Reviews from

in the past

I write this review from my bed as a few days ago I had one of my teeth ripped out by a dentist due to it being cracked. Deep root, firmly in molar. A nurse literally had to hold my head whilst the dentist got bigger pliers to pull it like in a cartoon. Most pain I've ever been in both before and after. This has hampered my gaming as I can only play in short bursts whilst holding my swollen face feeling sorry for myself.

The thing is that Coffee Talk 2 is a perfect pick up and play game for this just like it's predecessor. It's a Mythpunk visual novel where you are an enigmatic late night coffee shop owner serving drinks to elves, orcs, vampires, banshees and an assortment of other creatures as you learn about their lives and troubles. It's minimally interactive with only making correct drinks or handing items over the bar effecting the slice of life stories for the endings you get.

The game just works though. It's wholesome, chill with fantastic pixel art and character designs supported by the sort of pleasant music you'd find in a nice cafe or an elevator. I would recommend playing the original game first as characters and subplots do progress through and it plays with your assumption of that knowledge.


+ Very relaxing.
+ I like the characters and their lives.
+ Lovely visuals and music.

- Drink making is still semi guess work.

Hmm. I’m on the fence about continuing this one.

Coffee Talk 2 has some great points, there’s really an interesting conversation simulator here if you really pay attention to the story they’re laying out here, but I think you can’t go haphazardly discussing serious topics in a situation like this. Don’t get me wrong, the game tries its sincerest but I feel like trying to describe systemic racism and discrimination with.. fantasy characters and quirky meme writing doesn’t work. “People are scared of me because I’m a banshee” and “Our love is always struggling and arguing because we are two different species” is handled really fucking weirdly and it becomes apparent at times that most situations are direct stand-ins to real life problems we as a society face, which makes it, ehhhh worse?? It hurts itself even more at times as it tries to stereotype some of its characters with “unique characteristics”, some embedded through pop culture (vampire likes red) and others… yeesh. The first game did this as well, and I feel like the devs have run this through the ground enough (unintentionally) to justify wherever or not I should continue.

The gameplay is also just, alright as well. Some of the instructions are practically cryptic most of the time and getting locked out of best story sections because you didn’t hand someone the right item (even when the game tells you sometimes it feels misleading in when it wants you to) make the game justifiable.

The orc lady’s still cool though.

Uma narrativa simplesmente maravilhosa!

A atmosfera que o game traz é relaxante. É satisfatório servir os cafés numa Seattle pixelada em 2023 (Num mundo os humanos convivem com os “não-humanos”, uma sociedade moderna muito similar à nossa).

Se no primeiro game de 2020 o jogo brilhava por sua narrativa, "Coffee Talk: Episode 2 - Hibiscus & Butterfly" conseguiu SUPERAR a boa dose de tramas e arcos narrativos. O que eu mais gostei na narrativa é a presença de críticas sociais que revelam mais a fundo detalhes sobre o mundo em que o jogo passa (e obviamente fazendo paralelos com o mundo real).

A gameplay melhorou muito comparada com o primeiro game, principalmente no quesito intuitividade. Agora é mais simples saber qual bebida exatamente o cliente quer (Também curti a adição dos itens que os personagens esquecem no estabelecimento ou pedem para você entregar para outro personagem).

As bebidas por si só também estão mais legais. Em comparação com o jogo anterior, Episode 2 traz mais variedades de bebidas (legal a adição do hibisco e Blue Pea como novas bases alternativas além de café, chá, leite e chocolate).

Os gráficos do jogo continuam com uma estética linda e a trilha sonora lo-fi também ajuda a dar uma vibe relaxante ao game.

Apresentando uma narrativa melhor que o game anterior, "Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly" acerta no arco narrativo tanto nos novos personagens como nos já conhecidos.

- Personagens carismáticos e bem desenvolvidos.
- Trilha sonora e ambientação relaxante.
- Boa diversidade de bebidas para descobrir.

- Rede social meio inútil e mal desenvolvida.

Minha alma está relaxada mais uma vez.
Poder voltar a ver esses rostos, fazer novas bebidas, ouvir novas histórias, conhecer novos personagens, é simplesmente incrível.
Enfim, Coffee talk é o jogo perfeito pra você que teve um dia difícil e só quer ter uma pausa relaxante.
(Hyde e Gala meus favoritos!!)

Coffee Talk: Episode 2 is another ridiculously cozy masterclass from Toge Productions, a game that exudes the mantra happy and healthy. Pretty much the same gameplay loop from the first title, featuring most of the same characters, you steam, press, and serve your way into their hearts and lives as the best late night barista in Seattle.

