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in the past

I really liked the story and characters in three houses, but the gameplay kind of felt like a step down from awakening and echoes. This game has the opposite problem where the story is fine, but doesn’t hit like three houses. That being said the gameplay and graphics feel like a big step up. The graphics feel way more detailed, but the art design is not really my thing. The gameplay and map design really carried this game tho and I had fun with it.

Fire Emblem Engage is a game about the cyclical nature of war and familial bonds, although the story is extremely lacklustre until the final arc.

The gameplay is immaculate. I was at first weary incase they were an addiction to the series that didn’t vibe with me, but they feel so natural, although I can’t help, but feel they pidgeon hole other aspects of the design, such as win conditions. Most bosses in kill boss maps (And most other maps) have at least 1 revive stone which revives them once they hit 0 hp. While I understand this is to prevent one good Engaged attack from killing the boss, it leads to waiting around the boss, but unlike in other games at least you have nuke buttons. They you may ask “What about other win conditions like reach area?” and that is a good question, however other win conditions suffer similar fates. If getting Alear to a certain area was the win condition, Sigurd’s movement or Celica’s warp ragnarok would make swift work of that and as such maps often feel bigger then they need to be to facilitate the absurdity of some Emblems. One small thing that bugged me we the removal of the option to have your turn start on the lord of the last tile as each player phase starts on Alear, the option I would have preferred to not use.

I have strong feelings towards the Somniel. On one hand it made me appreciate earlier entries in the series, on the other hand that’s because they don’t have the Somniel, however I don’t think the Somniel is unsalvageable. Yes it’s bigger then it needs to be, yes it takes way too long and distracts from the core experience too much in my opinion, yes having two of the most important aspects of the hub behind a load zone is dumb and you’ve got to question why you are running around picking up potatoes when you already have 100. I’m Irish and even I don’t know what to do with 100 potatoes. I honestly think Fates had the perfect post battle prep hub. It adds more life then just being a menu/prep screen/world map and most importantly to go from place A to B in the hub is quick and snappy. I swear getting anywhere in the Fates hub is faster then the 4 shops in Engage that are right next to each other in a circle and speaking of the shops let’s talk about the economy.

The economy of resources is mostly fine, even if as mentioned earlier ingredients are ridiculously common having enough ingredients is a non issue and the bond spirit economy seems extremely fair (Even if the gacha rings feel useless once you have enough emblems for everyone and aren’t worth investing in once you get enough bond levels etc… to start building the skills you want, but the gold economy is atrocious. You rarely have enough money for anything without grinding (Which I didn’t do once) as your money can be used for weapons, forging weapons, fashion and donating to the nations. Money simply is too rare for how flexible it is. While the forging/fashion materials fall a little into this pit, at least all the outfits are garbage and while I’m not fond of the forging, it does feel like Fates’ system perfected. The final resources that I haven’t talked about are all tied to the online trials, which I did not engage with at all so I can’t comment on them.

While a good chunk of the characters probably should not be trusted around weaponry, I really like most of the characters and the supports are for the most part really fun. The “I’m not saying they are gay, but I’m not saying they are straight either” writing is such a treat and fits the game well.

Fire Emblem Engage is weird and sometimes I wonder if it has that Fire Emblem-ness I’ve grown to love, but it’s definitely up there on the games I want to replay already which I’ll definitely do around when the final dlc drops and hopefully that’s as fun as the first time, if not more.

Fell Xenologue:

While weirdly balanced as your units are mostly preset, but a few things are not preset, this was tight af and worked quite well. Will absolutely be my go to example for a well designed gimmick map and while the final boss was a pain in the ass, it was a tough, but fair pain. Story didn’t really stick the landing though, but it started pretty good.

