Reviews from

in the past

It's so weird to have actually played a Postal game that is
1; Not janky as fuck
2: Not glitchy as fuck.

I mean this honestly when I say that Postal Brain Damaged is one of the most fast-passed shooters I've had the pleasure of playing in some time. Granted not everything is perfect, a lot of the jokes in this are references that will absolutely age like milk (one of the bosses is literally just Covid), but that's just Postal in a nutshell, some of the jokes will land and other will fall flat. I love the simplistic pixelated style the game goes for, I love how since this is The Postal Dude's dream a lot of the stuff in the levels will have symbolism of how The Postal Dude sees the world; it's not deep or on the same level as Psychonauts but it's a nice touch they really didn't need to add.

This game was a joy to play and it's definitely one I'm gonna come back to later.

Really happy with this. One of the fastest, coolest, and most unique shooters and I'm really glad FPS games are starting to go back into the more fast-paced direction. Each weapon is really fun to use and have really special alt fires like creating a time stop bubble. An argument could be made that a lot of it is derivative of games like ultrakill and doom eternal, and yeah I totally agree. But it has enough unique aspects in both the level design, tone, art style, and enemy variety that it feels like its own thing. I totally love the art style, by the way.. Now it's time for my problems with the game... first thing first is the deflect. Now, back in the demo when you deflected it would spin your shovel in a circle, and any bullets that hit you would return to the enemies and explode, like in ultrakill. That's cool. But the problem is that in the full version that shovel spinning animation is gone. And I thought deflects in general were gone because Q is to kick. I checked the bindings and Q was set to both kick and deflect. Huh? I was so confused, I was wondering if it was contextual like if it sensed a bullet coming at you it would play the parry animation but then I realized the kick itself was also the deflect, like it bounces off the bottom of your shoe. Why? Is it cause ultrakill deflects are punches? You know v1's hand is made of robot steel metal iron right? and postal dude's foot isn't! I don't care that it's a silly joke game that takes place inside a crazy guy's dream. It feels really off and it wasn't really a problem after the first level, because there aren't that many hitscan enemies in the game. My second problem was the humour. Postal is usually a laugh out loud hilarious franchise. But I was kinda underwhelmed by this game's humour. Most of the dialogue I heard was repeated multiple times, and it would've been ok if it was funny. Like. He says "OK Boomer" sometimes after u kill someone. that should give you an idea of what you're up against in this game. Some of them I don't even understand. You pick up a health pipe and he says "health? ha ha. pipe. ha ha." I sort of get pipe is supposed to imply Weiner but why is he laughing at health? But on the bright side, I think this will be a really fun time capsule when it gets replayed 20 years from now and seeing what it was like in the late 2010s and early 2020s having all these references. Sure it could be dated but it could also be like duke nukem 3d where you have a look back at what the popular culture was like back then. But for now, it's just lightly stale internet memes. That's not to say this game isn't funny at all, just it kinda falls short of what I expect out of a postal game's humour. Here's an example of a good joke in this game: You know siren head? the giant monster thing with a siren for a head? In this game, there's an enemy type like that but instead of a siren, he has a 5G head! I will give you 15 seconds to laugh before I move on with the review. Go on, laugh. I'm a patient guy don't worry about me. ............................................................................................................................ done laughing? alright, let's move on. As for my final complaint, I think this game's health placements were very unfair. For the last level, I went into it with low health from finishing the previous one and there was no healing station. A man can only take so much punishment, I can't handle all these crazy enemies when I'm 1 hit away from death. It's got doom eternal speed and arenas, (you can leave the arenas anytime you don't have to finish them off, so it does a cool mix of eternal style and classic style kill rooms) but it doesn't have glory kills. maybe it was just a thing on higher difficulties but I had to redo the 2nd last mission to have health for the last mission. But I guess it makes you need to be more careful and adds a layer of difficulty to it. Anyways, yeah it's postal yeah it's awesome and I think it gets better as it goes on with more enemy variety and puzzles and weapons and things and awesomeness. To me, this is to the postal series what metal gear rising is to the metal gear series. Therefore: AWESOME.

