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in the past

Great game, but i didn't beat it because of the weird part at that end that wasn't in the original Super Metroid. I beat all the other stuff so I still consider it a win.

For some reason this is the only 2D Metroid I bothered finishing. It's not as confusing as other ones I've tried and got too frustrated, and I thought the Zero Suit Samus stealth mission part was actually kinda fun.

Krass, dass sie das erste Metroid als Vorlage hatten, das war nämlich der größte Scheiß. Trotzdem ist das Spiel eingeschränkt wegen seiner Vorlage. Dieses Spiel ist sehr linear und es ist schwer etwas zu verpassen. Habe das Spiel in 4:40h mit 75% durchgespielt. Ist ein ganz cooles Spiel für zwischendurch aber nix atemberaubendes. Die Bosse waren richtig lächerlich. Vielleicht bin ich einfach zu verwöhnt von Hollow Knight und Metroid Dread. Habe nicht das Bedürfnis noch die 100% zu holen.

I really liked the atmosphere of this one, the bosses were cool and the items weren't hidden absurd places. Still...some of these shinespark puzzles were so fucking hard. It was still worth the increased difficulty for the final boss though.

I like this game it's p fun

This was a very good remake. Honestly, all Metroid 1 needed was a map. However this game went above and beyond by redoing the boss fights, updating the game to look on par with Fusion, having fun and fluid mobility, and even an extra area at the end.

Played on February 4th, 2023.

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Playing as zero suit Samus was genius, but f*ck, it felt like a horror game

A short, tighter experience for a Metroid game, and perhaps an over calibration from the normal formula. Minimal backtracking, you know where you need to go. It is also one of the easiest. That being said, between the clever world design, soundtrack, gameplay, and that eerie vibe, this is an impeccable game and an accessible entry into the series. The penultimate chapter is also a terrifying highlight (of sorts) that was a clear inspiration for the horrifying EMMI of Dread.

It's good, but, like, Super Metroid was already kind of an expanded remake of Metroid, making Zero Mission a bit feel redundant and just a less interesting version of Super. Sure, it's nice and short and controls extremely well, but thanks to being pretty faithful to the original Metroid in a lot of ways feels very basic, and the expanded map doesn't really make the game much better. The most interesting aspect of Zero Mission is probably the final act that is wholly original, but also sadly pretty boring and seems to be mostly an excuse to sexualize Samus in her zero suit as much as possible.

Should have kept Samus's chicken walk from the original smh.

A great start to Samus's adventures. They even added an extra feature after finishing the game where you can play it reimagined as an NES game pret neat.

The final section is kind of annoying but it's a great game.

Gorgeous to look at and a fun time when I could figure out where to go next. It kinda sucks how much I had to look at a guide only to see "blow up this one tile of the wall in this particular room"

If this is what Metroid is like, I'm super excited to continue the series. The music is brilliant and adds to the atmospheres of the planet's various biomes. The graphics are hella nice and Samus looks badass. My favorite part of the game is near the end, when That song plays while Samus is fully powered up and kicking ass!

This game was great but I'm fucking ass at stealth so I gotta drop this score because of my own incompetence and lack of patience.

Another timeless classic and masterpiece from the Metroid series. This game takes you on a sightseeing tour of Zebes, and reimagines the world from the NES classic. Metroid games rarely miss, and this is no exception. The only issue I have with this game is that its too short. I want more! Favourite boss: Ridley
Difficulty: 3/5
Controls: 5/5
Atmosphere: 4/5
Length: 3/5
Boss Fights: 4/5
Average: 3.8/5

A fantastic remake of the original game that may as well be the essential way to experience it. Even if you played the original, it feels like this runs circles around it.

A lovely short little game! Having played some but not all of the original Metroid, I feel that this is the superior version in many ways, my only real issue being that because the GBA screen is so small it makes the game feel quite claustrophobic, though that's not the games fault. As copies of this are insanely hard to come by I played this on my phone with a controller connected, but if I can ever find a legit copy I'll be sure to pick it up because this is one of the best games of it's genre that I've ever played.

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güzeldi hele ki şu çıplak samus bölümleri çok yenilik katmış güzel bir remake

One of the best in it's genre, has a super addictive gameplay loop paired with a mysterious, unsettling atmosphere that keeps you wondering what's next. Great sense of progression and I love how it characterized Samus + her backstory, making her resourceful and strong, but still worn down. Beautiful pixel art and an outstanding but repetitive soundtrack. It improves upon the original in every possible way while staying true. There are some problems though, a couple tediously long backtracks, annoying sections, and inconsistent difficulty, but those are the extent of my nitpicks and accurate to the NES original. This is the epitome of what all game remakes should try to be.

Really short and sweet reimagining of a game that probably needed it. Very tight design and would be fun to go through again for a good time if I feel like it. Only downside is some annoying collectables if you're going for 100%.

Si lo que quieres es empezar en la saga Metroid este es el juego perfecto para inciar.

fun little game i played this on a plane one time