Reviews from

in the past

A fun puzzle game with good mechanics, but not particularly memorable.

Qbby? I thought you said bye bye!
Qbby: My departure was...greatly exaggerated
Good games at me

Puzzle bem divertido e simples, mesmo no modo single player. Talvez no modo coop seja uma game mais interessante.

Got past the halfway point soon after launch, well made puzzles, no desire to go back and finish.

A good puzzle game & one I can understand a lot easier than Baba is You.

The overall presentation is quite simplistic, but the core mechanics and level design are where the game shows its creativity and originality. The levels are relatively easy to clear. But if you want a challenge, I recommend finishing the level with the least possible amount of boxes that can be used.

my favorite in the series. i even got to play it with my little sister a bit, which was super fun! expanded on a lot of things i didn't even think needed to be expanded, like the costume system. it's cool that they separated the crown and box limit goals, but i feel like you should also be rewarded for doing both at the same time considering the fact you are meant to be able to do so.

This is the most minimalistic a game can get, but that's a style that usually fit puzzle games like this, and BOXBOY is no exception. It's fun how every world, no matter how late into the game, introduces a new mechanic to keep the game original until the very end, though a few extra harder worlds that made use of every mechanic would've been nice to see. I beat the game in 1-player mode, though I also beat around half of the 2-player campaign and it's also a good game to play locally with a friend.

three whole campaigns with different gimmicks along with some rather interesting endings, it's boxboy at its most

I don't get why this is rated so low. It's at least on par with if not better than Bye Bye for me. Tons of new ideas and abilities. Sure, it doesn't have any super hard bonus stages but I'd take A Tall Tale and the Balloon Challenges over them any day.

Demo impression:
Elegant visuals and I'm sure the late game got some real brain teasers, but a pure puzzle experience just doesn't tickle me anymore. Music was also a bit grating.

P.S. Why do boxes need to have genders? And children?

After playing and loving the BoxBoy trilogy on 3DS years ago, I was incredibly hype when a Switch entry in the series was announced a couple years back. I bought it at once, and then immediately set it down for later. Under the impression that the entire game was co-op, I was waiting for someone to play it with to have a better time with it, and my partner visiting over spring break, it felt like the perfect time to finally get to it. It took us a bit over 7 hours to 100% the 3 stories the game has playing in English on real hardware.

Like the other BoxBoy games, BoxBoy + BoxGirl! is a story of the titular characters saving their world from an invasion of shadowy, erm, shadow blob things intent on ruining things on their cube-shaped planet. It’s all told with only gestures and looks, no words, making it great for players of any reading ability, although the puzzles are hard enough that I imagine young children would likely get a bit too frustrated trying to play the game the whole way through on their own. It’s a fun, serviceable story that does a great job of making the characters appeaing and facilitating the gameplay we’re really here for.

And that gameplay is BoxBoy at his boxy-est! With a limited number of blocks to use per stage if you want to hit the objective markers (or an infinite number if you just don’t care), BoxBoy and his friends try to go from point A to point B in each of these puzzle-platformer levels by extending blocks out from his body to make paths and get him places. Only one of the game’s three stories is actually co-op, sadly, but my partner and I solved this by just swapping off the controller level-by-level for the two single-player stories. And there’s a lot here! Well over 100 puzzles populate BoxBoy’s Switch outing, and coupled with a handful of new powers he can learn as well (not to mention tons of silly costumes to wear), they’re an absolute delight to go through.

The presentation is simple but very good in the way that the BoxBoy series has led us to expect. Very simple designs for our quadrangular heroes are nonetheless very appealing, and the same goes for the simple, monochromatic levels you explore. The music is also very fun, though not quite as memorable as HAL Labs often does for their Kirby game’s I’d say.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. If you’re a fan of puzzle platformers and you’ve got a Switch, this is absolutely not a game to miss out on. Even the 2-player levels can be played single-player, so while they’re absolutely better with a buddy, you don’t even need friends to enjoy all the boxy goodness. The masters at HAL have done it again, and I just hope that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of BoxBoy, or at the very least, I hope they keep it up with smaller, puzzle-focused games like this. They’ve made their prowess at designing puzzle games very clear, so whether it’s BoxBoy or something entirely different, my only compliant is that there just isn’t enough of it! X3

A great puzzle game with an overwhelming amount of levels. It starts off ridiculously easy and gradually ramps up, some of the later levels being very challenging, especially if you're going for the minimum boxes objective and grabbing the collectible crowns.

As a fan of the series, this starts off feeling like more of the same, but there's lots of creative ideas, and the addition of Long Boi keeps things interesting. With three separate modes, each with their own unique levels, there's enough to keep you occupied here for a while. Well worth the money.

One of my favourite puzzle games ever. I haven't played any of the other games so everything here was completely new to me.

My only gripe is the lack of background/music variety.


This one was cute, but it didn't hook me as well as it apparently did for reviewers. I enjoyed the puzzle mechanics, but it was pretty straightforward and it didn't feel like the box gimmick was anything particularly special. It's well constructed and straightforward, nothing more than that.

Great Simple Puzzle Game, gets really difficult at the end but not to the point that it's pull your hair out difficult
Highly reccomend

imo not worth playing on my own; gotta find somebody to play it with
at times it feels like the minimalist artstyle makes it less approachable

It is a very fun puzzle game, with a simple idea it plays with lots of mechanics and level gimmicks. Great game to try out, but probably won't change your life.

This review contains spoilers

why do they fucking die at the end

A nice cute little puzzle game about boxes. Definitely fun if you plan it out and don't binge it all.

Co-op is absolutely outstanding and worth the entry price. Not many co-op puzzle games out there. Having 3 SINGLE-PLAYER CAMPAIGNS on top of that is insane. So much value here, a pure puzzle game that is as creative as much as it is lovely and well-crafted.

Played through the co-op campaign with my wife. It was quite fun.

BoxBoy! (2015): Sencillote juego de puzzles, sin apenas profundidad (no me atasqué más de 3 veces), y un pelín cortito. Creo que la premisa es original y podría dar mucho juego, pero es potencial desaprovechado. (5,40)

it was fun in short bursts but they locked the best ending behind 4 playthroughs

Fun puzzle game, the game finds a shocking number of ways to make new puzzles from such a basic concept. The game itself did not leave a memorable implant in my memory, which is my biggest complaint - it feels too much like its predecessor. As a first entry into the series, it is a really fun puzzle game.

It was alright, but not a whole lot of motivation to play beyond the single-player campaign. Not a whole lot to say, enjoyed the earlier levels but it felt like it overstayed its welcome at times. Eh.