The gameplay loop remians the same, albeit a little bit ambiguous in the way directions are given, by serving your patrons based off their vibes and specific requests. Of course, this is a pretty elementary endeavour as you're combining three ingredients (sometimes with foam art!) and nothing more, but man if it doesn't make you want to brew some coffee/tea and get funky with your beverages, I don't know what else it'll do! Seriously, after playing Coffee Talk 2 I made it a point to start writing down ingredients that require hibiscus, butterfly pea, and green tea so that I can get my own Coffee Talk going. I'd like to think thats a big part of the game, making you as the player at home with their emotions through the art of brewing.

Music is again a beautiful lo-fi hip hop hodge podge of comfort, and the pixel graphics play a tremendous part in making you feel at home and in love with the simple goings ons. I live in a major city in the middle of the desert in the United States, and I'll be damned if the night-time raining backdrop didn't almost convince me that there was a nice downpour outside.

I strongly recommend the Coffee Talk series to anybody looking for some shorter games to unwind and hang out with some chill customers.

cute and cozy but once again lacking in depth whether in regards to the gameplay or the narrative and characters themselves.

i'll happily check for another game along these lines, sequel or not (especially if it launches or shows up otherwise on game pass) but there's going to need to be something more to it for me.

Story is continuing and chill as former one.

perfect sequel to an already perfect game. dont fix what aint broken - the three new characters were a delight and i like the variety added this time around.

RIP Mohammad Fahmi. I'm glad I got the privilege to play your game

(Redone from my first review since that was for the demo)

I should start by saying that I haven't completely finished this game, yet. There's still a good amount of alternate routes I haven't gotten to, and a few achievements that I'm still missing. Assuming those are as important as they were to the last game, there's definitely also some secret ending that I'm missing as well. I'll be sure to come back and update this review again once I have all of that done.

Have you ever played the sequel to a game and after finishing it thought "that was certainly a [Game Title] 2" before? I think that's about how I feel with Coffee Talk: Episode 2. I enjoyed the first game a lot, I liked its setting, characters, and especially the music. It was a very comfortable feeling that I don't find in a lot of other games. I played the demo for the second game soon after finishing the first, and I was decently excited. I wanted to see more of this world, and that's definitely what I got.
There's nothing outright worse, nothing astoundingly better, it really is just some more story to add onto the original, which definitely isn't a bad thing. This game introduces more characters of new species, more drinks, more ingredients, it felt like more Coffee Talk.
Seeing the characters from the first game return and seeing how much they had grown was fun, the new characters' stories were interesting and honestly somewhat relatable to an extent. I really can't think of any other way to describe it other than it's more Coffee Talk, with a good bit more to experiment with. For that, I think I can say it's a little better than the first game. Solid 8/10.

Coffee Talk 2 assim como um 1 foi uma boa experiência, pessoalmente curti mais o 1 pelo ar de novidade e por curtir mais a história dos personagens mas a continuação faz bem o papel trazendo aquele ar especial que o anterior trouxe com continuidade da história de vários personagens e alguns novos, além de algumas mecânicas novas como um achados e perdidos e novos ingredientes para mais variedade de bebidas, vale a pena se curtiu o 1.

shit slaps even harder than the first, sip sip, hooray

Played from – to: (2023-10-01 – 2023-10-07) – PC keyboard.
‣ 8/10 – A cozy sequel.
‣ Thoughts: Coffee Talk Episode 2 is a chunky sequel that introduces new drinks, gameplay iterations and characters. The whole experience felt almost identical to the first game, however, I enjoyed it more for a few reasons. Firstly, having the context of most character backgrounds in mind made the conversations feel even more interesting and fulfilling. Seeing their stories conclude gave me more satisfaction than the first game did even if the stories themselves were in ways more basic then before. Mixing up flashy and colorful new drinks made me only wish the cups that I served reflected that, because they were truly beautiful and fancy. Sadly, visually the game barely changed. Besides that, I really enjoyed the added burden of items that I must give to specific customers on specific days to achieve the best endings. That added extra pressure but was a very welcome addition to what I would call very basic gameplay mechanics. All in all, the game mixes things up just enough to feel like a sequel and kept me interested the whole way. I must admit I did not expect the entire journey to take twice as long as the first episode did, but it was a good addition. If anything, I’m left with many questions on the lore of the coffee shop itself and the barista that we play as and can’t wait to see where the story goes on its 3rd episode if that ever comes out. P.S The Darkside Detective easter egg was cute.

Super cozy game it has amazing vibes obvi. Rainy lo-fi comfy coffee shop vibes #awesome

The writing is just nice y'know it fits the comfy vibes of the game. It feels like you really know the characters and they actually feel "human" (which is ironic because most of the characters are not human)

I think the arcs were not as interesting as the first game and it does not add enough new stuff to separate it from the first game. But it was a super fun time and I'm excited for episode 3!

