Reviews from

in the past

I mainly played the Xbox 360 edition. Thats the one I finished and reached the bosses. So see my main review there. But yeah, Minecraft is fucking fun with friends.

ahhh memories. would love to play it with shaders someday. alas my poor laptop

never really got into it, sadly

Boring as shit... I'm sorry it just ain't for me.

one of the most popular titles of all time, I've sunk 1000s of hours into.. it doesnt hit the same as it did when I was younger, but still a TIMELESS title.

Video-game em sua forma mais pura.

In a lot of survival games, you craft the item, use or place down the item and that’s it. In Minecraft however, crafting literally unlocks potential and possibility. Crafting one item can allow you to craft 50 more, and any of those 50 can allow you to do hundreds of things. This spiderweb structure alone offers so much player freedom, and when you throw that into a literally endless uniquely generated world with absolutely no strings holding you back, Minecraft becomes endless. Everything allows you to do anything. Each area offers new toys to play with, new challenges to overcome, and just more to do and discover. It’s a cycle of creativity that’s hard to pry yourself away from. Minecraft just simply doesn’t say “no” to its players a whole lot.

I remember when this game had everyone in a chokehold back in the 2010s

super fun to play with friends definitely one of the best games ever for me

Game's pretty fun when you only play it once a year for a week. Doesn't really have that much to do and a lot of what's here is fairly cryptic. This is a wiki-lookup game, with or without mods. If you're the kind of person who likes building Lego you'll get a lot out of it, but it might be a bit dull if you're looking to explore the world.

You can literally do anything. Possibly the greatest game of all time.

Joined in the alpha days. Still play to this day

I think Minecraft is the best game ever made, for so many reasons, it is my favorite game ever - and It's not even close.
Minecraft gives you infinite possibilities to create anything you can think of, and, more importantly, play any way you want.
Because of this, the way I mainly play it, Minecraft manages to strike a perfect balance between gathering resources, automation and seeing the numbers go up and then using your resources to be creative and build whatever you want to.
There are so many more aspects of the game and its community I could touch on, but ill leave it at this:
Minecraft means so much to me that I personally could never give it anything but a perfect score.

one of the best games to play with friends but also to chill with

Anybody not giving 5 Stars is not worth living

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bruh like it's mincecraft

haven't touched it since 2019 but it was fun back then.

Simply the best sandbox of all time and one of the best game of all time. The amount of fun things you can experience in this game is crazy. So much nostalgia and happy memories on this. Definitely a must play.