Really Nice Game , Most fun I had with a tactical Rpg In a While.
The Story is pretty basic and Straightforward , but it's a nice tribute to the old fire emblems games, people tend to forget it , but a lot of Fire emblem Games have really basic stories , but that's the Charm of it.
Some Dialogues are a bit Cringe , mostly the one with Framme and Clanne , but there are also some who are really goods , like the supports with Rosado or with Ivy.
Gameplay is absolutely awesome , and no matter what criticism i have about the story , the gameplay will always be what counts , and it's fantastic.
The design are actualy really cool and fit really well with the way the world is designed , they have really nice details that fits them and that's something i really Like.
So It's mostly a very good Game , with a Lackluster Story but a very good gameplay.

great combat changes. story was budget sacred stones

Pretty good, modern Skill Emblem is meshed very well with Classic Emblem. Voice acting was great, art is some of the best since Echoes, story is very fun and campy but can be serious when it needs to be.

Gereksiz göüldüğünü düşünüyorum oynadığım en zevkli fire emblem oyunuydu

been a long time since i've played a game this lengthy (like 50 hours) and had this little to say about it.

whereas a game like nier directly forces you to question existence and mortality, and morality following that, this game does so because where else is your mind gonna go playing something this empty?

i liked three houses and three hopes but maaan i do hope that holy war remake thing ends up being good lol

Overall pretty fun on the gamplay front. The Emblem and Break systems felt pretty good and gave some thought and variety to the combat. Much of the other sub systems (Skill Points, emblem weapon upgrades, etc) were half baked and other elements lacked transparency (character stat growth, when you actually should be promoting people). Had good map variety in the main story and paralogues. The paralogues were callbacks to old FE maps which means nothing if you're a relatively new player.

Story was pretty meh. It was straight forward without much to it but it served its purpose of giving you a reason to do the map and because of permadeath mechanic being a thing a lot of characters would stop showing up in the story once you recruited them.

Characters are colorfully designed but very one note with one or two defining traits that constantly appear in their support skits which starts to feel samey after enough times. Static endings for supports makes it not worth doing the skits other than your main combat force.

the TLDR is that this is the anti-3 Houses. The gameplay is better but the social elements are weaker. Still worth a look if you're into tactical/strategy RPGS.

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Ehhh. Its good for a fire emblem game but I dont like some of the mechanics they added and got rid of. Also the story isnt anything special. You fight the same people over and over. I lost count of how many times you fight the 4 hounds

Different from 3 Houses in a good way

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Yes i have daddy issues but i also like tactics

Combien de femmes ont validé le projet ?

A good Fire Emblem game in terms of gameplay, a bad Fire Emblem game in terms of story and characters.

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Nothing I say here is going to be a hot take:

The gameplay in Engage is the best a Fire Emblem has ever felt: the weapon triangle is back (praise the gods!), the map design is nearly always exquisite, and once you figure out how the break mechanic works it's a wonderful addition.

The graphics and models (discarding any personal feelings about the Genshin Impact-ass designs) are actually really great, the polish and detail that went into this makes it one of the best looking games on the Switch in my opinion. Playing this hot off the heels of Pokemon Violet was like putting on glasses again. The detail work put into the combat animations was also quite exceptional.

The main story is just fine, I deeply miss Three Houses here but it's not worse than Fates. The part where this game really fails is it's supports, they're incredibly hit and miss with a skew towards miss.

Three Houses, Echoes, Awakening, and even Fates had care and detail put into their supports. Here, there's mostly the following:

Working Out/Muscles
One actual support split into three
"Nice day we're having." "Yeah, that grass sure is green"
And a handful of good ones, usually involving the Brodian and/or Elusian nobles/retainers.

And don't even get me started on the absolute nothing burgers that almost all of the Bond conversations are, they almost would've been better off not including them

Overall, it may not be the best Fire Emblem game, but it's certainly still a great one, and a pretty good "anniversary/multiverse" entry for the series.

