Reviews from

in the past

Just could not get into it, shooting feels no where near as good as Doom or Hexen. Constantly getting lost which is expected for me from this era but nothing outside of that gameplay or atmosphere wise really drew me in. Bear in mind I never played this at release.


Original natürlich schon 1996 als 12-jähriger durchgespielt. 😁 Hatte aber wieder so'n Jucken, dass Ding mal wieder aufzufrischen, inkl. der neuen Episode, die extra für dieses Release von ehemaligen Level-Designern zusammengekloppt wurde. Hat sich voll gelohnt, der gleiche Spaß wie anno dazumal: Fiese Gegner, knallende Waffen-Sounds, schönes Level-Design und neueingesprochene Sprüche von Jon St. John!

This is a terrible port of a great game. Really wish 3DRealms still had the rights to Duke. Gearbox sucks.

Nowadays, Duke Nukem doesn’t seem to get anywhere near the levels of love that DOOM does. That’s probably down to the awful Duke Nukem forever ruining its legacy and DOOM having a very successful reboot. This game has awesome level design, great humour and a mod menu that makes it extremely fun. I had a really fun time getting the platinum too.

The final episode (new to this version) is definitely the weakest, which leaves a poorer final impression, but even that is very good.

I like the game, but there are SO. MANY. LEVELS.

And I didn't even play that much, just 5 hours apparently. But it felt like an eternity, then I realized I had just finished episode 2 of 4, and noped the hell out of there.

Episode 1 was great, but after that I just got progressively sick of it until I just didn't feel like playing it anymore. Talk about overstaying its welcome.

The "rewind" feature upon death of this port is pretty great though.

Frist episode was solid, but a slog after that. You play long enough and you really understand what makes DOOM special.

Hi Randy, I like the new levels

Eu vou avaliar a versão mais recente, mas eu também tenho a Megaton. DN3D tanto no original quanto nos novos episódios e expansões é diversão garantida.

I più giovani forse non lo sanno, ma Duke Nukem 3D era già vecchio quando uscii nel 1996, eppure, diverte come poche cose al mondo, dimostrando come non servano necessariamente nemici o armi poligonali. Infatti, questa remastered svecchia il Duca solo nei punti giusti, peccato solo per la mancanza delle varie espansioni.

One of the classic fps. Replayed it on Switch and still holds up after so many years. Absolute classic.

O que esse jogo tem de divertido, tem de desafiador. Hail to the King, baby!

duke 3d is amazing, one of my favorite shooters, maybe one of my favorite games, but my god this port sucks ass, especially on pc

-several removed episodes (including life's a beach, my favorite campaign)
-i can run most modern games maxed out or almost maxed out on my beastly $4k gaming rig i built, yet this shoddy port stutters
-cant rebind quicksave/load
-added the death rewind feature of the console versions
-randal's greasy magic

also despite being a port of one of the most notable pc first person shooters ever, somehow they fucked up the mouse in more ways than i can imagine.
-mouth smoothing (cant disable)
-mouse acceleration (cant disable)
-cannot assign actions to mouse buttons 4 or 5
-for some fucking reason, the mouse wheel for changing weapons is barely responsive? i need to scroll all the way up or all the way down really fast about 3 or 4 times in a row just to switch to weapons once...
-vsync forced on (adds delay to mouse aiming)
all this combined, makes for some of the worst mouse aiming ive felt. not a problem in megaton, that had great mouse aiming and was very customizable

and all of that is without even mentioning the new campaign. on the one hand, 8 new levels of duke is always welcome, especially when done by the original level designers, with added weapons, music, and enemies not seen in the original... on the other hand, its not very fun, and you're getting more, better content from megaton since world tour gutted several episodes. the new campaign doesnt really make up for it and should be the only reason you pick up world tour. even then i cant recommend it because you'd be giving randal money and also the new campaign isnt very good and is super short. it pretty much has a "bigger is better" approach to the design, with levels so big you cant even see the enemies shooting you past the fog, (btw i dont think fog was in the original) and the maps are just sprawling with countless enemies (and by countless i mean up to about 200) which is insane and impressive for the engine, but it just kinda gets tedious and obnoxious. not very hard, mostly due to the new "rewind on death" feature, but very annoying at times. there are a couple of impressive moments here and there, mostly with how the devs played with the engine and did things that were very clever, notably a part where you go around in circles and the area changes. but other times, its just frustrating and annoying in a way that just seems intentional, like theres an entire level where you have to blow up walls... but every single wall you blow up has about 7 or 8 other walls you need to blow up directly behind it... this isnt red faction, thats only cool when the entire environment is destructable. also it doesnt help that the campaign is super short. i get that its just kind of a bonus, but idk it felt too abrupt, like youre just going about the level and "oh theres a recolored boss from the original game. oh its the final boss. oh thats the end. ok." the new campaign had its good moments, i cant say its terrible or anything but man... it aint worth it. get megaton off a key site or pirate it or something. world tour is just a bad port that removes more than it adds and what it adds is mediocre.

never played any of the other versions so i don't know what the other people are talking about but from this experience i enjoyed it enough to 100% it.

Really fun game that still holds up really well. A few levels can be really frustrating and I found a lack of ammo at times but overall a fun package, maybe just play on a more normal difficulty

A stone-cold classic. The extra levels lessen the experience a bit, but you can't really ruin an experience this carefully calibrated for maximum fun.

