Reviews from

in the past

They added a new Amsterdam level where Duke Nukem smokes weed.

confesso que só terminei pelo peso do nome duke nukem, pq me decepcionei :(
duke nukem inova muito bem nos cenarios, na historia que tira o sarro, nos efeitos sonoros, porem é mal executado.
um mix de fases extremamente faceis com fases ridiculamente CHATAS…e nao to nem falando no quesito dificuldade, mas sim no quao quebradas e mal planejadas sao, te fazendo perder tempo pra soluçoes sem sentido, nao é como Doom que vc realmente se diverte procurando a porra do cartaozinho colorido pra abrir o proximo caminho.
infelizmente depois de mais de 20 anos acabei descobrindo que o jogo que eu tinha tanto carinho nostalgico de infancia nao passa apenas de um grafico bonito (e foi oq me atraiu quando criança).
se vc ta procurando um shooter como doom, considere outro no lugar de duke nukem.

The single player is pretty fucking good, this was my first time playing Duke 3D and it's probably my favorite boomer shooter now.
Sadly the online doesn't work, thanks for nothing Gearbox. It loses a star because Gearbox sucks and the online doesn't work, the single player deserves 5 stars.

Duke Nukem 3D is a title that literally everybody knows, even if they have not even played a minute of it. The titular protagonist's voice, the memorable enemy variety and the overall style of Duke Nukem 3D made the game the classic that it is today.

However, this title was re-released so many times now, that fans of the game literally prefer different versions of it over the others. I played the currently available edition, the 20th Anniversary World Tour, which does not include the 3 main expansions, that are considered good by the community. It only contains the extra chapters called "The Birth" and "Alien World Order".

What can I possibly say about Duke Nukem 3D? It is clearly a decent game, however, I start to see cracks on it's impenetrable nostalgia as the enemy variety and the level design seemingly did not age well at all.

For example, there is an enemy type that literally just flies toward you and explode, which is a fine and tested concept, but these enemies are literal bulletsponges, and very hard to avoid. The pig cops are also very cool in design, but they can be so cheap at times.

The whole game just reeks cool design, despite for every major good idea, there are minor bad ones, that drag down the experience. There are many, and I mean many, different guns in this game, but the last few gimmick weapons are almost useless, as you will probably never use them, aside from a few instances. Shrinking down enemies is fun, it just does not worth it after a while.

The level design is pretty, but the overall chapter/campaign themes are not very consistant and the overall keyhunting aspect is a bit too confusing with this layout. It is not impossible, just annoying on the long run.

Overall, Duke Nukem 3D is still fun, and the whole vibe of the game sells it. The weakest from the Build Engine holy trinity (Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior) but that does not mean that it is bad at all, quite the opposite. These 3 games are essential for any FPS fan out there in the wild, as they are stunning games on their own and for their age.

randy is worse than andrew willson

actually they're both bad

It draws so much attention to how old it is in the title that they forgot that it was old.

If it wasn’t for the cringeworthy humour and the blatant misogyny this would be the best classic FPS in my books. Both the wide gun selection, the sci-fi film inspired enemy variety, and the incredibly creative level designs (with even more H.R. Giger inspiration) make for some of the most fun I’ve had playing a classic FPS, but man do the juvenile attempts at humour make it eye-rolling to play with the sound on. Duke Nukem, more like Duke Mutem. Besides that though, it’s non-stop fun.

Giving this game such a low rating feels a little disingenuous, because in the nature of heavily DOOM inspired games, a lot of the fun comes after beating it for the first time. But for me, my first time going through, I've gotta say: god this game is mixed.

The level design varies so much in quality it's ridiculous. Generally speaking, the later in the game you go, the better the levels get. And, of course, when it's good, you're moving around, getting in the flow, slowing down and exploring, and having a nice complete lovely package of a game. But sometimes to progress you'll get hit with something so unintuitive it's shocking. E2L4 (Fusion Station) has a door you can't open, and you must to progress. To open it? Go to an unmarked secret door in the wall, travel down its hallway to a small room with powerups with a switch you can barely see on the wall to progress. If I had to compare this to the original DOOM, in that game when I got lost, I'd wander the map for a while before finding where to go. In this game, I'd wander and wander and wander, finally cave and look it up, and it's some bullshit.