Fue bastante divertido y un buen fanservice como aniversario y aunque la historia no sea como mucha gente dice flojea en el apartado de personajes hablando de secundarios respecto al protagonista, Veyle y los mastines están muy bien.
Merece una oportunidad

PD: Me saco una lagrima al final

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(JP) great gameplay, shitty story. if i absolutely have to pick between gameplay or story to compromise for a video game, it will always have to be the latter. gave my ring to veyle & found her ending to be great for scratching both that thematic itch and being platonic.

localization seething is blown out of proportion as per usual and unless you actually understand japanese, please don't parrot bullshit and base your opinions on hearsay lmao. all opinions are created equal except monolinguals bitching and moaning about translations from a language they don't even understand

Namoral? é até difícil falar desse jogo. A gameplay desse jogo é boa bagarai, mas sinto que o jogo peca um pouco nos outros aspectos, principalmente se comparado com o seu antecessor. Fire Emblem engage é um tipo de carta de amor para os fãs da franquia, e é ai que mora o problema. Repleto de clichês e é claro personagens queridos pelos fãs, o jogo se agarra nos aspectos citados anteriormente para tentar fisgar o jogador. O jogo em si começa com um cast bem fraco que só vai ganhar corpo mesmo lá para às 10h de jogatina, personagens mto simples e estereotipados que simplesmente adoram e veneram seu personagem 24/7 as vezes me fazendo sentir como em um isekai ''That time when i choke on my anal plug and got reincarnated as a divine dragon''.
A historia do jogo facilmente caberia como um book de Fire Emblem Heroes. Na verdade dependendo do book nem isso, visto que o heroes tem historias mais interessantes. Se você jogou uns 3 rpgs japoneses na sua vida vc já pega tudo nos primeiros 40 min de gameplay.
Como falei antes se comparado com o anterior, Fire emblem engage sai bem atrás na maioria dos aspectos, ganhando só em questões tecnicas (Gameplay,Graficos e etc) Em trilha sonora nem existe comparação, Fire emblem Three houses simplesmente HUMILHA o engage, que conta com remix de jogos antigos como a melhor parte da sua trilha sonora. Os personagens do three houses também são mais interessantes, como seus bonds, os personagens do engage são muito estereotipados e caricatos, e a sua maioria tem bonds bem francos e curtos, fazendo com que se torne uma tarefa difícil se apegar a alguns personagens.
Poderia continuar descendo a lenha nesse jogo, visto que me incomodei bastante com algumas coisas da historia, mas no final de contas não quero que pareça q n gostei do jogo. É um jogo divertido e mediano, e pra mim só isso mesmo, não acho estranho você amar ou odiar esse jogo, visto que ele é repleto de fanservice, fazendo com que a experiencia seja bem ambígua mesmo.

this game would be pretty good with a little tweaking to the experience and skill point gain, i level up so fast and easy im never in trouble but i never got enough skill points to make interesting characters, sort of a shame to waste a game with new mechanics that could be interesting to experiment with by forcing these trial runs or over leveling to be able to use skills that would then not be necessary because you are over leveled, story kinda booty too but at least the main character isnt a lifeless drone like in 3 houses so thats a plus, maybe updates and dlc will fix the game somewhat but its too late cause i already played it and will not really want to be playing it again

This game seems like a return to form for the fire emblem series, for better and worse.

In terms of gameplay, this game is great. I played on Hard/Classic, and the balance was very good, up until the end, with a couple battles seeming a little unnecessarily hard. I really enjoyed the return of the weapon triangle, with it being more important than ever. It adds quite a bit of extra tactics to the game. The engage gimmick is really fun, but I often found myself waiting to use it too much, but that's mostly just me. I like the way they handled knives and the classes that went with them ,but didn't like how bad brawling is. The way reclassing works is really nice, taking from both three houses and previous games to encourage certain paths, but allowing for a ton of customization.

In terms of story, it ranges from bad to mediocre throughout. The writing is way worse than three houses, which is my main point of comparison here. There are a couple of interesting beats near the end, but other than that, it was extremely bland. In addition to that, There are a couple of appealing characters, but they are the vast minority. It doesn't help that most of the support conversations come off as awkward and/or creepy. It is annoying, but not really why I come to the game.