The developers of this game,
don't even know Japanese.
No matter how stupid the lyrics are,
They won't know.

If Painkiller and Quake had a child, abandoned it because it grew up as a Redditor and Postal 2 adopted it, this game is the child during his High School years as a Band Kid.

the writing in this game is atrociously cringe. just about every reference has already aged terribly, like shit on asphalt on a hot summer day. i know that postal is a game series with absurd writing that at times tries to annoy the player and get reactions out of people. still though, this game actually hurts to listen to sometimes. like they make references to the toilet paper shortage at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic and it's a big part of the game for like one-third of its playtime. with all of that being said, the gameplay is surprisingly VERY good. the gunplay, encounter designs, level design, art direction, and movement are incredible. if you can get past the redditor writing, you'll enjoy some great and competent retro fps gameplay.

Никогда не был фанатом серии Postal, но эта игра подкупила своим визуальным стилем. Да и демка была доступна на фестивале в стиме, поэтому решил попробовать. Оказалось, что это неожиданно очень хорошая игра. Разработчики соединили юмор постала и геймплей дума, а получился ад и веселье, которое не надоедает на протяжении всего прохождения. (Рекомендую, кстати, ставить самую высокую сложность)

It is such a strange feeling playing a Postal game without it's infamous jank.
Incredibly fun boomershooter that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Though the humour is a bit hit or miss, especially some of the boss fights. Still this game has shown that it may still be a good idea to franchise out the Postal series, even if the time they did that before this showed... less than pleasing results...
Also every single shotgun should come equipped with a grappling hook in every game from now on.

Shorter than expected, but still had a blast. The enemies, dialogue, and mission descriptions had me laughing, the cutscenes were amazingly animated, and the gameplay was fun. Only gripes were that it was shorter than I would've hoped, with there only being three bosses and 15 missions. However, this didn't spoil my fun with the game, as what was there was still really good.

Definitely one of the better modern boomer shooters I've played, although it's no Doom Eternal or Dusk imo. The movement is very fluid for the most part but some parts like the grappling hook feel a bit clunky (swinging around the enemy like you can in Doom Eternal). Some levels also felt too large so I did find myself getting lost because I needed to push 1 tiny button on the huge wall or walk through a door that looked like a wall. The enemy and level design have so much variety, and the game also just has a great look and I can't compliment the art direction enough. I did also enjoy all the nods to other Postal media. And in classic Postal fashion, it's crude, offensive, and sometimes in bad taste with its humor, which is what makes Postal, Postal. I'd recommend this game if you like boomer shooters or Postal.

In terms of gameplay, Postal: Brain Damaged is great! It nails everything that a boomer shooter should. It's fast, violent, and incredibly fun to play. Level design is interesting and fun to explore, each area felt extremely distinct from one another, making each level feel unique.

The weapons were great too. The worst thing I can say about them is that they mostly feel like a boomer shooter checklist rather than a strongly unique arsenal. There's the Rocket launcher ✓, Shotgun ✓, Assault rifle ✓, Chain Gun ✓, Rail Gun ✓, etc. The only really unique weapon was the cat gun, but it kind of ruins the game since it basically has infinite ammo if you use it right (which is why they excluded it from survival mode). Though while the weapons could be more original, they work extremely well for what they are (Though I do think the game could have benefited from some sort of BFG weapon). It made me feel like I was playing a slightly more unhinged version of Doom Eternal half the time, and that's a positive!

Though what really stand out in this game, and what puts it above other shooters in my eyes, is the enemy variety. Dear God there are so many different enemies, it's crazy! The gameplay never got stale for me because there were just so many different types of enemies to fight, all the time! And while some of them were just blatant Doom rip offs, they were still crazy fun. It kind of got overwhelming during certain segments, but every fight felt really satisfying by the end.

Now I've been doing nothing but singing this game's praises so far, and it definitely deserves it, but there is one, big problem I have with it. And that is the fact that the game tries really, really, really hard to be funny... when it just isn't. In fact, I'd say this game can be PAINFULLY unfunny at times.