E3L7 (Fahrenheit) also has some unintuitive bullshit to progress, but more prominently features another thing I hate with this game: Battlelords, which are kinda like this game's Barons of Hell from DOOM, in that they're the boss of the first episode which later become a semi-frequent miniboss. E3L7 puts one, along with several other enemies, directly in front of a required door, meaning if you don't know what's behind it, you will immediately die. Even if you do, it's such a brutal situation that you'll probably die anyway. Mind you this section is at the end of the level. This game does provide a modern reprieve in that once you die, you can rewind to any point in the level, meaning you can brute force through tough sections. Normally, I'm very against this, but this game has so many bullshit situations (mostly with Battlelords) that I eventually grew completely used to using it. Battlelords, I should add, are very, very strong. They have tons of HP and have a nearly instant hitscan attack that rips through your HP fast, as well as a grenade attack that is of some note. Buuuut, the Shrinker weapon works on it, meaning you can effectively one-shot it. And as a result I feel, the game sees that as an excuse to throw reason out the window and put Battlelords in the stupidest locations ever.

Battlelords aren't the only enemy I despise though, there's also Sentry Drones. God. Have you ever played classic Castlevania and had to deal with Medusa Heads, those annoying assholes that are hard to hit and wreck your shit? That's Sentry Drones. They lock onto you at fairly high speeds, have a surprising amount of HP, and explode once they hit you. If you're in the middle of fighting some enemies and a Sentry Drone comes out, you have to stop everything you're doing to focus on them, and if you slip up a little, whoops! You got blown up and lost like 30% of your HP! These guys often come in packs, too, so they can just shred you apart. I think part of the reason I started enjoying the later parts of this game was because the devs realized this enemy sucks and proceeded to put them in very limited numbers only.

Moving on, the first level is so fucking cool, with so many little things you can interact with, it's a beautiful introduction to the game. But it doesn't ride that energy at all, and fairly quickly becomes an average shooter with the occasional funny voiceline from Duke. Episode 3 (Shrapnel City) takes you back to Earth, but Episode 4 (The Birth) really plays into it, and some of the locations here are funny as fuck. Like Duke Burger, a burger joint themed after Duke Nukem ran by aliens (also one of the worst levels to play in the game). There's also a place called Babeland, which is like Disneyland (with a Mickey Mouse-esque NPC) but every attraction is themed around sexy women. The women in this game are pretty much exclusively done in a sexual connotation (some of them even flash you, which genuinely shocked me), but it's so over-the-top it's honestly funny. A large part of the aliens' goal is to capture babes, like come on, that shit is funny. It feels like it'd be easy for that sort of thing to quickly become gross to see, but the game spaces these bits out enough that it felt played out just enough.

A couple final sporadic notes:

- The 3D cutscenes that play after every episode (and at the start of Episode 4 I think?) are fucking 10/10, absolute peak. The highlight of the whole game.

- The last boss of episode two literally paralyzed me with fear when I first saw it, which I can definitely say is a rare thing for me.

- I completed E3L5 (Movie Set) in 52 seconds. The par time was 2:30, and the 3D Realms time (which is like a challenge time) is 1:04. Was a very confusing moment.

- I didn't complete Episode 5 because, like DOOM, it's basically DLC and is much harder than the rest of the game. But I did play level one (High Times) and the whole Little Green Man Coffee Shop is very fucking funny, especially the "no tobacco" bit on the menu. Also you can just get a Devastator with 75 ammo under the boat which is ridiculous lol.

- The Rocket Launcher's projectile hitbox is jank.

- I never figured out how to use the Expander correctly.


Overall, a fun game when it's fun, but when it's not fun, good fucking lord.

While the source port this runs in is bad, and takes a lot of figiting with the display options to run optimally, this expansion episode of Duke 3D is actually pretty great. My only issue with it aside from the new source port it runs in, is the new voice recordings by John St. John. They sound completely different from the rest of the enemy's bit-crushed audio so it sounds kind of jarring.

An okay port but with some bad glitches and missing DLC fuck gearbox lmao

i played coop with a friend the whole campaign.
what i find odd is that there is no cutscenes for multiplayer.
the worst part of it was the weird ass level design, the later levels get a bit better as it become a little more linear instead of the labyrinth of the first to second episode, it wraps it up a rather alright experience, good for a history lesson but frankly there are better games out there that offer a better experience overall.

Hi Randy, I like the new levels

Very fun. One of the best boomer shooters out there. I love duke's one liners and movie references, altho found them not to be loud enough, the gunfire and enemies sounds made it hard to hear in my experience. Could be a port issue however. The new duke lines are a great addition and the developer commentary is a thing more games should have.

The level design is awesome. So many interactable elements. I did get lost in some levels because i missed a thing that wasnt so obvious but still great. This version of the game has a rewind feature which im not a fan of. Makes the game way too easy. That aside the difficulty is challenging in a fun, lets try that again with another approach sort of way. There is some absolute BS tho, especially with the flying enemies. Adapting your weapons to suit the enemies is really cool. Like you could just shoot an enemy repeatedly, wasting your ammo but if you have shrink or freeze ray ammo on hand you can just shrink them and deal with them faster. I just love that freedom with enemies.

