Reviews from

in the past

Gonna be honest here, didn't like this one that much. I didn't really feel much like Animal Crossing to me, rather than making friendships and connections with villagers (which in my mind is the main point of Animal Crossing) you mostly just grind for materials that you then craft stuff with or give it to the villagers who need 6 of X or 11 of X. It felt more like Farmville with how pointlessly grindy it felt at times, the only interesting aspect this game has is its Disney characters but to me it's very superficial and doesn't add that much to the overall game.

Mostly liked it for the ability to wear good outfits. The disney stuff is ok.

when the game works I've been having a blast - there's so much to do and collect and it's just generally really soothing. however it's just way too unstable - the bugs can undo a lot of progress to the point where it gets really frustrating. I'll probably pick this back up in a bit to give them a chance to patch it.

No tiene nada nuevo, innovador ni especialmente llamativo. Pero tiene cariño. Y, no os voy a mentir, soy de esas personas que tener una lista de cosas e ir tachando me tranquiliza, y aquí hay muchas cosas que completar a la vez que libertad para tomarte todo el tiempo del mundo con muchas opciones de personalización

This is one of my favorite games! If you like Stardew valley, Animal Crossing or just cozy games / life and farming sims in general you will love this game!

The story is amazing, and there is so much content! There are a lot of quests you can do and so many characters to unlock.

I 100% recommend this game! Especially to any Disney fan!

Better than AC:NH; Villagers have distinct personalities, the camera has a full range of motion, customization options for your character and town are a-plenty, and you can play at anytime of day without it impacting gameplay.

It's like a much more chill Stardew Valley, in that there's basically zero pressure of any kind. There's no time constraints, there's no real difficulty. And that's fine! Fun for short bursts of time, especially right after content updates when new quests are added, and easy to ignore in the interim. You could totally play it all the time as well, it would just be up to you to find something to do.

It was fun and cute at first, but like Sims and Stardew you kinda get bored of playing it and put it on the shelf for a few months until you think about it again lol

I do love how this game plays but it is slowly showing it's greedy little horns with in game purchases that are at times wildly priced.

I did enjoy the story and the cast of familiar characters, their dialogues do tend to land on the simpler side, which I would guess is to make it accessible for kids. The collection system for both reagents and character leveling is well made. The game has cross platform saves which is great and I can see it being useful once the game goes free to play after release. You can decorate not only your house (which can have surprising amount of floors) but also the whole village.

I did have fun with this game in the beginning but I like to collect things and knowing I can't unless I open my wallet makes me want to not even try.

I would recommend waiting for free to play to give it a go. Also don't buy it on Switch it runs horribly, despite many "fixes" it's still super slow and looks worse too. Recently, they introduced option to increase item limit of items placed in your village on "high performance hardware" which excludes Switch.

It's fun. Turn your brain off, listen to some music, and drink some hot chocolate. I don't like Disney, but even I am very intrigued by this one.

El juego en sí no está mal, pero que me mientan en el rostro pues como que no me hace mucha gracia, la verdad.

j'ai vraiment passé un super bon moment sur le jeu, j'ai 55h actuellement, ça devient un peu répétitif au bout d'un moment mais les fan de disney foncez !! (seul bémol, c'est la boutique in game, forcément t'as envie de dépenser de l'argent en + (le jeu vaut déjà 30 EUROS) pour avoir des objets cosmétiques de fou)

game is cute and cozy but doesn't appeal to me, the grind feels a bit hefty, tho its the type of game i'd hop on after a work shift

This is actually pretty good? It is one of the many Animal Crossing like games but legit good at it, and it makes good use of disney IPs, add half a star if you're a fan of disney

cute and relaxing, will probably return to it when it's no longer in early access.

my little neurodivergent brain loves games like this so much. between the nostalgia factor of all the disney characters there to befriend (stitch <33) and stuff like the cooking and fishing it's just such a fun chill time, kinda feels like animal crossing minus (most of) the real-time clock mechanics. only 4 stars because it's a kinda buggy and pretty unstable rn, but i can't wait to see what it starts looking like as we get closer to the full release

I didn't think I'd get into this, or even try it out, if it wasn't on Xbox PC Game Pass. I LOVE the farm/life sim genre, and I have a lot of nostalgia for Disney, but this didn't exactly feel "must play" to me.

I was wrong! It's incredibly charming and it's filled with fun activities that you'd expect from a game like this - fishing, farming, home decorating, outfit collecting and decorating, etc. There's even a social link component where you can rank up friendship levels of residents and unlock furniture/outfits and story quests.

That being said, it has plenty of early access growing pains. Glitches and issues galore. Friendships max out at level 10, and they're not hard to level, so you're stuck with residents who feel kind of useless. Characters have a habit of repeating voice lines, etc. over and over again. Quests can bug out, or require a grindy amount of materials to craft.

Fortunately, the developers have listened to players, and continue to update the game to fix bugs and add new things to it (which you'd expect from something in early access, but still). If you're curious, give it a shot when it comes out of early access and goes F2P later this year.

This game is still buggy as hell on the Switch :-/
BUT it is a unique life sim that really gets the pacing of quests and customization right, imo.

Bug broke game. Refused to restart from beginning.

Simulators like this don't hold my attention for long, but while this one didn't, it was admittedly pretty cute.

Cozy, Fun, And Full Of Nostalgia. This Might Be An Unpopular Opinion, But This Is The Closest Disney Will Ever Get To Re-Attaining The Amazingness Of Kingdom Hearts

I haven't touched this one in a while and figure I probably won't go back to it. have a hard time finding any of types of life sim style games to even come close to the charm of Animal Crossing but Dreamlight Valley comes close.

Craft stuff, cook stuff, upgrade your house, pick weeds, mine ore, talk to Disney characters... it's what you would expect from this style of game.

The only issue for me is that I feel like I'm spinning my wheels all too often in the game. The progression vs time spent for me just doesn't compute. Cute game though, I could see die hard Disney fans really digging this one, but after around 22 hours and not much to show for it, I'm hanging up my mickey ears.

The princess-collectors game I never imagined I wanted.

A fine cosy game vibe with a gorgeous Disney aesthetic. I'm probably not the audience for the amount of grind needed after playing the first 5/10 hours as all the goals seemed like i would need to play for months.

Has a lot of QOL options missing from games such as Animal Crossing which is a welcome change to the genre.