Reviews from

in the past

100% - The question "what's your favourite game of all time?" is no longer a difficult question to answer. It's not like asking what my favourite film or album is, because I know. It's Outer Wilds.

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Cozy, exciting, and mysterious all in one. Great storyline with a touch of humour and existential dread. The Nomai are great, the planets are cool, the mechanics are done well. Only complaint is dark bramble, that planet was a pain. Was a little frustrating to navigate through and find stuff while trying not to die in. The time loop system of this game was amazing and the first time I've ever encountered a game like that.

My understanding of the story is that the eye is the maker of universes, and that it needs to first be observed to make a new universe, and this was our mission that we didn't know was our mission. Even if we died and the entire universe along with us, we still gave life to the possibility of a future.

Fuck, what an amazing game.

In the same way you can't re-discover how to solve a jigsaw puzzle for the second time, you can't go back and re-discover the amazing world(s) of Outer Wilds and what makes it so special. You can only play it once.

A game where the only barrier to entry is your own curiosity. A beautiful experience.

One of the most incredible experiences.

Gets me all emotional just thinking about it

literalmente um jogo perfeito. Bom demais

Perfeito, mas progressão da história semi-impossível sem auxílios externos (pesquisar alguns puzzles)

First and foremost, don't let the tutorial toy drone deter you! Flying actual spaceship is much easier than that unruly piece of junk.

In Outer Wilds player explores not just space, but also time. It is what rogue-like games are supposed to be. You always go back from the start when you die, but you do not lose progress because the knowledge in your head is the only upgrade you need. The outer space is scary with deadly unknown substances and creatures lurking in the dark, but the mystery beckons and the natural spectacles leave those who dare set foot in awe. All explorers are romantic at heart, and this game would make Amundsen fluster.

I was scared as if I were playing an horror game, simply because I was alone in space, not knowing exactly where to go, but with so many possibilities at the same time... This game's exploration is fantastic, the great feeling on each new discovery and also the huge frustration for trying hard every loop, and not getting anywhere further, walked side by side throughout my experience, but I never gave up and it just got me more and more attached to its discoveries, curious about the plot and everything about that solar system.

This might've been the best experience with video games I've ever had so far, I enjoyed every single moment of it, and if I had to choose ONE single game to forget everything about it in order to have the "first experience" again, I'd definitelty choose this one.

One of the most puzzling, beautiful, and enthralling mystery games of all time, and one of my new favorite games I've ever played.

Llego tarde y tengo la sensación de que no voy a decir nada nuevo, pero:

Este juego no se puede jugar una segunda vez, cuando ya lo sabes todo; pero lo compensa haciendo que la primera sea absolutamente mágica e irrepetible.

inacreditavel como nao existe um genero so desse tipo, a exploração nesse jogo é algo mágico e é tdo muito bem ligado maravilhoso e tal (data aprox.)


Mira que no tiene casi ná de BSO, pero el tema principal es top.

It's a meme at this point, but for me outer wilds is as perfect of a game as it gets. A game you can really only play once, where the main motivator for playing it and progress you accrue being the knowledge you gather. There is little to nothing like Outer Wilds and I enjoyed every second I played this game from beginning to end.

yo, what if we made a game about exploring but everytime you wanted to explore something, you would have to wait for it?
The music does sound beautifull and the planets are really cool looking, but it really didnt exited me to wait to explore just to get some exposition so the game could stop my exploring by reseting itself.

sort of respect it but also difficult to get into and a little obtuse and 'game-y' for the type of exploration game I wanted.

Esse jogo é muito impactante e importante pra mim, pois consegui realizar o sonho de criança de explorar o espaço e o medo de adulto do desconhecido, amplo e frio vácuo do nosso universo, além de ter uma narrativa e história genial, uma experiência única que é melhor aproveitada sem saber nada sobre, um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na minha vida.

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And holy fuck, do i wish i could forget it, this game ignited such a spark of childlike wonder discovering how the game worked. That's the big mystery, how does the game function, it never outright tells you. It teaches you how to walk and fly the ship (kinda) and then you are free to your own devices. Quickly you discover more and more mysteries that lead to more knowledge about how the game works, and this extends all the way to the fact that you can technically complete the entire game in just 10 mins.

Coming to this, and have only heard good things, going in I had a lot of expectation, and most of the time, when you have that amount of expectation, you are going to end up disappointed ...

Well... It not only meet my expectations, but surpassed them by a light-year. Can't really count the amount of times this game left me speechless. It really makes you think, explore, and pursue your objectives.

experiência mais incrivel que eu tive com jogos

Um dos melhores jogos da minha, uma obra de muito amor e carinho com muita mensagem e filosofia, o final do jogo me fez chorar por uma explosão de sentimentos, uma cura pra quem tem depressão.