Now the Postal series isn't really known for high brow humor. Most of its comedy is almost always downright juvenile and offensive. Kind of like a bad episode of South Park. But it still works (mostly), and while I can't defend mot of its humor in any real way, I can at least say that it's definitely a part of Postal, and it partially defines the series. for this game...well, it's just many of its "jokes" are just...ugh...memes. Memes that are, for the most part, already dead. Like, there's a reference to god damn Harambe in this game. HARAMBE! The gorilla meme from 2016! Come on, why?

There's also just...way to many references for my taste. Like, the entire final chapter is a giant, annoying, Evangelion reference that just doesn't shut up. I can handle a reference here and there, in fact, I can even like them when they're done well! But here? It just kind of reminded me of Duke Nukem Forever's humor. Just in your face shouting: "Hey! Look at this thing! You know this right!? Haha! Also, here's meme!" Ugh...

The best, and nicest way I could put it, is that the comedy feels like it was made for Reddit. It feels like the jokes were written in hopes that redditors would see them, say "yooooooooooo", and post their memes and refences in their respective subreddits for karma. And that just sucks.

Ultimately though, while I violently despise this game's humor, it doesn't really get that bad until the third act (the only thing that sucked prior to that were the bosses). And everything else is so strong that I can, for the most part, look over the painful comedy. If the gameplay was even a tad worse, I'd lower my score. But as it is, this game is plenty of fun, and if you're a Postal fan, you'll definitely have a great time with this. Just...don't go in expecting to laugh too much.

It's Postal alright. I can't say much about it, just play it.

The weapons are crazy unbalanced, levels are what you would expect from a arena boomer shooter. DUKE NUKEM KICK BABY. The artstyle reminds me of Dusk. Doom Eternal shotgun chain, awesome.

Now, the levels might get or look boring an uninteresting as time goes on. Weird because it's start very good with the Suburbs. The rest is oddly generic.

It's a good time outside of that.

This can't be good for me, but I feel great.

Ultrakill and Postal 2 had unprotected sex and this was the result.

So fun.

I definitely recommend it for fans of Postal, but also for fans of boomer shooters/shooters focusing on fast movement and high-skill cap capabilities.

You can play it normally and get through just fine, or you can become a true freak of nature at speed running if you want.

this shit is actually pretty good

This was a great fucking game. I love what they did by taking the gameplay of Postal 2 and building off something entirely new with it. The sheer amount of creativity and fun in this game is great and the way levels come together is wonderful. I love the creativity with the jokes and references. Usually when most things do current day stuff it fucking sucks cuz they either don't understand the memes, it reads like a twitter rant or it's just not funny since they think simply mentioning the thing equals funny...or it's just plain unfunny. Postal actually makes it fucking funny and understands what the fuck it's talking about and that alone is great. Without going into spoilers, killing Ronnie was pretty fun, that's all I'll say. I love how creative they got with all the weapons by the way and I love the crunchy ass style. The Shotgun hookshot segments (easily my most used gun, in majority of FPSes really) reminded me of BioShock Infinite come more FPSes don't do things like this? Or maybe I don't play enough creative FPSes I dunno...say FPSes three times fast.

When this game first came out I didn't think much of it, I saw a few screenshots and I was like...oh it just Apocalypse Weekend in HD? Like Postal 4 seems to be just 2 in HD (I haven't played 4 yet but I didn't hear great things about it, I intend to play and judge it for myself eventually but for now, yeah). But hooo boy was I wrong. This game is great and I had quite a blast (hehe)

Definitely recommend it to anyone who likes Postal and FPSes...might kick the ass of those not as skilled with these though.

I played and beat on Easy that being said (tho I attempted Normal in very early game), yet the game still felt challenging yet fair. It doesn't hold my hand and if I fuck something up it feels like my fault. I love what they did with the pissing too.