A cozy feeling that continues in its sequel

Honestly this is just an overall good follow up to a very good first title which saw some improvements. The first title really put my mind at ease with its great setting, OST, characters and great dialogue that can sometimes get very thoughtful and deep. I simply couldn’t have asked for much more with the sequel and in every way they simply did what I think more games should do with its sequel. Don’t fix what isn’t broken just simply add onto it and improve and that is what you get with its sequel.

What is different and what is good?

Of course with this being a VN you ask yourself “what in the world can they change” which is a simple answer. The core loop of Coffee Talk EP1 has you creating drinks for your customers as you listen to their story. In EP2 you now have even more ingredients to use for your tasty looking drinks opening up how many possible combinations you can make. In addition there is a new side mechanic in which customers will sometimes forget items or give you items for you to give to someone else. This serves as a way for potential story changes for characters as you have to remember to give specific items to specific people. It's a neat mechanic which however does lead into a small issue I have that I will get more into in my negative portion of the review. What would be a good VN without good dialogue? Luckily I am happy to say this game continues the trend of great storylines with sometimes really thoughtful dialogue that can really hit home for some people if you are in the field of creating. In addition, the new cast of characters were great and all fit in very well to the story quickly making you care very deeply for these pixels. It's funny because I almost felt terrible when I had to go through my bad end run because I genuinely did not want to see these characters fail LOL.

A way to calm

I want to give this a little section on its own because I really want to drive home how comfy this game feels. They really created such a cozy atmosphere that I really adore and wish I could have in real life. The OST is just as great and the setting is once again just as great, really making you feel like you have gone back home. I really recommend this game just for this alone if you want something that will help you put yourself at ease while getting a fix of great stories and world building.

Some negatives

Luckily while I do have some negatives it isn’t anything game breaking that will push anyone away it's just annoyances for a specific group of people. To explain , remember how I mentioned the new item mechanic ? you get items from characters and pick up forgotten items from characters to give to another character or back to the person who lost it. It's a simple yet cool addition that can lead into some VERY frustrating routes if you do not want to guide. On top of having to get drinks right you have to remember to give items to specific people and if you forget anything you will ruin a run. This becomes an issue because this game is insanely confusing when it comes to 100% YOU WILL HAVE TO GUIDE THIS GAME. Going for a 100% playthrough without guiding will make you pull your hair out as it is so damn specific of what is needed from you. In general you will have to go through this game multiple times to see everything and this time around the dialogue skipping button feels slower due to the game pausing every time characters expression changes or anything. This will slow down the process a bit but not to an annoying degree.

In the end

While going for the true ending is annoying I will say I DO recommend it as it is one of the most heartfelt endings that I have seen in a while put into a game in recent times. It really elevated the experience for me and just really showed how close the team who made this game was. What is to come from this series is unknown ( to my knowledge ) but I am VERY happy to have picked up and read both titles.

Se mantém agradável do ponto de vista "ser um jogo relaxante e reconfortante", mas dá um passo para trás no quesito continuidade.

Coffee Talk me conquistou pela sua forma simplória mas ao mesmo tempo complexa de se expressar. Através da perspectiva de um barista, ouvir as histórias de vida de cada um dos personagens que conhecemos é engajante, trazendo consigo diversos ensinamentos e visões a respeito de questões principalmente sociais e éticas que me fizeram refletir bastante sobre tudo, em meio as noites chuvosas ao som de uma rádio lo-fi.

Cada cliente possui sua própria história, seus próprios problemas, suas próprias personalidades, e a forma com a qual acompanhamos a trajetória de cada um deles enquanto lidam com essas questões faz com que nos aproximemos dos mesmos.

Nessa sequência, a turma presente no primeiro jogo está presente, trazendo um sentimento nostálgico enquanto descobria como cada um deles seguiram com suas vidas, mas também chegaram novos clientes, clientes esses que eu não consegui me conectar da mesma forma.

Não são personagens mal construídos ou desinteressantes, longe disso, mas chega a ser discrepante o quão longe eles se encontram em comparação aos personagens "originais" por assim dizer.

Talvez a ausência de uma base narrativa consistente tenha feito muita falta, foi o que eu senti. No primeiro jogo, por exemplo, ajudamos Freya a escrever sua história, que é inspirada justamente por tudo que aprendemos com as histórias de vida de cada um dos clientes. E aqui, nos contentamos com casos misteriosos de vandalismo numa rua antes movimentada, que agora se encontra deserta por motivos sobrenaturais.

Concentrar a experiência numa sequência narrativa esquecível faz com que o foco seja alterado, o levando para a vida de vários personagens ao mesmo tempo, e tirando assim o fator "pessoal" que ajuda a se conectar com cada um deles.

