Reviews from

in the past

Eu vi esse jogo há muito tempo atrás em um vídeo do AVGN e hoje finalmente acabei jogando enquanto olhava os jogos de 3DO e, para a minha surpresa, foi divertido!

O jogo é quase um FMV, só que com imagens estáticas (o que é o maior ponto negativo dele, na minha opinião), porém a história vai rolando (com narração) e você toma algumas decisões que dão sequência na história.

O negócio é que a história é besta, é um negócio tão bagacera, que fica engraçado. Enquanto eu jogava eu fiquei dando risada em vários momentos, porque aquilo tudo era tão idiota que fez eu me divertir.

Enfim, se você tem algum conhecimento de inglês, eu recomendo, você pode acabar dando boas risadas.

When Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is interesting, it's madness. Some of the strangest FMV - rather, PowerPoint slideshow - things put on disc. Otherwise it's an illegible mess that goes in circles and doesn't make sense.

This review contains spoilers

This is the worst kind of multiple-choice game. The Story is that a man and a woman are being pressured by their parents to find love, and the events that come from it, the story is fine on its own, but how it's done is the worst possible way they could, and there are 2 needless narrators fighting over the story, and inconsistencies in the story involving where they are, what they are wearing and how the female lead still considers sleeping with the boss man, even after he got angry over rejection and pursued her throughout a huge chase scene. The Voice Acting is the worst, they sound terrible and unconvincing then school plays, even their dialogue is written terribly with certain sentences sounding forced and couldn't have been redrafted. The Graphics are just real-life images pretending to have movements, apart from the opening, and the menu which is a baby-colored menu with only the title and a tie on it, and a dream sequence being filtered so it looks white and blue all over, except for some copy and pasted animals, also, when someone gets shot, it's just put on the image and looks fake, like drawing on a photograph. The Gameplay has you listen to terrible lines with images over them. Until a multiple-choice moment happens and you pick one of them, until you get to the end, that's it. Music is garbage just stock music and a menu tune that anyone can do. Plumbers don't wear ties is an example how little effort you need to be known, and that we shouldn't support in any way.

Yeah, I don't know why I wasted that much time from my life on playing this, this thing. It's ot a game. The PC version is the same. I can't believe they are remaking this for PS4&5, switch and Xbox. Just crazy.

Not sexy. Not fun. Probably a crime in several countries. I only wish this garbage came with a free promotional tie so you could strangle yourself with it.

A softcore power-point car crash that not even the bad press can prepare you for. It's the video game equivalent of hitting a mailbox with a metal bat, lots of power, but the stupidest possible lack of knowledge and intent, that leaves the wielder screaming and clutching their broken fingers.

When it's babbling from the lizard parts of its brain, slamming you with deep fried photos of men in chicken suits and canned kung-fu sound effects, it has a lot of gas, but all of these startling and counter-intuitive design decisions are robbed of any real impact by a deeply misogynistic and homophobic core. If a woman is horny she's shamed. If a man is gay he's ridiculed. And every ounce of narrative is designed to peddle incel refuse at the player, using phrases like "young and stupid" and "uppity" to describe it's only real female character.

You have to see it to believe it, but you're better off a skeptic. This game should be forgotten and to "remaster" it is to pretend it has anything to say.

Probably one of the best games i ever played, it is without a doubt a beautiful visual flare, and it's story telling puts games like The Walking Dead and The Last of Us to shame, it also has some of the most groundbreaking acting ever, as well as the most beautiful music ever composed. Everyone should experience this masterpiece.

I played this on youtube back when they allowed annotation links. Sadly you cant do that anymore. Its not worth playing or setting up unless you happen to be really bored and really drunk.

Majestic beauty and unimaginable splendor have intertwined and bestowed upon us this gem of a game.
A gem of such incredibly bad quality, but is at the same time so amusing you feel glad you've delved deep enough to understand and appreciate its intricacies.
Despite being a terrible game in every regard from its story to the overall way everything is presented, try to shut your brain off like you would while watching a bad comedy and you'll find this was worth playing through.
Definitely one of the video games ever made.

