Reviews from

in the past

Very fun sequel for Oddworld featuring a new character much. Gameplay is fun and the story itself has a lot of dark humor. It's mostly a puzzle solver game that is very fun and makes you think. Only thing is levels can go on for way too long which can end with you getting bored, so it's really a fun yet time constraining game.

Lo he jugado muchísimas veces desde pequeño, es verdad que tal vez no sea el mejor juego de todos los Oddworld, pero le tengo el suficiente cariño como para tenerlo como mi juego favorito por sobre todos, aún lo juego de vez en cuando en la actualidad.
Este juego no se compara a Strangers Wrath (su sucesor en la saga de Oddworld), pero al menos en la versión de Xbox original tiene un buen manejo y se hace muy facil de jugar una vez te acostumbras. La historia es lo mejor del juego.
Mucha gente le tiene odio a este juego porque supuestamente la compañía que está detrás de los juegos de Oddworld tenían una versión para PS2 pero no lograron acabarla porque Xbox les compro el juego.
Todo ese rumor de que este juego iba a ser lanzado en ps2 es mentira, hicieron algunos renders y cinematicas como prueba para PS2, pero no habían hecho todavía el juego. Tenían el arte conceptual, pero todavía no lograban dar una dirección hasta que Xbox llegó.
Aunque posiblemente por el hecho de que Oddworld fue de los primeros que se estrenaron junto a la consola, no les dieron demasiado tiempo como para pulir los niveles, que pueden ser bastante largos en determinados casos.
Oddworld Munch Odysee es un buen juego, claramente le falta pulirse mucho más. Y la gente debe de ser más receptiva a este tipo de experimentos.
Oddworld es una saga que a mucha gente le repele bastante por su extrañeza de mundo, pero es un mundo bastante entrañable una vez juegas completo alguno de la saga.
Cómo fanático de Oddworld, les digo de una vez que no comiencen en este juego, comiencen o por Strangers Wrath o por el primer juego de la ps1.
Pueden empezar también por los actuales, pero hay que tener en cuenta el hecho de que son bastante difíciles y que prácticamente están hechos para los fans de la saga, ya que son re imaginaciones de los dos primeros juegos y la dificultad se sube bastante.

wooooooof this thing's rough...not sure what happened here

i remember this game being better but holy shit is it clunky

Who is this dude? Why am I playing as him?

Why do the controls make more sense in Octodad?

Acid trip with great humor. Could never finish it.

Wanted this game because there was a Demo on the Halo CE disk. Don't really remember it much, but I think it was alright.

When you go from 2D to 3D and you want to go back as fast as possible

A must have for fans of the original Oddworld games. This one being in 3D might cheese some people off, but the creators have put a lot of effort into this, making new types of enemies to fight, out-think or control. The humour is fun as always and the chance for multiple endings will entice you for multiple playthroughs.

Edit: As a departure from the series, the focus isn't entirely on Abe this time, but Munch who is the last of his species and Abe has to help him by rescuing him and also recovering eggs and such to help bring back his population.

A new mechanic in this game is the sodas that give you temporary abilities and the machine fixed onto Munch's head which malfunctions and can be used to free these fuzzy little creatures that seem cute, until angry where they reveal their razor-sharp fangs and remind me a lot of the aliens from the Critters series.

Abe not only frees more of his people on his journey, but you can even upgrade them to become pretty effective warriors with big clubs or even ranged ones who shoot these energy weapons that can make you unstoppable with enough of them! This was a lot of fun and I can't wait to try out more Oddworld games in the future.

Oddworld works so much better in 2D, but there’s definitely a good game in here, it just needs to be polished up a lot. This entry goes for a more classic level-based progression. Each stage is sort of like a world in Mario 64, but instead of having multiple objectives you have a big puzzle to solve to get to the end of the stage, and a side mission to rescue as many mudokons/fuzzles/eggs as you can. Honestly it works pretty well. There aren’t many different themes – I think all levels fall into 3 types of aesthetic, so they become memorable purely by the layout and tasks you have to do, and in that sense some levels definitely stood.

As for the inclusion of Munch…well he plays really well in the water, but otherwise there’s nothing he can really do that you couldn’t have just let Abe do. It does add an extra layer of puzzle solving by having 2 characters at once, but it comes with the drawback of having way too many times when you need to keep catching one character up to the other, and it just feels slow.

