Reviews from

in the past

vai se fuder esses controle travado

Cons: literally the worst camera of all times

Pros: literally everything else

there's definitely something not quite right about the amount Wander loses grip in this otherwise wonderful PS3 remaster of the greatest video game of all time.

Muy inmersivo, destaca por las peleas con algunos de los colosos, muy estratégicas, pero en lo que no destaca tanto es en sus pésimos controles, afortunadamente esto no opaco mi experiencia, juegazo

shadow of the big chungus is good in HD on the PS3

Played it from the Ico and Shadow HD edition bluray. Truly one of the greatest. Minus half star because the snap back camera. I mean what purpose does the janky controls serve?

I have no interesting thoughts for this game, I'll either go back and play ps4 version one day or I'll let it slip into obscurity. hopefully the former as I've nothing but good things off trusted friends

Simplesmente o meu jogo favorito de todos, a imersão absurda de explorar o mapa no silêncio é o que me faz tão apaixonado no jogo e me mantém buscando a mesma sensação em outros jogos.

pfff what can I say about one of my favorite games? A fairly simple but fulfilling story, but what makes it so unique is its beautiful world and the colossi with those unique designs, the way to defeat them, what a good game and I hope one day it will have a sequel or something like that <3Wander and Agro <3 🏹🗡️🐎

Jogo maravilhoso, trilha sonora mais maravilhosa ainda

This game was an achievement for when it came out. Monster designs are really cool. Gameplay can be a little repetitive though

Remaster que melhora muito a experiência do original deixado a performance bem mais estável e resolução bem mais nítida!

Definitivamente único, tanto em ideia, gameplay, história e principalmente universo. Esse jogo no ps2 estava muito a frente do tempo. Cada colosso é muito daora, as mecânicas deles são bem boladas e é tudo muito foda pqp.

strong feelings, beautiful

Ps4 version is great but this is my favorite way to play this game

I won't deny that this game has peak atmosphere, but I just couldn't get past the clunky controls.

Isso não é um jogo normal, isso é arte

Ps3 port actually has several game breaking bugs that prevent speedrun times.

Amazing. Great in every way.

Influential games like this often get surpassed by future iterations and refined mechanics, but it's incredible how unique it still feels. Few games achieve such a carefully crafted sense of insignificance and smallness than this one: from the camera to the world to the environment. It's one of the most "pure" games I've ever played, as the mechanics and aesthetics blend into a seamless experience.

I'm not normally one to enjoy quiet, introspective games like Ico and the like, and that aspect of this game doesn't interest me. Nonetheless, I feel like the appeal of this game is just in the sheer spectacle of fighting these colossi, and everything else if just icing on the cake to frame these cinematic boss fights. Truly, nothing else I have experienced has been able to recreate the scale of these monsters, while also having an engaging gameplay system that meshes with that scale. Too many games throw a big boss at you, but really, you just interact with a hitbox it throws at you every now and then. In this game, those giant bosses are levels unto themselves, ones that you can interact with any way you want; very few scripted moments here. It is all up to you to square up to these skyscrapers, then figure out how to shiv them to death. Nothing else has really captured that same mixture of gameplay blended with cinematic scale.

The roster of colossi can be a bit hit or miss, with not every one of them being very memorable or enjoyable to fight, but on the whole, these bosses are fantastic, and rank among some of the best boss encounters within the medium. They each present a unique puzzle to solve in order to beat them, and then ask you to prove that you can actually execute on that plan. The plot itself also manages to be engaging despite how minimal it is, though it's hardly the main draw of this game, at least for me.

What you come to this game for can vary, but a lot of the things in between the boss fights can be a bit tedious for those, like me, that are unengaged by the quiet moments of exploration and travel between points on the map. This game is all about the colossi, and those fights offer some of the most unique gaming experiences I have ever encountered, and remain some of the most cinematic boss battles I have ever experienced.

Once the controls finally clicked, I fell in love. Managed to beat the game without ever upgrading my stamina but only because I never knew about the lizards lmao

A masterful depiction of a convincing living world. The definition of creation by subtraction. The epitome of atmosphere as storytelling. The main masterpiece of PS2 era.

Overrated for being the classic cult that tries to define "the gamers tm" but it is just another game on the big list of things.
People should stop practicing onanism with the same 3 games over and over tbh.

It's a very good game tho, but y'all should get some analytical ass about what the state of the art means and why LSD dream emulator was a bigger push than this in terms of videogames as a medium and HONESTLY I also kind of think LSD was overrated too.

I do not remember what my first Fumito Ueda game was. I played the remake of Shadow of the Colossus before the original, and it was the only game I have ever been frustrated at. The controls and some obtuse colossi puzzles made it very frustrating. This is by design, to make the player feel small, weak, and meaningless, and perhaps at the time, I was not ready for this. This combined with the normal, modern visuals did not make for an experience that I was eager to revisit.

I played both Ico and SoTC via the Japanese Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection: Limited Box. Upon revisiting this with Ueda's signature art style and lighting, and also being familiar with the colossi, made for a significantly better experience. I do not speak Japanese, and not knowing what is being said improves the atmosphere in my opinion. Similarly, with the Japanese version of Ico, the Runic language is untranslated on the first playthrough, leaving it up to the player to form an idea of what is being said and the story. Upon a second playthrough, the Runic language is translated.

Without going into a lengthy review of a game where everything has already been said, this game is a miracle in all aspects of game development.