Apesar desses problemas, pode-se dizer que o propósito principal foi cumprido. A fórmula que deu certo anteriormente permanece inalterada, e é uma boa pedida pra investir algumas horas, mas definitivamente, existir ou não existir não faria diferença para Hibiscus e Butterfly.

nada melhor do que terminar o ano com um jogo tão gostoso de calmo de se jogar
no começo eu fiquei decepcionado por ter só 2 ingrediente a mais em comparação com o 1, e personagens a mesma coisa, mas a historia decorreu tão bem, os personagens muito bem desenvolvido, tanto os antigos quantos os novos
ansioso pra onde a historia vai nos levar nos proximos eps.

Cara, é incrível como esse jogo POR MUITO POUCO se tornou melhor que o 1 (Não estou falando no mal sentido, o Coffe Talk 1 é bom demais), eu sou um fofoqueiro nato, mas gostei que não teve tanto drama quanto teve no 1. Os personagens novos e os antigos entram em uma sincronia muito boa, principalmente os antigos para com o Barista (nós) mostrando como criaram uma amizade forte ao longo dessa ausência de 3 anos que não acompanhamos. Eu odeio platinar pq é demorado e díficil, mas meus amigos... EU FAÇO QUESTÃO DE PLATINAR!!!
P.S: Queria que o 1 tivesse mais conquistas pra eu gastar mais horas nessa obra-prima.
P.S 2: Fiquei o dia todo para zerar, 11H total.
P.S 3: Platinado, e continuo odiando essa merda que chamam de platinar.

very excited!!
rest in peace mohammad....

Coffee Talk 2 offers an experience that is as cozy, relaxing and enjoyable as the first game. We see many of the characters we are familiar with from the first game in the second game and once again witness the stories they went through and the developments in their lives after years passed. The newly added characters to the story also have very nice stories. The game is basically the same in terms of gameplay, only as the name of the game suggests, there are 2 new tea types named hibiscus and blue butterfly and brand new tea combinations that we can make with these teas. There is also a new system where we have to return or forward some dropped or forwarded items to the correct customers. It was added as an important detail in order to complete some hidden parts of the story and the stories of the characters. Although it does not promise much innovation in terms of gameplay, since the game is a visual novel game, the gameplay is usually the last thing I look at. In terms of game music, it also contains many new, relaxing songs. I expected to see some of the characters much more, and I can say that I was a little disappointed in this regard. Without going into spoilers, it was sad to see that a very important character from the first game was seen very little, and after all these years, I saw almost nothing about the character whose story I was most curious about. But in any case, seeing some characters have happy endings and some characters setting off on new journeys made me leave the game satisfied. The game very successfully allows the player to connect with the characters, it is impossible not to get emotional at some points. As for the conclusion, Coffee Talk 2 is as good as the first game, longer in terms of gameplay and with much more recipes and stories, it definitely provides a satisfying experience. If you played the first game and like visual novel games, I definitely recommend you try the second game.

I enjoyed the first Coffee Talk and by extension I like this one too, though I found this to be uninspired for a sequel. It follows the exact template from the first game and feels more like DLC than a second game.

I understand that these games are visual novels, but I feel like some kind of dialogue options would add a lot to a game like this.

Aconchegante e visualmente magnífico. Quase da pra sentir o cheio do café.

Uma ótima sequência que traz novidades onde deveria e introduz novos personagens super interessantes, além de deixar os que já existiam ainda melhores.

Um dos melhores do gênero dele

I am just so done with this. Anyone who knows Coffee Talk well enough knows that you have to pretty much master it to get the complete ending, and episode 2 makes that a chore. And that is a severe understatement. I have replayed this SO MANY TIMES. And I still technically didn’t get the Cat Shelter Ending. It takes at least 40 minutes to replay every single time. I’ve finished all the story arcs and gotten every single other achievement. I’ve done all the things for the phases but I think in the wrong order?? So I’d have to do that all over again, but who knows if it would actually work? I really loved this game, but trying to get the true ending ruined it for me. This is infuriating. It’s just way too much to do and I’ve done EVERYTHING. But I did it in the wrong order. There was no indication from the game either. I don’t get why it needs to be this complicated. Absolutely ruined the game for me. I basically did it, I don’t care I’m counting it as mastered. Not worth wasting my time on this anymore at this point as I’ve seen everything!

It should be forbidden for a sequel to be so good!

Rest in peace Fahmi. :(

Loveed it. It resonated with me even more than the first one. The visuals, the relatable characters and their interesting dialogue, the amazing soundtrack, everything about the game feels so warm and cozy.

Just more Coffee Talk, even with its previous flaws and strengths. The returning cast is welcomed alongside the new characters, although it helps with the feeling that there's nothing much new to enjoy in this title.

As with cozy games like this, it all depends on the mood you are in when playing and this was a perfect two nights game.

É bom como o primeiro, dessa vez sem choredo juvenil.

Like a cup of coffee, this game made me feel so warm. Better than the first. SUCH A CUTE TIME. The achievements are a bitch though.

Thank you Fahmi, we all love and miss you.
Rest in Peace.