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in the past

Surprisingly good pastiche of the last five years of FPS design. For fans of DUSK, BRAIN DAMAGED is a genuinely great shooter that's honestly funnier than any other POSTAL game.

A decent flavor-of-the-month "boomer shooter" that skates by with a decent arsenal and retaining the usually expected POSTAL charms. Brain Damaged skates by for a decent amount of time with some fun variety to its arsenal and enemies, but that's sadly taking place in often bland levels.

If you have a hankering for both POSTAL and the retro shooter revival phase we're currently in, Brain Damaged is worth grabbing; if you don't fall into either camp - proceed with caution.

The Penetrator = Peak Weapons

Franquicias como POSTAL sacan partido a situaciones cada cual más desafortunadas, aunque eso suponga ir a contracorriente de las normas y tabúes sociales. A este respecto, POSTAL: Brain Damaged se atreve a romper más tabúes, como el estigma de las enfermedades mentales, en pos de promover la dimensión humana, apostando por la acción en primera persona y la irreverencia.

Dicho de otra manera, POSTAL: Brain Damaged es un prodigio de diseño, principalmente gracias a unas mecánicas muy sólidas y un bucle básico de jugabilidad tan divertido como frenético: salta y corre, ataca, quédate casi a punto de morir y vuelve a empezar. La sensación de que siempre están ocurriendo cosas combinadas con la necesidad de eliminar a todo lo que nos encontremos a nuestro paso es difícilmente superable en el género.

Después de todo, representa el conserje de la violencia, el adalid de la destrucción masiva, el amanecer rojo… Y eso sí que es una locura.

Análisis completo:

A technically competent, fun to play postal game, that's actually an excellent boomer shooter? say no more.

A decent boomer shooter with really good gunplay and fun weapons to use.

However, it suffers from overstaying its welcome (a bit too long imo), and the humor falls stale rather quickly as you start hearing repeat voice lines super early into the game.

Not a bad game though and worth your time if you can get it on sale.

A Postal game made by Eastern European devs that doesn't suck? Sign me up!

Hold Mouse1 while holding Super Shotgun and press the Piss button repeatedly but with timing

fun as hell. no experience with postal games but i'm guessing all that aged milk humor is what they were aiming for and they hit every target. takes a lot from other games of its kind but manages to feel like its own thing. got a kick out the cartoony artstyle and there really isn't any part of this game that looks boring.

good selection of weapons that i rotated through pretty frequently. apparently pissing on enemies can stun them but i definitely didn't use that enough to realize.

genuinely surprised i got any enjoyment out of this after the "fuck suburbia kill em all 410,757,864,530 dead suburbanites" intro stage but here i am.

This game isn't discriminating any minority. You kill all of them equally.

For some unfathomable reason, RWC decided to turn Postal into a boomer shooter. But by god does it work pretty well. The weapons are quite funny and satisfying to use, with a dildo bow and arrow, a cat vacuum, and the shamelessly ripped from Doom Eternal super shotgun. The thing that really stops this game from bringing out its full potential is that the stages are just not that funny. From dated references to Covid-19, Trump's wall, and furry conventions??

"This can't be good for me..."
POSTAL: Brain Damaged is a rarity in this specific franchise: a game that isn't held together by glue, chewing gum and violent dreams.

You play as The Dude, who is quite literally lost into his own mind trying to get his TV back from...himself, all the while going through the, pardon my French, fucked up parts of his psyche.

It's very clear from the moment you get your hands on the game's double-barreled, chain-hooked shotgun that this game owns a lot to DOOM Eternal, and that inspiration becomes even more evident as the game progresses, from its encounters to its level design.

The guns, which very from the relatively mundane pistols, double-barrels and miniguns to the much more absurd didlo-shooting bows and holy grenade launchers, all feel good to shoot, most of them having very interesting secondary fires to booth.

Visually the game looks pretty darn good, with the art-direction going for a pseudo-pixellated 3D style, which imo will probably age better than the more visually standard main titles in this franchise. Sound-wise you can kinda spot some stock sound effects here and there, the voice acting is relatively minimal and it's usually just one liners both the protagonist and it enemies will repeat semi-frequently (you can toggle said frequency in the menus). The OST, while not groundbreaking at all, does have some pretty memorable tracks that fit with the levels they are in particurarly well.

The game is structured in three Episodes, so to speak, each made up of five levels and each ending with a boss fight. While the structure itself isn't a problem, the levels themsels sometimes are, do to their very open and labyrinthine nature, which leads to you sometimes not being sure where to go in order to progress. Visually they all look very distinct and fundamentally there isn't an arena or encounter that is particurarly terrible on normal, but do not be surprised if after a fight you need to look up a guide to know where a button is and such.

Being a POSTAL game, it's irreverent and aims to insult just about everyone (admittedly Brain Damaged isn't as insensitive as the mainline games tend to be), and just like a POSTAL game it rarely actually is funny, but much like, say, Borderlands, if you are like me you tend to turn your brain off and just enjoy the carnage, which is, I am sure, what the devs intended anyhow.