Duke needs a proper comeback.

Garbage source port with useless lighting enhancements. The new episode is decent, the last level is big. If possible get the original games along with other Duke Nukem games on the Zoom Platform.

i never thought that shit would gonna be hard like that

I haven't played the original Duke Nukem, so this review will be solely based on my experiences with this game rather than comparing it as a port to any of the other versions.

I really wanted to like this game, but man I just don't see it. The shooting gameplay is fine, and the game is unique in its set pieces, but it goes beyond the problem I had with DOOM II. Huge massive levels, that I'll just get lost in far too quickly and will have to look up a guide to get my bearings. I do appreciate the large number of power ups you can use in the game, as well as the large roster of weapons. That's something I always love to see.

I found the game to be rather nauseating. The jump in particular just feels off with the way it handles. It feels like it does a tiny little jump, before boosting off into a ceiling and then coming back down. I've played this game a few times and after each session, I found myself physically sick. One time I even threw up. I think I'm getting sick thinking about it again.

A lot of it's charm, however, came from it's outdated 90s "radical dude" humor and use of pixelated tiddy. I'm indifferent. Duke is a goofy guy giving one liners like he's in an old action movie, and I like the memes that come out of it, but man I'm just not feeling this one. Out of the boomer shooters I've played (which isn't very much), I found this one the least appealing. Maybe I'll pick it up again when I get a stronger stomach.

You know what? This has a bunch of dumb design choices but it's still a ton of fun. The controls feel great and Duke is still funny.

Yeah, a nice port of this DOS classic. It's nice to chase the platinum with a familiar game.

Not sure how it compares to the original PC release but in my head it looks and sounds like it did. Not sure why others are saying differently. The new campaign was alright nothing to write home about. It's the original campaigns in the original release. It's fine for what it is. I really liked the audio commentarty bonus feature. I wish more games had this feature.

Platinum #104

Having finished the three original episodes of Duke Nukem 3D, it definitely lives up to it's reputation as one of the great shooters of time. However, it's greatest asset being the interactivity with the levels, can also be it's worst because if you can't find a single specific switch or a cracked wall to blow up you'll be lost until you look it up.

Depois de ter zerado todos os capítulos, digo que é um dos FPS foda lançados nos anos 90, com objetivo simples de matar uns alienígenas FDP e salvar suas 'Babies' em cada fase, o jogo até chega a ser divertido e inovador com cenários reais para época, que com certeza me fez ser um grande fã da franquia, agr só esperando uma sequência decente sair sem ser o Forever ☠️

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour offers a nostalgic trip back to the '90s with its classic shooter action, but its dated graphics and gameplay may leave modern gamers wanting more, resulting in a 2.5/5 rating.

Me ha sorprendido el nivel de interacción con el escenario que tiene para ser un shooter de los 90. Hay ambición técnica en los escenarios y una clara intención de conectarlos narrativamente, pese a que ello suponga que en ocasiones sean absolutamente poco intuitivos. Sobre el gameplay, el arsenal es original pero se nota desequilibrado. Al principio puede parecer un juego con un humor algo rancio, pero lo cierto es que tiene referencias a la cultura popular muy bien llevadas en ese sentido. Divertido ante todo.

Sobre la expansión de The Birth, añade un poco de variedad y se enfoca más en la "comedia", pero sigue acarreando los mismos problemas. Tiene un Unabomber cameo y eso me parece mágico.

En cuanto a la expansión moderna de Alien World Order, Los nuevos mapas son modernos, bonitos y divertidos, pero por alguna razón pierden el nivel de interacción con el escenario que era tan característico; un detalle el cual da que pensar sobre el rumbo que ha tomado el género. Las limitaciones técnicas de la época obligaban a utilizar de forma creativa el propio escenario como principal medio narrativo. Este es otro caso de como se extinguen las limitaciones técnicas mientras se obvian las alternativas creativas que hacían tan especial a la obra.

duke 3d is amazing, one of my favorite shooters, maybe one of my favorite games, but my god this port sucks ass, especially on pc