Very fun. One of the best boomer shooters out there. I love duke's one liners and movie references, altho found them not to be loud enough, the gunfire and enemies sounds made it hard to hear in my experience. Could be a port issue however. The new duke lines are a great addition and the developer commentary is a thing more games should have.

The level design is awesome. So many interactable elements. I did get lost in some levels because i missed a thing that wasnt so obvious but still great. This version of the game has a rewind feature which im not a fan of. Makes the game way too easy. That aside the difficulty is challenging in a fun, lets try that again with another approach sort of way. There is some absolute BS tho, especially with the flying enemies. Adapting your weapons to suit the enemies is really cool. Like you could just shoot an enemy repeatedly, wasting your ammo but if you have shrink or freeze ray ammo on hand you can just shrink them and deal with them faster. I just love that freedom with enemies.

Duke needs a proper comeback.

randy's cursed rerelease movement and aim feels weird along with rerecorded voice lines that dont sound as cool
new episode is good though and was worked on by the original devs if you wanna play the new episode but dont want to play through this version use this source port how you get the game is up to you(dont give randy money)

It's duke nukem 3d, one of the pioneering fps games along with doom and quake. A shame that this version lacks some of the dlc it had, despite being the 20th anniversary edition.

Duke Nukem 3D, one of the most influential games of all time. This game has put a mark in every video game since then, for it's level of interactivity something present in almost all games, and this game representing the height for all 2.5D-based games with the phenomenal BUILD by Ken Silverman. It's essentially a must-play if you want to get into the boomer shooters.

The gameplay is formulaic for it's time, but the level of detail in these games and interactivity had made this game very remarkable, people have said that Quake and Duke Nukem 3D had paved the way for Half-Life and Unreal, which is certainly true, and it also applies outside of FPS games. Though Duke Nukem 3D had kept some of the weaker points of older 2.5D games, with one being the key cards to progress to another area. Duke Nukem 3D had the first and the third episode as city levels, something that was not that common in 2.5D games. But it also had it's fair share of a space episode, with Lunar Apocalypse being more reminiscent of the earlier 2.5D games that had the same setting. Weapons that are also formulaic but with some interesting ones like the Shrink-Ray, the Freezethrower and the Devastator, a mini-nuke gun that I personally compare it as a discount BFG-9000. 3D Realms later unveiled the Plutonium expansion, that upgraded the game from 1.3 to 1.4. People now know Plutonium as the Atomic Edition, 1.5. This expansion/update added a whole new episode, 'The Birth', some new enemies and a new weapon that would expand enemies instead of shrinking them. Lastly, the 20th Anniversary adds another episode, but there's a twist. All maps of are based on a real life location in the world, giving it the 'World Tour' name. New enemy and an addition of a Flamethrower had made this an interesting episode, including the fact that some of the original developers from 1996 had worked on this.

This version of the game is not very good compared to the one that 3D Realms released a while ago that was pulled out of the store shelves. It was called 'The Megaton Edition' and it had the expansions that were released circa 1997 (that excludes The Birth, as it was an official expansion and an update), and an emulated MS-DOS port, I would've personally liked that because I had already completed the Atomic Edition via MS-DOS, and I'm a purist in terms of playing boomer shooters. I wished that this game had the option to pick between Roland SC-55/88 and OPL-derivative music. The soundfont present in 20th Anniversary sounds a bit off. It feels like a soundcard trying to imitate a Roland but some of the sounds there just don't feel right. Gravis would've been interesting, but I highly doubt anyone is going to use that.

As for the future of this game and franchise, it certainly looks bleak. Ever since the IP had been taken from the old 3D Realms after the dissolution of the company, they haven't done a lot for this game. A lot of people are wishing that the IP was given to the Danish 3D Realms, which has nothing to do with the OG 3DR except for the namesake. While there's a small window for hope, a lot of drama ensues within the former leading developers of the game, with some tirades. If there isn't another Duke Nukem, then certainly the 3rd one had been the most legendary one, and it will be remembered for a long time.

a truly heinous port of a good game, no reason to buy this now that atomic edition is buyable again

THIS WAS ONE OF MY MOST FORMATIVE GAMES GROING UP. It made me SOOOOOO unbelievably happy to find this on PS4, I don't care what others think of it.

Al igual que con Doom 64, fue un viaje a la nostalgia, pero en este caso mas divertido por toda la personalidad que desprende el titulo. Obvio que su humor es muy de los 90' pero siento que todavia tiene cierto encanto.

figo il primo stage in città, mi ricordo quando lo giocavo sul sega saturn da piccolo

This is mainly a review for the Xbox One version. This version has low quality sound effects that were not patched like the PC version was. I mean, just listen to those gun sounds.

Unlike most people, I do actually like the new renderer and lighting effects. The new episode and music is very fun to play through as well. Jon St. John's new Duke voice recordings aren't that great but you can switch back to the old ones which tend to bug out sometimes unfortunately.

All in all, if on PC i'd still go with Eduke32 over this port but the new episode does make it worthwhile when it goes on sale. On Xbox One maybe only on a deep sale like i purchased it since the game is still fun overall.