Far and away the best Postal game, Brain Damaged is genuine quality and among the best of the boomer shooter revival alongside New Blood’s games. The level design is great, there’s a whole bunch of enemy variety, and all your weapons are useful and fun to use. It definitely cribs from other shooters like Doom Eternal’s Meathook Super Shotgun and the Titanfall smart pistol but it uses those elements well and really more games having the Meathook is not a bad thing at all. Of course its Postal so it’s dumb as shit and some of the game’s jokes are already aged but that’s pretty much Postal’s shtick so it’s not unexpected. There are good jokes though like the CHUD Yosemite Sam enemy whose whole body is one big moustache is a funny design, Postal Dude has some good one-liners, or the final boss for example. I just overall had a lot of fun with the game, definitely worth playing if you want a quality throwback shooter.

I have conflicting feelings about this game. The shooting and movement feel surprisingly fluid and yet is wasted on some extremely subpar level design. Some levels are much too large for their own good, resulting in plenty of downtime before anything remotely interesting. Enemy encounters don't feel well thought out and in rooms with significant verticality enemies spend the majority of their time running up and down staircases trying to reach you.

On the other hand I love how stylized the game is. The enemy designs are fantastic and varied. The setting of each level is always entirely different from one another and never got stale. While the humor didn't always land with me, it certainly got a few laughs out of me from time to time.

Overall an average shooter that is exemplified by it's visual style and Postal charm. Worth picking up if you want to turn your brain off for a while.

A very fun boomer-shooter that does just about everything really well. I wanna get the negatives out of the way first. The writing and humor in this game is pretty dated, even considering it literally came out this year. Not a huge issue, but a lot of jokes just don't land. But the rest of the stuff in this game? Kinda rocks. The movement is very simple but fun. Chaining slide hops to schmoove around and the hook shotgun creates a really kinetic and fast experience. The weapons are some of the best I've ever seen in a shooter. Just about every weapon is useful even to the end of the game, and they're all super satisfying to use. There's a ton of enemies too, which keeps combat encounters varied. The low-poly graphics look great, and it generally feels super polished and fun to play. The level themes are pretty creative and have a ton of visual variety and play into the nightmare theme very well. Basically, you've got clever and cool looking levels, packed with challenging combat encounters with a ton of enemies, that you kill with a stellar arsenal of weapons. Very fun game.

This is honestly the best postal game, and it mostly has to do with my preferences with fast movement based FPS, and ones with more out there creative weapons than standard guns, mostly because I'm not a gun nut.

Now fore warning that this is part of the postal series known for super crude and kind of offensive humor, and its understandable if you are turned away from it.

that being said this game makes fun of more of things like rich people, karens, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorist. that's not to say the game is 100% not going to offend, it is part of the series and is the guilty part of the guilty pleasure for my enjoyment of this series.

the game is kind of self aware about its reliance on pop culture references, which id find annoying in other series but for some reason postal is endearing to me and frankly I think its because of the postal dude himself the line deliveries really makes the character he's like an ash Williams, duke nukem, or serious sam. not for everyone but endearing if you like it.

the only real "issue" with this game is the length, I like short games but I just think people should keep that in mind before spending money on the game, I think its totally worth it if you love old style shooters like doom.

the enemy variety not only in function but creative and horrifying designs also are more memorable than regular human enemies, it also means you have to adapt with the weapons you have, which like I said the weapons are fun memorable and the chain shotgun is integral to the movement of the game.

also that final song fucks hard.

This review contains spoilers

Superb boomer shooter with one of my favorite arsenals in recent time. Loses a bit of steam near the end and the difficulty spikes are frustrating but besides that I'd easily recommend and it's one of my favorites of a kinda whatever year. Also that final boss track unironically slaps and I'm super glad they got both dudes again.


Decent boomer-shooter with creative weapons and some good ideas here and there. Level design wasn't too lazy and I felt like they understood the genre pretty well. Kinda liked the blend of classic doom-like formula with a modern game design approach and fast-paced combat that's more akin to indie shooters like ultrakill.

Aside from that be warned that the non-stop reddit humor can be really irritating. I know it was for me.

