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in the past

Stunt Race FX is another polygonal 3D game on SNES - this time it’s a racer, seriously seems like the next natural progression from earlier SNES efforts such as F-Zero and Mario Kart merged with Star Fox.

I’m stunned by how legitimate this is, I adore Virtua Racer and while Stunt Race FX runs a little slower on the FPS and is less graphically impressive. Stunt Race still manages to squeeze in 3 cups with 4 courses each (against 3 foe racers), 3 bonus stages in the Speed Trax and 4 additional Stunt Trax which is a typical “collect all 40 stars” affair but on new courses.

Rounds it out to about 19 distinct and different courses, there are some that appear underwater and have visual flair such as a dolphin jumping the course or later the Star Fox fleet zooming around the course, the frames take a huge hit with so much activity on the screen but it’s very cool and nifty.

There is Battle Trax for 2 player multiplayer and Free Trax which is a time trials mode.

Mucking around with (eventually) every title on the Nintendo Switch Online service I can honestly say the 1 or 2 hours I spent mucking around was worthwhile. I feel this could have been referred back to, like a random stage being pulled into Mario Kart or a kart having a basis on the Coupé for instance.

im more in awe of the visual style of this game then anything else

This AI rubberbands like a mother fucker and the time limit is one of the worst ideas ever implemented in a game. Without rewind I couldn't have beat it. Time just wasn't nice to this game, but it's fun for a bit. Still not good though.

I don't remember much from this game but I remember it being very hard to control and even understand what was going on half the time.

Huge failure of an early 3D racing game. Horrendous to play and looks terrible. But any goodwill the game could've gathered was destroyed by the presence of a time limit. WTF is up with that timer??

When it comes to Super FX games, I think I'm gonna stick with the Star Fox duology.

The low framerate makes the controls feel sluggish and unresponsive. Hasn't held up well.

I see a lot of harsh reviews for this game, and tbh most of them are fair critcisms. I played this game more than most would because A) I liked monster trucks and you could play as one and B) I didn't get an N64 until almost 1998 so 3D racing games were basically nonexistent for me.

Looking at this game objectively though, it did some pretty cool stuff. While your Top Gears and Pole Positions were fixed on the distant horizon and only let you follow a fairly narrow track, this was a truly three-dimensional racing game, complete with jumps and and hills and shortcuts. It even had minigames and bonus courses specifically for stunts. If nothing else it's an interesting and impressive demonstration of the FX chip and SNES hardware. Yes the frame-rate ranges from meh to abysmal, yes it's a little easy, but the controls really aren't bad once you get used to them and when you get rolling this game really gives you a sense of speed that isn't present in other 16 bit titles.

Yeah it's a bit janky, but if you appreciate retro games and seeing how tech capabilities evolved, this is worth a visit. It's no Mario Kart or F-zero, but you could far worse on the SNES.

Say whatever you want: delayed controls and FPS probably lower than Star Fox. This game is still a dope racing game and I love how it tries to prove the SNES 3D graphics capabilities.

This game runs at like 5 frames per second and that's really all that needs to be said imo. 1/6

pretty good racing game, feels very 80's with the polygonal designs. feels kinda slow compared to something like an f-zero but fun nonetheless.

i loved this as a kid, but it hasn't aged well at all. if we could see it running at 60fps while otherwise unchanged i feel this might be a whole other matter.

imagine buying f-zero on launch day and then three years later getting this

This is the most disjointed game I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Never again.

Stunt Race FX, is easily the worst racing game I've ever played and I've played Super Mario Kart Super Circuit.

What's wrong with the game?

The game itself feels incredibly confusing and the gravity of the kart doesn't always feel the most consistent either, neither does moving in general. I can't tell what's going on most of the time.

The graphics look incredibly bad, which is unfortunate as the Super Nintendo has some of the best looking games out there.

The game lags so much, which might be part of the reason for the inconsistent gravity and moving. I find it to be incredibly distracting and it ruins the game for me.

Mi primer videojuego y un amor a primera vista como experiencia con el medio.

Creo que fue decente este juego, pero con gráficos 'confusos' que hacían el recorrido de la carrera algo mareante, por así decirlo. Al menos cuando lo jugué de crío, claro.

Igualmente, muy buena OST.

Runs, looks and plays like crap. No reason to play this in 202X

Anyone that believes that developers releasing games in unfinished states is a new phenomenon needs to play this game. The frame rate is abysmal.

Everyone's favourite SNES title, Stunt Race FX, was okay. In terms of today's standards, this game runs pretty badly as the FX chip makes the game stutter a lot. But the gameplay is decent for a racing title, so there's that. Stunt Race FX car for Smash 6.

Star Fox had da Super FX so only a matter of time before I tried this one.

Frames per second? In this game it's seconds per frame.

This is the worst game I've ever had nothing but fun playing.

Everytime I see this dogshit game i think of Andre Segers' penny per hour paying ass and i get so mad i want to print a picture of him and take bites out of it.

Virtua Racing: The Movie: The Coloring Book: The Children’s Board Book: The Game

Kinda fun once you get used to the graphics, but it's also pretty damn easy

Played on modded SNES Classic

Hardcore relic of it's time.

This game has some neat things going for it. I like the aesthetic of the game and the different types of cars are nice. The maps seem decent enough.

This game is just kinda obsolete now though. It suffers from a terrible frame rate and the actual screen of game play is super tiny you can hardly see anything at times.

This game is an interesting relic and nothing more, there is countless other racers that you should play rather than this.

What a weird fucking game that lowkey controls kinda well

While it's true that this game has not aged well, this was a fun racing game that stood out when it originally came out in the mid 90s. The number of cars is limited and so are the number of tracks but both manage to showcase that typical Nintendo charm in terms of easter eggs (Arwings flying on the background, Mario posters in some circuits, etc) and personality with cars having "life" with eyes and reacting to how you drive them.

Controls are a bit on the tricky side and require heavy usage of trigger buttons to help steer the vehicle. Depending on the car you select, the physics and attributes are vastly different which makes up for good variety and replay value.

Unfortunately, performance is not great with low frame rates courtesy of the FX chip graphics. Overall, this is a fun racing game with personality and a rare off-shoot from Nintendo that I hope gets revisisted at some point.

Definitely extremely rough to come back to in 2021, but I think there's some fun to be had here. Memorizing the tracks and getting a decent handle of controlling the vehicle is fun in the Stunt Trax courses, but really as soon as you put all those mechanics in a race, which is what most of this game is, it becomes way too demanding and reflex-based considering the frame rate of the game. Like, this stuff requires being able to immediately see how your car reacts to your inputs, and that's not happening here. I don't hate it, but I definitely don't feel like trying to finish all the races (managed to beat Novice and Expert got two tracks into Master and gave up).