Reviews from

in the past

After numerous crashes on my PC, I'm going to shelve this game. From what I remember when I played this game last, this game is one of my favorites. This game was my first time playing an RPG and my first Fallout, both of which have had a huge impact on my life. The Pitt and Point Lookout DLC were my favorites, both adding interesting new settings. Operation: Anchorage and Mothership Zeta I did not care for. Anchorage gave us a cool look on a much talked about point in Fallout history, but the simulation setting I do not like. Zeta was all about Aliens, which has been around Fallout since the beginning, but was always minor and in the background. Putting it in the foreground is not something I care for.

Thanks for listening, children.

The game that took my Fallout virginity and the game that turned my interest from shooters to RPGs. It doesn't hurt that I live near the Capital Wasteland so I know a lot of the area - even after it's been turned to a radioactive hellscape of misery and pain. Fallout 3's map is massive and chock-full of interesting, scary, weird, and irradiated locations to explore. The gunplay is dated but still engaging and satisfying. Walking out of Vault 101 is still breathtaking even now. The DLCs are also commendable - Point Lookout is my personal favorite, a timeless and invigorating foray into the dark and mysterious swamps of Maryland, faced with violent locals, swamp ghouls, and other horrors. The punga fruit hallucinations are whack though. Many of Fallout 3's unique quests are memorable and captivating side adventures while you track down your deadbeat Liam Neeson dad. Also, I appreciated the religious themes in the game, which were both nonintrusive and appealing - nobody ever talks about how the plot of the game is based on a Bible verse and I'm not sure why. The main quest is serviceable and treats the major themes of the game well although it isn't exactly moving either. Overall a solid experience, even worn by age.

When I was 12 I played this game and I just remember being amazed my the setting, the music and the sense of dread this game gives you.

More Fallout, including the 10/10 expansion Point Lookout and the dogshit expansions Mothership Zeta and Broken Anchorage. Three Dogs/10

mucho contenido y las expansiones están que te cagas

Bethesda Studios are very good at making games that make me feel like I'm dead

This review contains spoilers

fawkes telling me that it was my destiny to die to radiation poisoning, and the narrator calling me a coward and a loser for sending in fawkes anyway was very funny

O jogo até que é bem diverto, porém simplesmente bethesda. Jogo extremamente bugado, tive que usar comandos de console pra conseguir começar a DLC , então eu chego na missão final e o jogo simplesmente crasha em um certo pontokkkkkkkkkk.

a deathclaw had a giant boner and hit me in the face or some shit

Giocato troppo tardi probabilmente

was a very fun game with too much crashing

I understand that it was first person fallout and pretty old to todays standards and its my first fallout game. its pretty creative and a unique game. (now on to new vegas)

meh story meh combat but its still a bethesda game so its fun

Probably the best Bethesda Fallout but its easily blown away by New Vegas.

The setting is interesting, but the story is very bland, and the acting isn't the best. It's basically just Fallout 1 & 2 combined and mixed with Oblivion's Engine. Not bad, but not really that good either. Still, it beats playing the original two or 4 anyday.

One of my favourite games of all time. First played it 10 years ago and still come back for the nostalgia. Out of the 3 Bethesda Fallout's, FO3 definitely has the better atmosphere, although not as high quality combat.

Avoid Mothership Zeta, and you'll have a good time.

Didn't enjoy this fallout much and definitely had to push through to finish it near the end

(Escribí esta reseña en la ficha del juego base, aunque realmente al que he jugado es a este):

La historia principal se me ha hecho mucho más corta de lo que esperaba (aunque el hecho de que algunas de mis habilidades ya estuvieran llegando a los 100 puntos debería haberme hecho sospechar que el final estaba cerca) y, por lo que he investigado, ya he completado casi la mitad de las misiones secundarias del juego base (aunque tengo la edición GOTY, que creo que viene con todos los DLC).

Todo esto no es ni bueno ni malo, es para dar contexto a mi opinión, que es la siguiente:

El juego es sumamente inversivo, con un universo y ambientación difícilmente superables (el diseño de sonido es especialmente eficaz) y un abanico de posibilidades jugables inmenso.

La trama como tal no es gran cosa, pero el Yermo está lleno a rebosar de personajes de lo más variopinto con los que podrás intercambiar interesantes diálogos y/o golpes y disparos con todo tipo de armas; y también de monstruos mutantes que podrían llegar a hacerse un hueco en tus pesadillas.

Con el tiempo supongo que iré completando misiones secundarias y explorando otras opciones que ofrece el juego, por lo que puede que en algún momento vuelva a escribir algo aquí e incluso que le suba la media estrella que le falta.

My girlfriend and I wanted an RPG to play through together, and I don't think our decision could have been better.

Fallout 3 has something for everyone; action, politics, awesome levelup/perk mechanics, VATS, comedy, exploration. The works.

However, saying this, the game did kind of just... end. It wasn't really clear that we were on the final mission until the credits started rolling.

While we may have moved on for now, I can see us coming back soon to play through the countless missions awaiting us, including all the DLCs.

3/5 without mods, 4/5 with mods. It's servicable.

as much as i loved this game as a kid I have to admit it is kinda trash. Everything is just ripped straight out of the og fallouts (Enclave, Super Mutants, etc.) It also goes against everything in Fallout 2 where society is already somewhat rebuilding itself.

+ amazing character/NPC design and story

- incredibly buggy. crashed too many times to be enjoyable.

É bom, mas não tanto assim.

Um dos melhores RPGs que eu já joguei. Ter descoberto esse jogo na época foi uma loucura (no bom sentido), o que me fez amar esse estilo de jogo, que trago como favorito, até os dias de hoje. E eu agradeço ao meu primo por ter me apresentado essa obra de arte.

PS.: Tentei jogar no PC anos depois e estava injogável. É muito triste a performance dos jogos da Bethesda no PC, principalmente desses jogos mais antigos. Mesmo baixando vários MODs de correção, os problemas persistem. E é uma pena pensar na possível quantidade de pessoas que não experienciaram esse jogo por conta disso.

Se crashea en inicio, tipico, tener que modearlo para jugar tranquilamente baja muchisimo su valoracion