Gunplay apetitoso, sem contar na presença do "humor leandro" e gráfico low poly (estilo superior). O final do jogo é top 10 animes tbm, loucura loucura!

fun as hell with not funny jokes but it doesnt matter

an absolute favorite game of mine now

Feels like something from 2003 that would be seen as a hidden gem and have a cult following along with a sequel 15 years later that's crowdfunded in some way and not as good.

This describes Postal 2 as well so I guess this is a pretty good Postal game!

I continued playing after I found out there's a 'Karen' boss fight so it must be a pretty good game in general as well.

𝟕,𝟐/𝟏𝟎🍹 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬? 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬?)
In fact, I have never been a fan of "Postal", and, this is the first part of the series that I actually played myself, but, of course, I am familiar with this "phenomenon" on YouTube, and, the concept of a "meat shooter spin-off" makes me very interested, I'm all for any experiments, because this is the only way you can get something really unique, but it turned out a little wrong, quite average and “sterile”, probably, "Hyperstrange" was simply given complete freedom of action, and they decided to just develop the game according to fan, add, mix, test, various mechanics, just run everything that comes into their head for their future games)
It`s quite possible that this is so, because in the "Postal: Brain Damage" there are a lot of weapons, types of opponents, the most diverse, as many as 15 levels, 10 hours on normal difficulty, but somehow it doesn't make much sense) So.. Let's start with the fact that the game is incredibly long, too many monotonous empty locations. Why? The very first urban location was very cool, nice unusual visual/music, interesting game design, where you could enter/examine each apartment, and find windows from which you can look at the area that is still inaccessible to you, and sticking the barrel out of the window, shoot helpless mobs in advance + these twisted street reliefs themselves looked very unique. What's NEXT? The next 4-7 locations look just gray corridors. Either it’s some kind of sewerage, or it’s some kind of desert, or it’s just a really empty “non-decorative” corridor, as if we’re running straight through the locka from Quake 1) After the first level, all interesting game design disappears, everything becomes as primitive and simple as possible "old-school shooter". Then there will be the first boss in the ruined Walmart, which breathes life into you a little, but also just running from him in a circle. Next, a new section of 5 locations awaits you, which are also absolutely not memorable, well.. it was cool walking along the walls in a psychiatric hospital, but.. I was expecting some kind of battle in vertical space when the room was turned upside down, but no, the developers are afraid to do it, just come, press the button, everything here is as simple as possible. But the final boss in section 2 is very cool, this shotgun "stealed" from Doom with a hook is used here as it should, it's a pity that it's very short level, but it's just a gameplay-fun boss. And, so.. From the 3rd section, it starts to play much more cheerfully, because different interesting settings, supermarket, then some kind of james bond in the office, then a bond in space, and all this still "carries" a good soundtrack "on its shoulders", they took a good composer , and, he tried, I'm not talking about the music of the battles, they are very generic, I'm talking about ambient - the atmosphere of the location. So, WHY?, Hyperstrange, why couldn't you make 2 sections of 5 levels, but "invest" more in them? Well, the game very bored in the middle, you don’t have enough ideas for such a long duration, they could have made it shorter, the game would have been more dynamic, and more fun, the “middle locations” should have been cut out in general. There in 1 office location in 3 section - 3 funny moments! , while in most locations, the spirit of "Postal" is not felt at all, replace the name of the game with any other shooter, nothing will change. That's about the same here with weapons, after level 1 you will stop using a homing pistol at all, a bunch of extras, abilities you will accumulate in your inventory unnecessarily.. What can i say about guns? Well, normal) Again, there seems to be nothing to hate about.. But they came up with a creative vacuum cleaner with cats, a real weapon in the spirit of "Postal", the only thing, probably, it is cool also in terms of gameplay, but you get it closer to the end, although, of course, the animation of the cats is crooked.. In short, I have the same claim here, it was necessary to make weapons in smaller quantities, but more unique. And.. I can’t say anything about enemies either, there are a dime a dozen of them here, some are good, some are stupid, in the general mass.. for playing for beer fits, okay) Well.. I can note a car driving at you from 100 km/h, that`s really cool enemy)