I terms of graphics, this game is a huge step up from three houses. The prerendered 3D anime cutscenes are beautiful, some of the best I've seen on the switch. The general graphics are all they need to be plus a little extra.

Overall, this was amazing in terms of gameplay that could have used some more time in the story and characterization department. Despite its flaws, I really like it.

Fire Emblem Engage sigue la tradación de la saga de no hacer 2 juegos seguidos iguales, en este caso el juego se aleja lo maximo possible de Three Houses; una historia lineal, menos enfoque en la rejugabilidad, personajes (generalmente) mas pobres, menos enfoque en los "supports" y una historia bastante llena de los tropos de la saga; por otra parte, esta edición incorpora muchisimas mecánicas nuevas que funcionan a la perfección, el triangulo de armas ha sido reintroducido dandole aún más importáncia grácias a la mecánica del desarmar, todo lo que hace referencia a los emblemas me ha encantado ya que grácias a ellos puedes personalizar muchisimo tu estilo de juego dado que al cambiar las habilidades que tienen tus unidades i darles armas nuevas, permite que la misma unidad pueda tener enfoques muy distintos, sindo esta mecánica una heredera del variado sistema de classes del Three Houses las cuales han perdido protagonismo en esta entrega de la saga. Por último y para terminar la comparación con la entrega anterior de la saga, en este juego se ha dado muchisima mas prioridad al gameplay, cada mapa tiene su própia mecànica que lo diferencía del resto, en el peor de los casos son ligeramente molestas y en el mejor mejor muchisimo tu experiencia, forzandote fuera de tu zona de confort y obligandote a reconfigurar tu estratégia constantemente, además este juego recupera la mecánica del pulso divino de Three Houses, dandote esta vez usos infitos (en la dificultad normal, desconozco como funciona en el resto de dificultades) dando así más calidad de vida.

- Nueva mecánica de los emblemas que te permite personalizar el rol de tus unidades y añade capas extra a la complejidad de la estratégia.
- Apartado artístico que ha mejorado muchisimo respecto al la entrega anterior de la saga en la misma consola.
- Diseño de niveles excelente y nuevas mecánicas de combate que hace que los combates sean mucho mas que un tramite para llegar del punto A al punto B.

- Historia irregular, rica en tropos de la saga y que pasa de ser regulera, a momentos que te dejan con la piel de gallina, a preguntarte porque todos los villanos tienen el sindrome de Doofenshmirtz.
- Personajes también irregulares, donde tienes personajazos como Yunaka, Alcryst o Fogado, y personajes que son mas bien un arquetipo, como Louis, Chloé o Citrinne. Esto viene acompañado de un menor enfoque en los "supports", donde el unico personaje que tiene un final conjunto es con quien te casas, y siendo tan cortos que no te permiten ver al completo las distintas facetas de los personajes. Pese a esto el juego consigue hacerte empatizar con distintos personajes al largo de la historia.

Un nuevo Fire Emblem que se enfoca en el gameplay y deja la narrativa a parte para darme una muy buena experiencia táctica durante más de 60 horas.

Best gameplay in the series. Worst story and characters in the series. Great soundtrack. Was not disappointed because I knew the story would be abysmal going into it.

Solid game, but falls short of being great. (disclaimer: this is from a Three Houses lover)
Cast of characters is great, with everyone being a loveable weirdo.
Voice actors all did a good job - Alear might be the most basic protagonist out there, but letting him actually have emotions really made him more endearing than most non-voiced protags.
Gameplay is fun and most of the maps are hits.
Sommie :)
Some really good support & bond conversation moments exist
Being able to walk around battlefields after clearing them is cool
Music is amazing - both the remixes and original songs go hard.

