Reviews from

in the past

Context for this review: I've hit grandmaster on tank & DPS and mostly play socially and for the gameplay. My Overwatch 1 review is four stars.

- Gameplay changes are a mixed bag, but I'm enjoying the gameplay a bit more than I expected (I had low expectations from the beta). Removing CC and shields is an upgrade. 5v5 is... I don't know, less deathmatchy than I thought it would be, though I still prefer 6v6 (especially because many heroes still aren't balanced well for this change). The faster pace kinda works, though Overwatch was fast-paced already. The new hero additions are great, best gameplay from new heroes in ages. I somewhat dislike the linearity and gameplay of push, but some of the new maps are pretty alright. Ping system is good.

- Cosmetically, definitely a downgrade. Miss the on-fire meter, player cards, old competitive ranks, the old UI, and many QOL features. The in-game leaderboard is nice from an information perspective, but could look better. Some of the new art is pretty.

- The lore is neglected - let's see if they improve on that by releasing PvE (which they'll certainly heavily monetize).

- For casual players' sense of progression, it's a huge downgrade. Cosmetics aren't viably earnable anymore, levels are removed, all to point people towards the battlepass for any dopamine. This is really bad for Overwatch's health in the long run; with the competitive scene dying, it relies on casual players.

- The monetization is atrocious and makes me want to quit the game. I'm trying to ignore it as much as possible. FOMO and preying on people with addictive impulses is the name of the game for Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard now.

Overall verdict: Worse. I'll probably still play it consistently, but the monetization scheme may make me quit in the long run.

Edit: I play only a couple times a week now, changed my rating from 3 stars to 1.5. Game is just soulless.

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Honestly really fun except for the fact that I'm really bad at aiming. In games like valorant or csgo I can aim just fine but in this game I really have a hard time. I think it's because of all the crazy movement + you change directions quickly with no momentum.

But other than my own shortcomings, this game is pretty addictive.

Overwatch 2 is a sequel in name only. In reality it is an update to the original, so this review will focus on that.

Overwatch's universe is full of captivating concepts & characters, which blizzard uses to lure you in to a game which has its moments, but is generally full of despair.

A combination of bad balance choices, horrible monetisation and incomplete content has made it not very fun to play.

Gameplay loop is improved upon, but by & large it is essentially the same game with the same coat of paint. The same game which has grown stale and is generally frustrating to play.

"skill issue" "get good" i have a bomb in your mailbox

I still find overwatch plenty of fun and I really don't mind the 5v5 change and I like Kiriko too. Unfortunately this "sequel" really doesn't bring much else to the table and the battle pass is undeniably far worse than lootboxes. At least since I hadn't played 1 in about 5 years or so, there was a lot more new things for me to check out.

It's far better than these reviews would have you believe. An unfortunate victim of a toxic work culture and a toxic fanbase.

Overwatch 2 is not a sequel. The title itself is a lie. It is merely a version 2.0, a version which admittedly I have had way more fun with in my short time with it, totaling around 40 hours compared to the 150ish I had on the original version. The update to the game is pretty fun, but the story mode that was promised has yet to be delivered to us - so the real focus of the change is the way progression works.

Gone are lootboxes! Which would usually be a good thing if they hadn't replaced them with the most heinous monetization I've seen in a videogame. Skins are ridiculously priced, more than any other game I've played recently, and have the same effort put into them as when they were free to gain. There is no fun logging onto an event, playing the same gamemode as the last five years and knowing your only way to obtain any of the event exclusives is to pay money to a company that doesn't deserve it.

TBH, I'd rather play League of Legends. At least the skins there are well done and cheaper to get.

+ Core design carried over from OW1 is still tons of fun
+ New heroes are fun and promise for continuous development is exciting
+ Skill is rewarded and the drive to improve is intoxicating

- Aggressive monetization feels insulting (battle pass/shop)
- Some changes don't feel well thought out (5v5)
- Poor matchmaking leads to frequent steamrolls

idk its fun shooty and i like healing other people i just had to do schoolwork so uninstalled and never played again

Justiça vem de cima é minha pica

good with friends but blizzard is an asshole company

I've played it enough to know that it just sucks.

tbh Overwatch always was bad. But now it's terrible

jogava apenas pelo sofrimento mas agora ja esta morto

is same as 1 but like tank even more micropenis

It's actually pretty good. Free to play now, so if you have never played Overwatch before and are looking for a new ranked ladder then this can be a really fun one to climb! I realise there isn't a whole lot of new content per se, so one could argue that it doesn't justify itself being called a sequel. BUT, if you think of it as just a really big patch, it is an incredible patch to what was a really fun game in 2016 and then was absolutely ruined for a number of different reasons. Taking away most of the shields and one of the tanks saved this game. Funnest Overwatch has ever been!

Only rating/ reviewing cause Season 1 is done and I finished the battlepass

This dogass game has me in its clutches for some reason. the 5V5 is way better but I miss lootboxes, playing for rewards isnt fun, and theres nothing to say that this isnt OW1. Atleast its F2P

i will continue to play this religiously since i loved overwatch, but there's a lot of bad changes that i hope get reworked over time.



This game is everything wrong with the video game industry in a single download, 0/5 stars.

Also it has Pharah so 3 bonus stars for that.

Yeah, you know. Its Overwatch. You know what you're playing, but I play it anyway, oh well.

I think the fact that this game is still online and gets "updates" is an insult to the entire gaming industry. The original Overwatch died for a monetization update. Blizzard is terrible, this game deserves zero support, and I seriously truly from the bottom of my heart hope the people still playing this get help soon.

Bro what am I supposed to say about this game. On OW1 launch this shit was peak but it has fallen through cycles of being dogshit and goated ever since. Especially with the move to OW2 things have been tough but even then the game has still had some crazy moments. I know it's popular to hate on this game now but the success it has had is undeniable, I mean just look at all the clones we have gotten over the years, to the point where now even massive names like Marvel are getting in on it. Dogshit games (besides league) don't have that kind of impact.