Reviews from

in the past

Here’s the thing about the original Coffee Talk: much like Animal Crossing: New Horizons, with which it shared a release year, Coffee Talk was the dictionary definition of a ‘right place, right time’ kind of game. 2020 was the year for Coffee Talk. As I spent yet another month entirely within my apartment during lockdown, roleplaying as a coffee-serving pillar of a near-future science-fantasy community provided me a level of comfort that would’ve been less potent in a more…sociable kind of year. And that’s not to say the original Coffee Talk wasn’t good, just that it was slight. It was a colorful game with precious few mechanics and a cast of characters who alternated between bubbly and traumadump-y like many contemporary visual novels. And that was fine. Coffee Talk was not ambitious, but it hit its marks.

Coffee Talk is also a game that ended with a bizarre non-sequitur of a twist that left a bad taste in my mouth. Coffee Talk 2 is more of the same on a surface level, but it’s a little twistier than that game, a little more packed with lore and just a little less tuned-in to the real-world. Example: one of Coffee Talk 2’s big new character is a Youtuber/influencer zoomer who is abrasive until he learns how to be a normal person thanks to the power of socially drinking coffee. Something about enduring this guy’s whole pre-scripted character arc set to Coffee Talk’s ‘Lo-Fi Beats to Chill and Study To’ soundtrack made the game feel somehow ancient to me, like it was the product of a time and place in culture that preceded even the first game’s release window. Haven’t we moved on to new forms of post-adolescent mass media sociopathy upon which to project ourselves? Shouldn’t this guy be the most toxic alpha male fake-podcaster you’ve ever seen? Maybe the next one’s music will graduate from Lo-Fi girl to whichever version of Undergraduate Bedroom Hyperpop (Fast Version) has become viral most recently.

this game is very special to me. it is just such a cozy experience and everything about it is just so wonderful. like a good cup of coffee, its very soothing to get through. i recommend to everyone in the world to be honest

Coffee Talk 2 is a nice, cozy game to play on a rainy evening. It has very chill vibes, has a nice story, and has good characters. And best of all, the music is very good! Get it if you’re looking for something nice and easy to play.

(full review

As good as the original if not better

İlk oyunu oynadığımdan bu yana 2-2.5 sene geçti devam oyununda uzun zamandır görmediğim dostlarımı görmüşüm gibi hissettirdi bana. Tekrardan hikayeleri, sorunları, sorunlarını yavaş yavaş çözmelerini görmek çok keyifliydi hatta sonlara doğru biraz bitmesin istedim çünkü büyük ihtimalle bu göreceğimiz son coffee talk olacak...

I've always adored the Coffee talk series. A bar sim visual novel set in Seattle with mythical beings being the patrons was always a great setup. You hear many stories from each of the patrons, and it's nice to just chill, hear to a smooth soundtrack, and listen to a banshee talk about her day. The pixel art is great, with a wide variety of colors, and the ost has a lot of variety. A great game the team should be proud of!

Muito bom e relaxante assim como o primeiro, e com uma linda homenagem ao criador que o eternizara em nossos corações.

Não é tão interessante quanto o anterior

Enjoyed this sequel a lot but struggled to unlock all the lore bits I wanted.

Despite the great new mechanics, felt like it wasn't as great as the first one was. Story was a little weaker, I guess.

Interesting at the start. Sadly got more and more boring as it kept going.

comecei a jogar esse assim que terminei o primeiro, me agradou muito o fato da historia ter continuidade com novidades, seria muito legal se tivesse um terceiro

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R.I.P. Mohammad Fahmi

Comfort game with a nice story, really cozy and enjoyable. Like the first one, doesn't get boring at all, it's just some time spent in a happy, perhaps sometimes nostalgic, mood.

Had more of the better characters and more of the worse ones, overall leading to a similar experience

Para mim, o jogo conseguiu elevar os personagens, trazendo histórias mais interessantes e complexas. Um ótimo sucessor.

Liked this one alot better compared to the first! Writing felt alot tighter overall

eu amo tanto coffee talk que lembrar dele me deixa triste

More of the same but also worse. The art, atmosphere, music and drink system remain strong but the writing didn’t manage to be interesting at all. A shame because I really liked the concept and art of the new characters but I couldn’t be less interested in a character talking about first-world influencer problems for 5h, for example. Give me more lore of the world, and the struggles of the multiple races, or just let me explore more variety in the drinks system.

Fico feliz que os pontos mais fortes do último jogo se manteve nesse mais fortemente.
Uma história muito gostosinha de se acompanhar e com ate um mistério muito interessante, e os dialogos mantem sendo tão bom quanto o primeiro.
Os fregueses que ja conhecemos tem um desenvolvimento melhor em certas partes como o policial e o vampiro, mas as novas adições foram bem vindas e deram tbm um ar novo, e novos problemas e fofocas também.
E nem preciso dizer que a trilha sonora esta tão calma e tranquila com o lo-fi de sempre mas adicionado a chuva que esta ocorrendo no fundo.
Se vc gostou do primeiro irár adorar o 2 matem toda a vibe boa que a 1 mantem, e to pensantivo ainda se e bom ou ruim pois para platinar o jogo e bem mais demorado que o primeiro.
Se você não estiver com sono e queirar saber das fofocas dos outros esse e um jogo prato cheio.
E sim eu quero um episódio 3 agora !!!


I want to give Riona a hug ❤️

Tanto esse quanto o primeiro, eu joguei em momentos bem difíceis da minha vida, é um jogo muito importante para mim.

melhor que o primeiro, joguinho confortável com uma mecânica legalzinha até

jujur hanya cerita baileys dan lua yang buat saya tertarik di game kedua ini

The most interesting thing about this game is that, obviously, in addition to being very relaxing and calm, it represents life, people with problems, social class issues, family problems, it's even incredible to think about it.