Speaking of padding the time out, the new carrying mechanic for Abe leads to waaaaay too many sluggish paced sections where you have to pick up, throw or carry multiple Mudokons to get past an area or over a barrier. And then there’s the eggs you need to save one-by-one in the final levels. It just slows things down to a halt and is really annoying.

One of the biggest difficulties I had with the game was how many tasks are assigned to a single button. The B button (Switch) is used to jump, pick up objects and interact with things. And don’t get me started on the amount of times I pressed Y to run, but ended up burping/farting instead

Another way it’s rough around the edges is the sound design. For some reason some sound effects are insanely loud and drown out the dialogue of the spirit guy who gives you hints throughout a level. Even just the sound of a Mudokon scratching (which plays CONSTANTLY thanks to Abe doing it himself) feels way too loud.

While the overall feel of the game is different from the first, the cutscenes feel right at home, with the same charm and quirky dialogue. Unfortunately there’s far less of them now, replaced instead by newspaper shots between levels.

It's a decent entry to the franchise, but it really shows its age more than the originals ever will.

One particularly memorable puzzle from the Abe games (the previous two games in the Oddworld series) involves the slogs, who are dog-like creatures the game has established as being extremely aggressive towards you but being easily distracted if you throw meat at them. In this puzzle, you need to use the slogs' tendency to run towards meat (and towards you) in order to manipulate them to run over a series of pressure panels to open doors you need to progress - in effect, the game recasts you from slog food into the role of slog herder, giving you a puzzle that is interesting, challenging to figure out, and tough to execute too.

Munch's Oddysee now has two protagonists you can switch between which opens a very large design space for tag-team puzzles, but unfortunately the moments of inspiration are few and far between. Instead, the puzzles are replaced by busywork - whether its running down an obnoxiously-long gauntlet of Paramites, loading dozens upon dozens of egg containers, or shooting at seemingly-endless respawning waves of sligs, it's full of repetitive tasks that descend into tedium and only get worse the further one gets into the game.

The 3-D engine and greater focus on action also hurt Munch's Oddysee. The stiff and deliberate feel of the Abe games have been replaced with an annoyingly slippery control scheme, and combined with the shockingly bad camera angles, makes even jumping onto certain platforms a soul-crushing affair. The pathing and AI of your allies isn't great either; the short segments where you rally a unit of mudokon archers to crush your enemies are supposed to be cathartic, but it's just annoying when they just stand there or wander around while the enemies whale on them from point-blank range.

I always feel bad for giving games with this much heart a negative rating - there was obviously an attempt to go for something different as the series took its first steps into 3D, and while most of it didn't work out gameplay-wise, the art direction and quirkiness definitely stand out as strong points of the game. Oddworld Inhabitants earned a lot of goodwill with the world they crafted, and I'm still looking forward to trying out the next games in the series sometime later!

I really wanna love this game. I wanted to play it so badly when I was a kid but just never bought it. Everything from the visual design of the of it's characters to it's hyper dystopian capitalistic setting. Oddworld is by far one of the most unique and interesting series. I really want more of it.

But sadly the game's dev troubles show and hinder the final result here. I think the 3D aspect could really work for Oddworld's puzzle platformer aspects, but it's just a little too clunky and repetitive.

When I was into it, I was loving it, but at worst I was just sad it wasn't great across the board.

Rating based on the two hours played while drunk. Awful controls and handling, fun aesthetic and interesting but overly familiar world. The emphasis on all-out quirk is both admirable and a little too much

Really neat fun game, but never quite finished it. Played it as a kid and it got hard for me. Haha. Always wanted to go back.

Not a bad game, just could never push myself to finish it. The game is hilarious though.

at some point we have to admit maybe these games all kinda suck

I very much enjoy the visuals of this game, it just fucking screams xbox, AND early 2000's PC. That along with the Oddworld aesthetic, it has a really dope vibe. Too bad I do not enjoy Oddworld gameplay. Not much of a puzzle gamer, do enjoy running around and pressing the jump button though, its like jingling keys in front of my gamer baby brain.

After manually dropping maybe the 20th egg crate, I just started existentially wondering how Oddworld could have ever fallen so low so quickly.

Good nostalgia, but ultimately a half hour's worth of content stretched thin across an entire game.

This game shows that jumping from 2D to 3D isn't necessarily a good thing.

That being said I did have fun playing it. Some of the puzzles are interesting and actually make you think. However, once you've played this game for about an hour you've basically seen it all.