You can also piss on people and there's even power-ups for that so I guess I have to give this game a 10/10 in restrospect.

i did not expect much from this game from trailers ive watched and the demo i played but i must say i was pleasantly surprised. Its great mindless fun, they took a lot of gameplay inspirations from doom instead of coming up with new idea which isnt a bad thing in my opinion ( if it aint broke dont fix it) plus the unique weapons and mechanics they added are great fun so its not like the game is just a doom clone.
I must give major props to the exellent level desing, although open and complex it always leads the player in the right directing ( not counting a few instances where for some reason they put a button on a high ceiling that you need to shoot and cant see unless you are standing right under it) the level design also does a great job at telling a story through the levels with enemy placements, events etc.
With all that being said i did run into a few glitches that made me restart my game to fix here and there but other than that it was a great experience that is just the right length and its pretty cheap too.

A good mix of postal 1 with postal 2 universes. The gameplay is fine, some of the maps are just barely alright, and the humor is still killing me inside.

Saw a lot of ass, pretty cool. Though not a fan of the jokes from like 2 years ago.

Possibly the best Postal game rn, unironically had more fun with this than with Doom Eternal or any of it's DLC's, feels like a more accurate throwback to movement shooters and doesn't muddle it with modern game gimmicks like id's Doom reboots

It's kinda stale throughout, still good. A lot of enemy variety, fun and powerful weapons. Level design is very interesting and abstract looking due to the dream-like theming of the game. However overall I think it may be because I am burned out on boomer shooters or this game does nothing too unique other than having the Postal license with the genre.

Very fun and bonkers boomer shooter. Postal humor, good soundtracks and sick weapons. Levels are designed quite well, some parts are a bit annoying though.

This is the game Postal 4 wanted to be.

Easily probably the most well rounded Postal game in terms of gameplay, humor, and well, functioning.

Brain Damaged is the perfect spin-off to the Postal series that I didn't know I wanted, Unfortunately it continues series trends of comedy where it throws everything at the wall to see if it sticks, leaving you with a lot of drawn out dull jokes, which hurts especially when it's the theme of the level.

Level design is a highlight, having a good mix of retro design, modern linearity and levels that actually look like places instead of labyrinths, and the creativity over-all just makes it fun to go through, but falls apart later on with more and more levels just being awkward or annoying to navigate, though rarely ever being confusing.

Boss levels are a particular low point, none of the boss fights present much of a challenge and can be cleared easily within a few minutes, with the final boss by far being the worst by trying to band-aid fix these problems by making the attacks frustrating and inconsistent.

Enemy design is pretty standard, nothing noteworthy and everything just checks off boxes for solid enemy design.

Weapon design ranges from fun, to weak, to completely being outclassed by future unlocks, the shovel's block feature was completely made useless by the addition of having the parry on the kick to make it similar to games like Ultrakill, and the nailgun is a waste of a slot the moment you get the gatling gun, and the cat thrower was just very unsatisfying and weird to use.

Numerous times I had bugs impacting my playthrough, 3 times I was stuck on an object and had to reload a save, and near the end of the game I had about 3 soft-locks on the final boss after reloading a save, one where he wouldn't jump off the platform but would still attack, and 2 where he just completely de-spawned.

Over-all, I would recommend the game for any fan of the postal series or retro shooters, but it can be very hard to recommend to any other party due to all the major issues, and not being the best show of the genre.

An insane shooter. Great levels, mobility, selection of guns, and OST. I love the twisted character designs and even the Bosses don't feel over-designed.

Great doom-like, very comedic and has lots of content.
Also workshop update is here!

similiar to doom (2016), just as fun, love the story


This is a stupid ass cringe as fuck game. Bursting at the seams with toilet humor, outdated references, and corny ass memes, tell me why the hell I genuinely enjoyed this game more than I should have. The gameplay was actually really fun, and I would be having a great time picking apart a horde of enemies and then the Player Character says some shit like 'This Nom is Good!' and my eyes roll so hard I start to have a seizure. The environments of the game are very hit and miss as well, having some honest to god really interesting ones and then some that are so bland my brain immediately throws them in the trash once I've completed it. Against all odds, this game seems to have won me over. It might help that I'm far less effected by cringe than most, because if cringe deeply effects you, I'd recommend staying far away, but if you can stomach the fact that a stream of lava piss is a power up in this game, you might be able to have a good time.

A solid boomer shooter. I like the visuals, some of the enemy designs are pretty cool, there's also a solid variety of enemies. All the weapons are solid, the abilities are useful too. Music is good, nothing to stand out, but it works for it. The comedy and jokes are there as expected. Not a fan of the Rona boss, wasn't bad, just kinda eh. There really was no reason for it to function the way it did. Definitely a good one to play if you're a shooter fan.