Somniel feels like the monastery with fewer activities, which would be fine except what is there feels way more time consuming and less rewarding.
90% of the paralogues being reserved for emblems rather than furthering characters or recruiting more than 2 was a bit disappointing, especially since all but a few characters have absolutely zero story relevance after the chapter you recruit them.
Story has a few solid moments, but most of the stuff near the end feels rushed or just way too cheesy.
Lots of money sinks, but you barely get any money most of the time and skirmishes usually aren't worth playing.
Really wish the 10 rewind limit either persisted into Normal or was a separate setting from difficulty (even tying it into Classic/Casual would be better tbh)
Augmenting Engage weapons is too expensive, and Tower of Trials runs take way too long (both solo & having to wait for people to finish a run you started).
The final map feels pretty disappointing.

Das Highlight vom neuesten Fire Emblem Ableger sind definitiv die Kämpfe, die im Vergleich zu Three Houses, noch taktischer ausfallen und es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht mit der Emblem Mechanik rumzuspielen. Hingegen die Geschichte ist nichts besonderes und wurde im Verlauf des Abenteuers auch egal und ich konnte mit den meisten Charakteren nichts anfangen.

I'll be honest, this game is a decent fe game, it just didn't really click with me is all. The music was really good (as expected), the character designs did somewhat grow on me, the gameplay was fine, but the rest of the game just didn't leave enough of an impression.
I may pick it up again, but it won't be for a while I'd imagine.

My first fire emblem and I'm happy to say I throughly enjoyed it.

This game is pretty good! I loved the gameplay, I liked the lore, character designs, voice acting was top notch, and the interactions between characters, however there is one huge drawback that kind of ruined the experience.

The story. It sucks. Its awful. It's bad. I liked some elements of it but overall it's cringe, messy, and just bad. Feels like a anime that went straight dvd and they stole the story off it. I feel if the story was stronger and the narrative this could be one of the best JRPGS ever. The gameplay is already so solid, so addictive and fun, so having that story merge in would be so nice. Sometimes the characters interact on the battlefield which is really cool. And some of the fights are so awesome. It actually feels like a war.

I liked how the characters from the old games came back, and they are kinda treated as legends so that was really cool, and the interactions with our modern characters were nice.

I loved how classes have different looks and you can build your characters the way you want, although it sucks you can't actually choose what they wear. I also think the weapon system and upgrade was good, however it felt a little limited and the weapons felt generic.

The graphics and performance are very good, one of the best looking switch games.

It was also disappointing how dragons are basically non-existent, you don't even use one or turn into one, the final boss is kinda a dragon so that was cool.

I really liked the social aspects, I wish they went more into them because you never really connect with any character, and this leads back to the story being weak of course.

The side quests or aka paralouges were alright, nothing special but adds more things to do and people to fight.

The arena mode was sick LOL. Seeing characters 1v1 and some close fights that are intense was awesome. They should make a fighting game. The somniel is not a bad addition, it could have felt more homie though.

But overall a fun experience, I wouldn't buy it at full price because the story is super bad or recommend it at full price but if you're looking to get into the series I feel this was a good introduction. Definitely a sale game.

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Pretty good game, I like the gameplay here, the new system of break is fine since it can heavily bite you in the ass if it happens to you. Smash also pushes you back which can be nice when you need another enemy to kill them.
The music is fine. Nothing too special.
The story is straight up dogshit.
Every character there worships you like some god, every character there has barley any development and are completely one note, alear is a really lame, they barley have a personality and don't do anything to make me like them. My god the villains are even worse. They just monolouge their plans to the enemy for some stupid reason, the four hounds are really bad as well, all are pretty one note too. They also constantly do the "damn, I've been defeated. but I can't fall here, I must make my retreat" all the time. It takes the last few chapters to for them to be gone for good.
One of the characters from the group joins you because he wants to protect veyle, but you could've just done that and not joined the four hounds.
They try to do a emotional moment for the emblems and lumera but I dont give a flying fuck about them.
This story is an immense downgrade from three hopes and three houses.
This game can be just described as great gameplay, shit story.