Reviews from

in the past

Simulators like this don't hold my attention for long, but while this one didn't, it was admittedly pretty cute.

This is one of my favorite games! If you like Stardew valley, Animal Crossing or just cozy games / life and farming sims in general you will love this game!

The story is amazing, and there is so much content! There are a lot of quests you can do and so many characters to unlock.

I 100% recommend this game! Especially to any Disney fan!

I have a really fun time playing.

j'ai vraiment passé un super bon moment sur le jeu, j'ai 55h actuellement, ça devient un peu répétitif au bout d'un moment mais les fan de disney foncez !! (seul bémol, c'est la boutique in game, forcément t'as envie de dépenser de l'argent en + (le jeu vaut déjà 30 EUROS) pour avoir des objets cosmétiques de fou)

This is actually pretty good? It is one of the many Animal Crossing like games but legit good at it, and it makes good use of disney IPs, add half a star if you're a fan of disney

i'm having a lot of fun with this game so far and i haven't experienced any of the glitches people have had but i find it difficult to play for long periods of time. disney also doesn't really appeal to me. wall-e, however, has absolutely captured my heart!

This game is incredibly charming, it actually surprised me. If it keeps up with content (and if you look at the datamine it looks quite meaty) and bugfixes this could honestly be the best lifesim game I have ever played, I love Stardew but I prefer 3D lifesims, and Animal Crossing grated on my nerves with villagers that have seemingly 3 whole lines of dialog, but here the villagers are extremely chatty and have fun, simple quests to keep you going. I might update this if it becomes predatory or whatever but so far it's looking magical.

Logging after 23 and a half hours. Still playing, but still loving.

I have been enjoying it so far. Still in early access as of this review. The customization options are extremely expansive which is great. The gameplay loop is not addictive/fun enough to have me coming back often but I still boot it up at least once a week or so.

I'm thinking of waiting until full release to play this again. I don't generally like early access games but I decided to try this one out since it looks great and it is indeed really good, potentially. The problem is that it runs like ass on every single platform, especially on Switch, it's riddled with game breaking bugs and glitches, and every time the game updates it becomes unplayable for weeks. I think until the game is fully released and functional, ignoring the inevitable microtransactions, this will be a solid 5.

When this first came out in Early Early Access I liked it but reached the end of the content quickly, and I'm not the kind of person to play this once every 3 months just because they added Woody from Toy Story. Also this seems like something I would really want to Platinum so I would much rather play on PS5. And there's sadly no cross save between Xbox/PS yet (articles actually seem kinda mixed on this fact so I'm unsure if that's still the case)

When this finally fully launches this year I'm excited to play it!

No tiene nada nuevo, innovador ni especialmente llamativo. Pero tiene cariño. Y, no os voy a mentir, soy de esas personas que tener una lista de cosas e ir tachando me tranquiliza, y aquí hay muchas cosas que completar a la vez que libertad para tomarte todo el tiempo del mundo con muchas opciones de personalización

Honestly Really Fun and Chill I like it.

I have the deluxe version of this game and it’s a fun inbetween games session for me! I will certainly be picking it back up again, I love it.

Cute art and fun for a while. I've played for 44 hours and honestly got pretty bored. The story is meh and the grinding just isn't for me. Might pick up again at a different time.

This is wildly addicting...when there is content to work towards. When there is no current event, I take a break from the horrid grind. But wow is it the prefect "I am exhausted from work, I am dealing with stress in my life, let me unwind" game.

I have played since early access and they have fixed a lot of bugs that would completely break the game and impede main quest progress. However, I think since the DLC came out, there are new game busting bugs. It's also disappointing to use your currency to pay for a premium quest, only for it to be impossible to finish due to a bug. Then you have to wait over 30+ days for a fix. And then, I shit you not, the fix is bugged.

It is nice to be able to step away from the game, do something else, and pick it back up with ease.

Kristoff Sweetheart you know where my house stands in the Valley 😩

It has some great moments, but the issues it has outweighs them.

There's been items in the game like the enchanting fountain that haven't been fixed since EA. Most players have had half empty Scrooge shops for over a year since they rarely add any clothing, and instead focus on putting clothing in the premium shop or Star Path. And even then, some of the clothes they put in the premium shop have clipping issues because they didn't bother to test them on their 12 body types or 3 camera poses.

Every update comes with new bugs, some game breaking. When they do have a game breaking bug, they only post it about it on social media, so unless you look it up or follow them you could easily break your game. Hot fixes are rare, so you may be waiting a couple months for their next update to progress a broken quest.

Edit: Since writing my review, they have done one hot fix and sent one in game notice (with premium currency compensation). If they do this consistently, I will edit my review. However, with the latest hot fix, the game now has a bug where items and even parts of the characters appear invisible.

If you have any interest in this game, wait for it to go on sale and know that Gameloft cuts a lot of corners and has some scummy practices.

This is definitely just a game you can play while listening to something else. It's just a calm and relaxing game with you making friends with Disney's lineup of characters. That said, this is still just a 6/10 for now until we see just how greedy this can be once any potential in-game currency shops pop up, and become they have Mother Gothel here, but NOT Rapunzel! They don't even have EVE for Wall-E! Give us the best Disney princess and best girlfriend robot for Wall-E, and don't be greedy with the in-game shop, then we'll talk.

Great game. It's nice to see all your fave Disney characters as your friends. Hoping however that devs will fix all the bugs soon!

I'd probably be more inclined to try this once it is fully completed, but I also don't really like these type of games.

Pretty much a mindless grind-for-resources mobile game but with better graphics and some sandbox-esque design elements. Personally, I find this type of do-nothing game really relaxing, but if the meaningless gameplay loop isn’t appealing to you, there’s not much to recommend here other than extremely basic repackaged Disney nostalgia. I shudder to think of the inevitable microtransaction buffoonery once it goes full free-to-play in 2023.

Tried on PC (via Xbox Game Pass) and Switch. Looks pretty on PC though seems poorly optimized with some stuttering. On Switch? It… uh... Runs. Except when it doesn’t. Frame rates are nigh unplayable in certain areas when raining. It has crashed every time I’ve played; luckily it autosaves frequently. Hopefully Switch optimization improves, because the touch-screen features are handily implemented.

I didn't think I'd get into this, or even try it out, if it wasn't on Xbox PC Game Pass. I LOVE the farm/life sim genre, and I have a lot of nostalgia for Disney, but this didn't exactly feel "must play" to me.

I was wrong! It's incredibly charming and it's filled with fun activities that you'd expect from a game like this - fishing, farming, home decorating, outfit collecting and decorating, etc. There's even a social link component where you can rank up friendship levels of residents and unlock furniture/outfits and story quests.

That being said, it has plenty of early access growing pains. Glitches and issues galore. Friendships max out at level 10, and they're not hard to level, so you're stuck with residents who feel kind of useless. Characters have a habit of repeating voice lines, etc. over and over again. Quests can bug out, or require a grindy amount of materials to craft.

Fortunately, the developers have listened to players, and continue to update the game to fix bugs and add new things to it (which you'd expect from something in early access, but still). If you're curious, give it a shot when it comes out of early access and goes F2P later this year.

yeah i just dont like this shit . thats all

If this Game had existed in my childhood, I think I had played it way to much. Yes it is a little buggy sometimes and Yes it is full of fetch Quests. But Disney has its own kind of magic and You can feel a glimpse of it. After nearly 240 h I am tired of this game, but sure I will come back.