Reviews from

in the past

takes the worst parts of DOS 2, cranks them up to 12, and tries to stick them in a Baldur's Gate game. Said parts proceed to clash so hard I'd rather rip my eyes out than continue playing.

And no the full release did not change my mind.

Maybe my dream game. This game is so massive I'm not sure if I'll ever be done with it.

im having so much fun with this game, the options are always so silly and so are the characters

Besides some bugs and some cut content I think this game is amazing and I immediately started a second playthrough as the dark urge after finishing my first one

Played through 4 times within 4 months. Really great game, good story telling with so many things to do and so many variables. Will pick it up again at some point.

Yes it's that good. Also i'm still shocked by how good the non pre rendered cutscenes are.
Companions quests are definitely the best part of the game for me.

O jogo pode ser definido em uma palavra: TOP.

BANGERRRRRRRRRR love this game sm top 5 games of all time probably

Utterly fantastic. Still need to knock off a bit of act 3. I've seen more than enough to rate it 5/5 though.

This review contains spoilers

The Good:
- Insanely in-depth game mechanics
- Phenomenal voice acting
- Great music
- Compelling story and characters
- Fantastic gameplay

The Ok:
- Some very minor structural issues

The Bad:
- Not much

I’m happy to report that Baldur’s Gate 3 fully lived up to the hype for me; this absolutely deserved Game of the Year (and I adore Tears of the Kingdom). It takes DnD (which I also love), and translates it almost perfectly into video game format. Seriously, the gameplay loop here is extremely fun and addicting, and it’s almost overwhelming how many choices you receive just in terms of combat. Presentation-wise, it’s almost flawless. The music is fantastic, the graphics are quite impressive, and the cinematic cutscenes are awesome. The story is fairly simple on its head (save yourself and then the world from Mind Flayers), but there’s enough twists and turns to keep it interesting. What really sets the narrative apart is the depth of the character writing, and the voice acting. Literally all of your party members are amazingly acted, particularly Astarion and Karlach, and they completely sell certain emotional beats. It’s also very fun to dive into their individual stories; I found a few party members a little boring (Wyll, Halsin), but enough were cool that I was more than satisfied. Honestly, I only have a few criticisms of the game (which is crazy considering it’s length). Firstly, it can be a little glitchy, particularly in Act III, but it’s nothing too bad. What’s more serious though, are a few structural issues. For one thing, Act II’s entire setup implies that you should do Shar’s Temple before Moonrise Towers, when in fact you’re supposed to bounce between them. I almost made that mistake before Googling it to make sure. Also, Act III is probably a little too overwhelming in terms of new quests; it can be hard to manage your time when you have 6 major active quest lines to complete, and they all seem urgent. Overall though, these problems are fairly minor, and I loved almost every minute I had with the game. I’m absolutely going to replay this multiple times. I love Baldur’s Gate 3.

Ce jeu est un chef d'œuvre et représente parfaitement comment devrais être un jeu, fun et inattendu. Jouer à Baldur's gate 3 est une expérience unique car on a l'impression que les choix sont nôtre tout du long. La surprise qui se crée à chaque fois que le joueur se demande si il peux faire ça avant d'effectuer une action et que le jeu y répond contre toute attente tiens véritablement du génie ! La rejouabilité est d'ailleurs infini j'ai sûrement fait une overdose à trop y jouer mais je ne saurais jamais m'arrêter de le recommander. Et un jours je suis sûr que je parviendrais à terminer cette œuvre d'art moderne. J'espère vraiment que les développeurs futures s'inspireront de ce jeu et se rappelleront de ce qu'est vraiment l'essence du game design et comment transmettre sa passion pour l'aventure à travers le médium qu'est le jeu vidéo.

I'm not huge on the gameplay interface since I was hoping it would be more like Divinity Original Sin 2, but still a really great game.

I wasn't ever a big fan of turn-based games as I thought the gameplay was boring but I actually really enjoy this. I just started Act 2, so I'll keep this review short and come back to it later. I'm looking forward to where the story goes.

La définition de la perfection ? Le jeu pourrait en perdre certains du fait que ce soit un jeu de rôle au tour par tour, mais mon dieu ce n'est pas le GOTY pour rien. Merci pour cela.

It's not perfect, but I adore it. It's a brilliant game with only a few flaws. Absolutely worth full price, and is FILLED to the brim with content. The ways in which companions react to your actions and choices are unparalleled. This is a top tier, game-changer. I love this game.

It don't get better than this. Holding back 5/5 for the inevitable directors cut edition.

Una delle esperienze videoludiche più trasportanti che abbia mai avuto la fortuna di vivere. Raggiunge la perfezione in pressoché ogni ambito, dal gameplay al comparto tecnico, come anche nella scelta delle soundtrack che contribuiscono a rendere l'esperienza indimenticabile. Quello che rende baldur's gate 3 un capolavoro è però l'intimità dell'esperienza, attraverso le scelte del giocatore e le relazioni che matura con i compagni esso crea il proprio epilogo, che in qualsiasi caso sarà memorabile.

Perfeito. Final talvez tenha deixado algumas coisas em aberto, entao eu preferiria um final em um mundo aberto, mas seria pedir demais. Jogo incrivel, simplesmente

Es desinfla, per desgràcia però tan els actes 2 i 1 són tan absurdament bons que no tinc més remei que denominar-lo com un dels millors de la història (al meu parer)

I didn't know how much I needed this.

Melhor RPG digital que já joguei, sem muita elaboração.

I've put 100 hrs into various attempts at getting through Act 1