Reviews from

in the past

qualquer outra nota é mentirosa e errada.

I got a lotta stories from this shit bruh
Nowadays when I start it up to look for a server or something it just doesn't hit the same, maybe because I can't find any interesting servers or I just don't know what I want from it anymore

Playing with friends though is always pog as hell, ESPECIALLY modded holy mamoly modpacks are so good for this game.

My favorite game ever. Has made me so many friends and memories.

Boring as shit... I'm sorry it just ain't for me.

Einfach nur ein legendäres Spiel!

o bom e velho Minecraft,como não amar?

It's minecraft. I've been playing on-and-off for 10 years. What isn't to love?

Da categoria: Melhor com amigos. Ótimo com mods ou sem. Sempre gostosin de jogar

I find Survival mode being a bit boring and creepy but I have fun going to creative and just have fun building with all the cool blocks it provides you!

Minecraft is legendary. But I think game could improve on adventure and exploration.

Just add some good fkn content man please

Started the game, build a house and still not know what I was doing. I am not a very creative person to be very honest but I can see why people enjoy this game. But overall not for me

Самая топовая песочница в мире, играю с 2015.
Играл в подвале по бомбежками, было круто, играл с друзьями. Топ за свои деньги

mysle ze to klasyk ale nie jestem juz fanem

one of the most popular titles of all time, I've sunk 1000s of hours into.. it doesnt hit the same as it did when I was younger, but still a TIMELESS title.

Jogo sandbox para artista de pixelart com uma dimensão a mais, "Aventura/10"

Even the slightest update does Minecraft a huge favor. Minecraft is such a game.

Finalmente posso simulare la mia vita di sogno in Toscana dove c'ho una villa coi fiori verdure ed animali. Ci mancano soltanto le sei moglie. Ma piano piano. Ce la faremo un giorno.

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bruh like it's mincecraft

super fun to play with friends definitely one of the best games ever for me

Jeu vraiment addictif entre amis!

Thousands of hours lost over years small download size keeps it a constant in my PC play it every year at least once

minecraft sur mac depuis 2011 xx