The gameplay itself here, despite the newfangled hooks (by the way, it's funny that the recent Shadow Warior 3 also used this trend), is not dynamic, the most convenient thing here is "shot, went behind the wall, shot, went away", very old, well, for someone then ok maybe. You can only do a high jump after a roll, which is very inconvenient, who came up with this anyway?) Loсks are divided into conditional "rooms" that open with keys, after clearing all the sections on your way, you will find everything without any problems, there are no puzzles here, you can only blunt it 2 times in the whole game. Cool they came up with a new way of "opening something", you need to "pee" to hit the conditional "button", this is funny, yes,
In general, most of the humor here is connected with "penises, penises, and once again PENISES..", and farting, so I don't recommend eating while playing) Although there are also slightly satirical smarter moments, for example, PBD can be called the first game with jokes about COVID-19, but this is not enough, mostly shoot, shoot, and pinus pinus ahaha very funny ohoho (no), why, by the way, they didn’t joke with the petitions?

In general, it turned out to be a good average shooter "for YouTube", with a generally creative concept that will give you a couple of pleasant little things for passing, but, with painfully viscous gameplay, not for "old-school shooters-mastrbtors", oh .. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist :) I can also note a couple of little things for developers, that for some reason there are no tips on how to fight enemies in the codex with descriptions of opponents, and you can't make several saves, what kind of nonsense is this? I almost ruined everything, I accidentally loaded into my quick save on the previous. level, and the only autosave was also immediately rewritten) I had to start the final level through the menu without all my accumulated bonuses, but the bosses here are quite easy.

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Ну что, бумеры? Пришло время совместить 2 наших любимых игры?)
На самом деле, никогда не являлся фанатом Постала, и, это первая часть серии, в которую я вообще сам поиграл, но, естественно, я знаком с этим "феноменом" по Ютабу, и, концепция, "мясного шутер-спиноффа" меня очень заинтересовала, я вообще за любые эксперименты, ведь только так можно получить что-то действительно уникальное, но, тут вышло немножечко не так, достаточно средне и "стерильно", наверное, Hyperstrange просто дали полную свободу действий, а они решили просто разрабатывать игру по фану, добавлять, смешивать, тестировать, различные мехники, просто обкатывать всё, что взбредёт им в голову, для своих будущих игр)
Вполне возможно, что так, ведь в "Постале Бреин Дамeдж" очень много оружия, видов противников, самых разнообразных, целых 15 уровней, часов на 10 всё это на нормальной сложности, но как-то толку от всего этого мало) итак..

Начнём с того, что игра невероятно растянута однообразными пустыми локациями, Зачем? Самая первая городская лока была очень крутой, приятный необычный визуал/музыка, интересный геймдизайн, где можно было заходить/изучать каждую квартиру, и, находить там окна, из которых можно выглядеть на, ещё недоступную вам сейчас зону, и, высунув ствол из окна, заранее перестрелять беспомощных мобов+сами вот эти вот искривлённые рельефы улиц смотрелись очень уникально.
Что же дальше? Следующие 4-7 локаций, выглядят просто серыми коридорами.. то это какая-то канализация, то какие-то пустыни, то это прям реально пустой "бездекоративный" коридор, как будто прям по локе из квейка 1 бегаем) После первого уровня, из локаций пропадает весь интересный геймдизайн, всё становится максимально примитивным и простым "олдскульным шутанчиком". Потом там будет первый босс в разрушенном "Воллмарте", который немного вдыхает в вас жизнь, но тоже является просто бегом назад от него по кругу.
Дальше вас ждёт новая секция из 5 локаций, тоже абсолютно не запоминающихся, ну.. было прикольное хождение по стенам в психушке, но..я ожидал прям какого-то боя в вертикальном пространстве, когда комната перевёрнута, но нет, разрабы ссыканули такое делать, просто подойди, нажми кнопку, у нас тут всё максимально простенько. Но вот финальный босс во 2 секции очень крутой, вот этот вот "стыренный" из Дума Шотган с крюком тут используется как надо, жаль, что очень коротко, но прям геймплейно кайфовый босс.
И вот.. С 3 секции начинает играться гораздо бодрее, потому что интересные разные сеттинги, то супермаркет, то какой-то джеймс бонд в офисе, то бонд в космосе, и всё это ещё тащит на своих плечах неплохой саундтрек, тут взяли хорошего композитора, и, он постарался, я именно не про музыку боёв, они очень generic, я про ambient - атмосферу локации.
Вот почему, Hyperstrange, почему вы не могли сделать 2 секции по 5 уровней, но получше их проработать? Ну игра же очень дико проседает в середине, у вас не хватает идей на такую большую продолжительность, сделали бы короче, игра бы была динамичней, и веселее, "серединные локации" вообще надо было вырезать нафиг. Там в 1 офисной локации в 3 секции - 3 фановых смешных момента! , в то время, как в большинстве локаций, духа "Постал" вообще не чувствуется, замени название игры на любой друг шутер, ничего не изменится.