-several removed episodes (including life's a beach, my favorite campaign)
-i can run most modern games maxed out or almost maxed out on my beastly $4k gaming rig i built, yet this shoddy port stutters
-cant rebind quicksave/load
-added the death rewind feature of the console versions
-randal's greasy magic

also despite being a port of one of the most notable pc first person shooters ever, somehow they fucked up the mouse in more ways than i can imagine.
-mouth smoothing (cant disable)
-mouse acceleration (cant disable)
-cannot assign actions to mouse buttons 4 or 5
-for some fucking reason, the mouse wheel for changing weapons is barely responsive? i need to scroll all the way up or all the way down really fast about 3 or 4 times in a row just to switch to weapons once...
-vsync forced on (adds delay to mouse aiming)
all this combined, makes for some of the worst mouse aiming ive felt. not a problem in megaton, that had great mouse aiming and was very customizable

and all of that is without even mentioning the new campaign. on the one hand, 8 new levels of duke is always welcome, especially when done by the original level designers, with added weapons, music, and enemies not seen in the original... on the other hand, its not very fun, and you're getting more, better content from megaton since world tour gutted several episodes. the new campaign doesnt really make up for it and should be the only reason you pick up world tour. even then i cant recommend it because you'd be giving randal money and also the new campaign isnt very good and is super short. it pretty much has a "bigger is better" approach to the design, with levels so big you cant even see the enemies shooting you past the fog, (btw i dont think fog was in the original) and the maps are just sprawling with countless enemies (and by countless i mean up to about 200) which is insane and impressive for the engine, but it just kinda gets tedious and obnoxious. not very hard, mostly due to the new "rewind on death" feature, but very annoying at times. there are a couple of impressive moments here and there, mostly with how the devs played with the engine and did things that were very clever, notably a part where you go around in circles and the area changes. but other times, its just frustrating and annoying in a way that just seems intentional, like theres an entire level where you have to blow up walls... but every single wall you blow up has about 7 or 8 other walls you need to blow up directly behind it... this isnt red faction, thats only cool when the entire environment is destructable. also it doesnt help that the campaign is super short. i get that its just kind of a bonus, but idk it felt too abrupt, like youre just going about the level and "oh theres a recolored boss from the original game. oh its the final boss. oh thats the end. ok." the new campaign had its good moments, i cant say its terrible or anything but man... it aint worth it. get megaton off a key site or pirate it or something. world tour is just a bad port that removes more than it adds and what it adds is mediocre.

Duke Nukem 3D, one of the most influential games of all time. This game has put a mark in every video game since then, for it's level of interactivity something present in almost all games, and this game representing the height for all 2.5D-based games with the phenomenal BUILD by Ken Silverman. It's essentially a must-play if you want to get into the boomer shooters.

The gameplay is formulaic for it's time, but the level of detail in these games and interactivity had made this game very remarkable, people have said that Quake and Duke Nukem 3D had paved the way for Half-Life and Unreal, which is certainly true, and it also applies outside of FPS games. Though Duke Nukem 3D had kept some of the weaker points of older 2.5D games, with one being the key cards to progress to another area. Duke Nukem 3D had the first and the third episode as city levels, something that was not that common in 2.5D games. But it also had it's fair share of a space episode, with Lunar Apocalypse being more reminiscent of the earlier 2.5D games that had the same setting. Weapons that are also formulaic but with some interesting ones like the Shrink-Ray, the Freezethrower and the Devastator, a mini-nuke gun that I personally compare it as a discount BFG-9000. 3D Realms later unveiled the Plutonium expansion, that upgraded the game from 1.3 to 1.4. People now know Plutonium as the Atomic Edition, 1.5. This expansion/update added a whole new episode, 'The Birth', some new enemies and a new weapon that would expand enemies instead of shrinking them. Lastly, the 20th Anniversary adds another episode, but there's a twist. All maps of are based on a real life location in the world, giving it the 'World Tour' name. New enemy and an addition of a Flamethrower had made this an interesting episode, including the fact that some of the original developers from 1996 had worked on this.

This version of the game is not very good compared to the one that 3D Realms released a while ago that was pulled out of the store shelves. It was called 'The Megaton Edition' and it had the expansions that were released circa 1997 (that excludes The Birth, as it was an official expansion and an update), and an emulated MS-DOS port, I would've personally liked that because I had already completed the Atomic Edition via MS-DOS, and I'm a purist in terms of playing boomer shooters. I wished that this game had the option to pick between Roland SC-55/88 and OPL-derivative music. The soundfont present in 20th Anniversary sounds a bit off. It feels like a soundcard trying to imitate a Roland but some of the sounds there just don't feel right. Gravis would've been interesting, but I highly doubt anyone is going to use that.

As for the future of this game and franchise, it certainly looks bleak. Ever since the IP had been taken from the old 3D Realms after the dissolution of the company, they haven't done a lot for this game. A lot of people are wishing that the IP was given to the Danish 3D Realms, which has nothing to do with the OG 3DR except for the namesake. While there's a small window for hope, a lot of drama ensues within the former leading developers of the game, with some tirades. If there isn't another Duke Nukem, then certainly the 3rd one had been the most legendary one, and it will be remembered for a long time.