Criterion blu-ray release, when??

can't wait for the john waters adaptation

if i had a small budget, a few actors and a poverty level coder, i'd make this game too

side note: someone i was talking to called this potentially one of the earliest western visual novels and i almost threw up in my mouth

So insanely funny that this game is a switch/playstation exclusive now. Sorry xbox fans, you punks cant handle this heat

He tenido que jugarlo para portarlo a la PSVita y es lo peor de lo peor. Pero he aprendido un poco cómo programar para la mejor consola de la historia, así que una estrella solo por eso.

Yeah, I don't know why I wasted that much time from my life on playing this, this thing. It's ot a game. Same as the 3DO version.

This is to video games what The Room is to movies.

Unintentionally, brilliantly hilarious garbage.

It’s an objectively terrible game, but at least it’s a funny one.

Objectively speaking, this is the worst game I've ever played, however it is also the hardest I have ever laughed while playing a video game with stuff like "TAKE YOUR DAMN CLOTHES OFF", the gay ending, and the fucking chicken mask, so I can't give it a bad score.

Also Mark "The King" Thresher is the greatest villain of all time and I refuse to hear otherwise.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is a masterpiece from start to finish, the voice acting is beautiful, the photography is stunning, the gameplay is like no other, and the story? Don't even get me started, it's the most mind-blowing and engaging video game story I have ever seen, it made me feel emotions, and I cannot applaud it enough for it. In conclusion, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is worth it, it's truly the video game of all time.

First of wow!
Second of does this game have the best quote in video game history "take your damn clothes off"

i invested in a gun after playing this

I can't be too mad at this game. It was apparently made to be a joke. As a joke, it's hilarious. As a game, it's about as fun as flipping through the menus on a TV. If you want to experience it, just watch someone else play it on Youtube.

Yeah, I was a sucker and I bought the Limited Run re-release. I watched the AVGN video years ago, it became one of my favorites, and this appeared to be "The Room" of video games. So I had to have a way to actually play it instead of just watching others play it (especially after the best way of playing it before, through YouTube, was rendered useless after YouTube removed the annotation feature).

And I can honestly say I don't regret spending money and physically adding this game to my collection at all. To all of the people saying "It's not even so bad it's funny. It's just bad", I highly disagree. There's even a lot of really funny shit that the AVGN didn't mention.

Though, unlike The Room, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is often trying to be funny. The humor comes from its failure in this respect lol

You know what? I gotta be real here: This is possibly one of the worst games ever fucking made. I will hold up that candle to a light with absolute confidence. I don’t know how or why or who decided to green-light a game like this, but it’s just astounding.

however, as far as video game preservation goes, this is a absolute holy Grail to behold, filled with a lot of really good behind-the-scenes, makings, archival, photos, and interviews that will give any gamer a run for their money. What limited run has done is something to treasure, and I hope that they do more of this in the future.

A solid like 6 minutes of insane stream-of-consciousness esoterica but the rest of it is mostly boring incel shit.

Out of all the games to write a serious honest review on the quality of something as a video game... Plumbers Don't Wear Ties sounds like one of the funny ones to do.

Plumbers Don't Wear Ties is a game most known today from the AVGN reviews. It's weird, it makes no sense, it's loud, there's nudity; it's easy to remember its infamy. It's one of the earlier examples of what we would call a visual novel today... and even that is a stretch because I counted I think a total of 3 decisions in total that me, the player, could make.

Yes, it's weird. Yes, it tried something different. No, that doesn't mean it's remotely good. The game was clearly made to be a cheeky adult comedy game, but the game is infinitely more boring than it is humorous. Actually, I would argue it's literally anything else more than it is funny. Infuriating? Depressing? Ugly? They all work. I'm genuinely convinced that this was made by and for a porn company trying to tap into a different media market. They clearly didn't take making this game very seriously, allowing a small argument that it's self aware, but a bad game is a bad game. Even if it's self aware it's stupidly bad, that doesn't take away the fact that it's stupidly bad.

I give it the lowest score I can possibly think of, which to me is reserved best for games that have me sad someone had to waste money to discover how terrible/unplayable something turns out to be.