Вот примерно тоже самое тут с оружием, самонаводящийся пистолет после 1 уровня вы вообще перестанете юзать, куча доп. способностей у вас будут копиться в инвентаре без надобности.. Что можно сказать про пушки? Ну, норм) Опять же, вроде и хейтить не за что.. Но вот придумали же креативный пылесос с котами, реально оружие в духе "Постала", единственное, наверное, оно и геймплейно прикольное, но получаете вы его уже ближе к концу, хотя конечно анимация котов кривовата.. Короче у меня тут такая же претензия, надо было делать оружия в количестве поменьше, но поуникальней.
И.. по противникам тоже не могу ничего сказать, их тут пруд пруди, какие-то хорошие, какие-то тупые, в целом в общей массе под пивко вроде норм, пойдёт) Ну.. летяющую в тебя со 100км/ч машину могу отметить, как дейсивтельно прикольный противник)

Сам геймплей тут, несмотря на новомодные крюки (кстати, забавно, что недавний Шадоу Вариор 3 тоже выезжал на этом), не динамичен, удобней всего тут "стрельнул, отошёл за стенку, стрельнул, отошёл", очень олдово, ну кому-то самое то, может быть. Высокий прыжок вы можете сделать только после подката, что очень неудобно, кто это придумал вообще?) Локи тут разделены на условные "комнаты", открывающиеся ключами, но зачистив все секции на вашем ходу, вы всё без проблем найдёте, пазлов тут никаких нет, затупить можно только раза 2 за всю игру. Прикольно придумали новый вид открытия чего-то, вам надо "писанием" попасть в условную "кнопку", это забавно, да, не поспоришь,
А вообще большинство юмора тут связано с "письками, письками, и ещё раз ПИСКААААМИ..", и пердежём, так что есть во время игры не советую) Хотя бывают и немного сатирические более умные моменты, например, PBD можно назвать первой игрой с шутками про коронавирус, но такого мало, в основном стреляй, стреляй, и пиьски письки письки ахаха как же смешно, кстати, почему какой-нибудь прикол с петициями не сделали, ладно.

В целом, получился, неплохой проходной шутерок "под ютубчик", с, в целом креативной концепцией, которая подарит вам пару приятных мелочей за прохождение, но, с мучительно тягучим геймплеем не для "олдскуллошутеров-задрчерв", ой.. простите, не удержался :) Могу ещё отметить пару мелочей для разрабов, что в кодексе с описаниями противников почему-то нет советов по борьбе с ними, и, нельзя делать несколько сохранений, это что за бредятина вообще? Я чуть так себе не заруинил всё, я случайно загрузился на своё быстрое сохранение на пред. уровне, и, единственное автосохранение тоже тут же переписалось) Пришлось начинать финальный уровень через меню без всех моих накопленных бонусов, но, боссы тут и без них достаточно лёгкие.
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