Reviews from

in the past

- Sandbox game that encourages creativity through building with the use of over 400 unique items/blocks at the player's disposal
- Has TONS of Community made mods/maps you can dabble with
- A lot of servers that has varying different game modes
- World geography offers many different biomes and has 2 alternate dimensions and also infinite
- Has OSTs that soothes the soul

- After a couple of survival play through can get stale
- More building oriented than combat for my taste

so goated. one of the best games of all time and super fun for 48 straight hours twice a year

By far Hatsune Miku's best game

My first video game. Nowadays I think it's not the same. Not just for nostalgia reasons: Mojang has done a lot of controversial changes in the last year. I used to love multiplayer with friends, but having to start over and do all of the grinding gets stale quick. At least it still gets free updates...

Just add some good fkn content man please

Boring as fuck alone and lacks content, but a great sandbox and multiplayer, every now and then I play it with some friends

Building bricks with Minecraft is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days, it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecraft.

A classic. If you haven't played minecraft, what are you doing? Just play it. I've spent countless hours playing this game and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Minecraft ne po, injusto dar menos de 5 estrelas, jogo que fez a infância de 90% das pessoas da época dele, hoje já não curto muito mas fez bem a sua parte

Joined in the alpha days. Still play to this day

I remember when this game had everyone in a chokehold back in the 2010s

How could anyone not love Minecraft? I have nostalgia for very few games the way I do for Minecraft. Even though I don't play very often anymore, this is stil la go-to when I'm bored and want to spend some time with friends.

I don't even know how many times I have completed this game. With each update that comes out, the game makes you want to replay it again and the replayability it has both singleplayer and multiplayer make this a masterpiece. You could say it doesn't have the best graphics, but it doesn't matter in this case. 5/5


the yearly minecraft server with the boys brings an era of peace that isnt found in other multiplayer games

the same can be said for the destruction, backstabbing, lies and distraught that comes when people turn on each other and destroy the server after

good music too

Perfetto, se non fosse per i nuovi aggiornamenti...

would be 5 if moobloom was added

i once killed my sisters dog on accident and she didnt talk to me for 3 days, good game.

I think this game could have been great i just wish it didn't feature antisemitic charicatures

Nothing much to say, it is a timeless masterpiece. Even after all those years, I still play from time to time.