Reviews from

in the past

I like how bloody and gory it is. Ryu is also kinda cool in the way that he moves.

You defeat the enemies in too similar ways because every deviation from that gets punished or has a high chance of failure since the the NPCs kinda randomly block most moves the further you play. Making you create formulas of destruction for each NPC

An absolute sadistic asshole of a game. Sure, the combat is a bit better than even Sigma 2's, but the enemies are overly tanky, the bosses are straight-up indefensible unfun bullshit, and the decision to remove items and tie healing to your Ki/Ninpo which takes forever to charge up was the worst fucking decision imaginable, because it makes the aforementioned shitty bosses take even longer! Actively unfun the majority of the time, only play if you're incredibly masochistic.

good closure to the trilogy.

probably the best combat-system out of the 3 games, the gore and sound-design are satisfying and the movement feel smoother than ever and I really like the new "Steel and Bone" counter mechanic.

unfortunely the game can get repetitive after a while, the levels don't offer as much in comparison to previous games and most of them is just an slog of fighting multiple enemies through each arena.

the boss-battles and enemy design are generally frustating and spongey even more so than the rest of the trilogy.

overall if you except an non-stop bloodshed Hack n' Slash Razor's Edge is probably the best the series can offer but don't expect much of it in other departments especially level variety and design choices.

The game design shits itself at the end.

Me estressei mais nesse que no primeiro.
Diabo mesmo

This is one mean and hard SOB to beat. It is punishingly hard at times. And it's not really a great game anyways, but something about it being just so hard to beat makes it stimulating to me. It felt more like a pride thing just to say I beat it.
It feels like a fever dream. I barely remember playing it. But I know I beat, maybe it's best left that way though.

>Be Tecmo
>Ninja Gaiden 3 is a trash fire that everyone, even the casual western audience you were pandering to fucking despises
>It reviews horribly
>Release a totally revamped version of the game that basically makes it more like NG2 in the span of a year with more weapons, enemies, missions, etc.
>It's actually pretty decent but still nowhere near as good as the last 2 games
>Updates and DLC make it pretty good, though

PS Now streaming
This is a completely shit game

Fraco demais , os chefes são horríveis e saiu muito da atmosfera dos dois primeiros parece que foi feito por norte americanos

The streamlining of so many systems and the bizarre emphasis on its commentary on video game violence is what ultimately makes this nigh unplayable for me. It's by no means "one of the worst games ever made" or anything of the sort, but there really isn't anything to love about this one. It's the most boring kind of bad there is, and for a series I'd been really loving up to this point it's a little heartbreaking to play this. Might get back to it someday.

A rough but fun and viceral game.

This game was abusive to me on all fronts. I like one boss, and one character from the whole thing. Lunar UT spam don't care.

Taking my bow away and subjecting me to that final boss was the last straw I tell ya.

Why am I fighting a dinosaur? Why am I fighting a child the size of a skyscraper? Why do I keep replaying Ninja Gaiden 3? The world may never know.

Probably my favorite of the trilogy BONE ON STEEL and it has two playable sexy women so that pushes it into pure kino country eat shit if you hate this

This game is a mistake god left on earth

maybe i just suck at this game

Top 10 anime redemption arcs

I fucking hate this game

It's among my favourites

Para mi un buen juego de accion, un buen combate pero con una historia algo regular, sin embargo este juego cambio cosas que hacen la experiencia muy diferente de anteriores títulos de la saga y es infinitamente mejor a su lanzamiento original

Have you ever wanted to play a game so bad that it is good? The video game equivalent of a Wiseau movie. Well boy do I have the game for you all. Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge is a game that I feasibly cannot recommend to anyone. It isn't a game I can recommend to series veterans, because of all of the features it dumbs down or removes, and it isn't a game that I can recommend to new players as its just so inferior to the last 4 entries. HOWEVER, this is a video game for me. It is so funny and up its own butt all of the time about it's moral quandaries that it ends up feeling like parody. Whenever a cutscene pops up I jump up and down on my chair giggling like a s-l-u-t for whatever 2010's bs spews from this game. TN did it all, they turned Ryu into a unnecessary father character (Troy Baker included this time), gave us the generic burden of morality story, added turret sections and yadda yadda you get it. Hell, I didn't even complete this game, I stopped at the FINAL FIGHT, where the game requires that you fill a mana bar the size of Mt. Fuji (fictional depths of hell included). to kill the boss The only reason anyone could unironically enjoy this game is the combat system itself, its solid and dare I say some of the best the series has offered even bringing back old enemies to fill up the enemy roster more, but its the only redeeming thing about this game. I love this gutter trash so so much oh my. Do not play this if you value your sanity, play it if you like shlock like me.

I hear this game's controversial apparently but I remember enjoying it 7 years ago.

Not going to lie, I remember enjoying the fuck out of this game when it came out. I honestly don't remember if it was as good as I remember it being or if I just had Wii U Day One buyer's regret.

I plan to find out one day, but regardless of whatever that ends up being; this half of the review will always stay the same. (02/01/2021; American)

Good game but wow the final boss is so awful and i hate it

Honestly, it wasn't THAT bad. In fact, the good parts -such as the arena fights with humanoid or fiend enemies - were really good enough to be considered as perfection. But the downsides are really impossible to ignore. Though it was impossible to solve those problems from the start since this game is based on NG3 which is known as a trash fire.

As always, playing as Ryu Hayabusa is a treat and the combat feels great. I like the new Steel on Bone mechanic too and aside from the final boss the bosses are generally fun to fight and don't feel too unfair. The story's lame but it's not like the stories of the other games were anything to write home about either. The cinematic walking segments could certainly be cut out at no detriment to the game though and there are a bit too many QTEs. Would've been nice to get a new weapon or two to try but I always just end up using the dragon sword anyways so I guess it's okay. Overall though it's probably the most enjoyable NG for me when compared to 1's archaic platforming and puzzles and 2's godawful bosses and general feeling of being unfinished.

Nothing says ninja like killing masses of people in a grandiose, bloody ballet of violence. v

Fucking trash game. Completed on Hard, and this is the worst game I've ever played