous. You have to use a guide, there's just no way around it. And I hate that. The map just needed to be more user friendly, the compass really doesn't help at all and is almost useless. This is the most frustrating part of the game, no doubt.

Its a good metroidvania and definitely a fun 10-15 hours game. But give me a good intuitive map and an easier way to 100% it without constantly referring to internet guides and reddit threads. And also a better story with decent characters. This goes from a 6 to an 8 or 9 easy.

I understand it's going into a different direction, but i liked the first one too much to really care about this one. The stealth and hacking was kinda cool, but i'd rather have crazy weapons and reality bending upgrades

Honestly a bit disappointed, most departures this game took from the first ended up backfiring in my opinion

I loved a lot of what the first Axiom Verge had to offer, and this game kept just about none of it. I'm sure this game is for somebody, but it's not me. A shame.

I really love this game. It came out during one of the hardest moments in my life. It was my distraction. I dived into this game. I loved the first one so much. And I looked forward to it a lot. It released at the perfect tme for me. I will always look fondly on it for that reason. Just know while reading this review, I can't separate my bias for this game. It literally kept me sane during the worst month of my life. I am still going to try and criticize it though.

I want to first say, the whole point of this game was to take influence from the other inspiration of the MetroidVania genre. The Vania...aka Castlevania side. If you are expecting Metroid from this game, you are not getting it. Play the first game if that's what you want. This game was always advertised as more Castlevania melee combat than Metroid ranged combat. So all the reviews angry at that fact seem disingenuous by acting as if it was a betrayal or some kind of surprise. It was not. Kind of like when you read Amazon reviews and you see a one star because there was a problem with shipping but no problem with the product itself. The first game is a love letter to Metroid. This game is a love letter to Castlevania.

This is a prequel to the original game. You don't need to play the first game though to understand it. Story yet again has some twists and turns yet still takes a backseat to the world building and exploration. Yet again, has some great interactions and characters.

The world is yet again super vibrant. Really varied. Traversal is much better this time. The game has much less jank.

A few complaints, it takes a bit for the game to get going. A little slowing in letting you traverse the world. Keeps you in a box for a bit too long. The drone areas are not as fun as the main areas. They don't look as good and the 8-bit music isn't as good as their normal renditions.

Combat is more like Castlevania this time. Melee combat instead of ranged. This is what got me to try the Castlevania series. At time of writing I only have 2 more MetroidVania style Castlevanias left. That's how much this game influenced me. Yet again, once I found a weapon to my liking, I rarely changed.

As I said in the the Axiom Verge review. The music is amazing again. I know I said something about the 8-bit versions of the music being not as good. But even so, they are still soooooo good.

If you love MetroidVanias or Castlevania play this game. This game leans more on the Castlevania side of things. I feel like this game was kinda slept on. Please play it. I highly recommend it.

Tried playing this for an hour or so before quickly realizing it wasn't going to be for me. I wasn't hooked by the story or gameplay, and there are several other Metroidvanias in my backlog waiting for me.

All sequels are tasked with walking a thin line between novelty and nostalgia. Axiom Verge 2 balances this perfectly. Every new mechanic and new bit of lore feels like it's building on something familiar from Axiom Verge but twisting it in a new way. It's hard to not think about all the connections hinted at but never confirmed. To embrace a much brighter world than what we saw in the first game, despite it suffering from similar issues. All the characters feel new, but also feel like they're from the same world Trace was from. Those chilling moments when elements of the first game's soundtrack spill into this one's. The vibes were all right for me.

Fascinating follow up to the original. Loved the story and the philosophical tidbits.
Less combat oriented but honestly that's a plus to me.

Gran metroidvania que, como su predecesor, está fuertamente inspirado en los Metroid clásicos. Quizá no llega al nivel de la primera parte, pero desde luego se queda muy cerca. Si te gustó el primero y/o la saga Metroid, este juego es un must play.

Its not better then the original but its fun and cool I enjoyed exploring

Moins réceptif à l'univers que pour le 1, il reste cependant un excellent metroidvania. Toujours aussi agréable de découvrir tous les secrets de la map, on regrettera juste l'absence de "vrais" boss dans cet opus.

Honestly really disappointing considering how interesting the 1st was

some of the best pure exploration of any game i've played this year, and a really excellent and unique soundtrack. some of the lore is a bit too esoteric for me though, and the combat might as well not have been included in the game. recommended for fans of the MV niche, but maybe not for all gamers.

Everything felt quite incongruous. I’d explore only to find dead ends then just randomly find myself in a different biome that didn’t gel with anything around it. The portals that pixelate the games also feel completely pointless. Where the previous game pastiched to the point I didn’t really feel the need for it, Axiom Verge 2 spins it’s wheels trying to be something new yet old.

I feel like it's a definite step down from the first game in terms of combat, but the exploration is actually pretty fun despite the world being more linear.

The music and visuals are just as good if not better than the first game but it's just let down a little by the super easy boss fights and lack of ranged weapons. I had no idea what was going on in terms of the narrative though because I played half of this game at the start of January and half in the last few days.

It was an okay time but a solid Metroidvania for what it is.