Reviews from

in the past

Definitely one of the games of all time

most interesting thing about the game is that if you shoot the other humans not only do you lose points but it drains your life. when i played this co-op with my bf he got a game over for shooting some guy over and over

This is a comedy game because it claims you're saving the dinosaurs but you're firing gatling guns and freeze rays at them as they literally explode into bits, and idiot NPCs keep trying to fist fight the raptors. Really short and often cheap, you just constantly die for seemingly no reason, extreme quarter muncher. The Raw Thrills Halo game was a bit of a quarter muncher but at least it had variety and a storyline, this was a letdown after that.

if you see this in an arcade, you have been blessed this day

Pretty fun, although can get very overwhelming when playing alone. Also the segments where you gotta shoot targets feel way too tight.

Bro Istg this game is so fun

The Jurassic Park Arcade games always have been and always will be the peak of Arcade gaming you cannot convince me otherwise.

We are never beating this.

One of the better western rail shooters. Good setpieces, tense moments, very cool gun design with good rumble feedback, and a shockingly fair difficulty curve. I think it goes a bit too overboard with the setpieces, though: The cinematic moments and standard popcorn enemy hordes dont flow very well into each other. Not a major flaw, but a quirk that becomes more noticable the more you play. I dont think its as good as the Sega JP shooters, but i always enjoy playing it when i see it at malls and arcades nonetheless.

I think I spent like $100 to finish this game. Gun haptics go crazy tho

Blew away $20 like it was nothing only to be eaten by a Spinosaurus. But I made it about 90% of the way through the game and it was fairly exciting!
Dialogue was absolute crap though, which I'm starting to think is a goal for arcade shooters.

The name is a complete lie nothing about this game is at all related to Jurassic Park it's just a railgunner with stock Dinosaur models.

I sat there with my friend and did nothing because the darn thing didn't work and I had to watch...

Did you know that Chuck E Cheese allows you to buy unlimited play hours? I learned this while watching my nephew for a week. He mostly just wanted to play this game. It can be fun, but parts can be very frustrating, because you have to succeed to advance or you are reset. Best played with unlimited swipes, but it's a fine on-rails shooter.

Eu só lembro da minha noiva falar "ah, nós vamos salvar os dinossauros!" antes de começarmos a atirar em qualquer dinossauro que aparecesse pela frente por 20 minutos. É bem genérico na parte mecânica e provavelmente não seria tão legal se não tivesse a fisicalidade do arcade.

Round 2: Japan

Gun haptics were not as crazy on this machine, but freeplay was enabled so I did not have to spend $100 this time.

Weird game. The only thing I really hated were the pseudo-QTEs where you have to shoot targets on a big dinosaur. Especially towards the end of levels, failing some of these QTEs is a Game Over and forces you to restart. Oh well!

Also, Player 2 grenades didn't work for some reason.

It's no House of the Dead 2 that's for sure!!

A brachiosaurus attacks and tries to eat you...
This game is dino shit.

Only piece of Jurassic Park media that I've consumed thus far, cool!