Reviews from

in the past

The outdated first outing of a portable Mario adventure. Very short, with visuals not pretty on the eyes, but still very enjoyable. It doesn't feel like a Mario game, and that's what makes it special.

Well after owning this my entire life and playing it for the majority of my childhood without ever beating it, I finally sat down to play it all the way through......and beat it in 30 minutes.

Y ya puestos a jugar la saga clásica... vamos a jugarla toda, los de portatil también. Con los Mario de portatil si que tuve algun contacto, en especial con este que es el único que tuve de pequeño, pero no tenia mucho recuerdo de él aparte de la fase de Egipto.
El juego en si no tiene mucho, y es extremadamente corto, pero por lo menos es variado y tiene mecánicas diferentes al resto, ha sido divertido.

I've always heard about this game being such a classic, but whenever I tried to get into it, it was just sorta off putting. Not in the sense that the levels and such all had bizarre themes, but like why is Mario riding an airplane? I'm honestly shocked that a number of levels, including the final boss just ends up being a shmup, and while I was able to beat this game now, I'm honestly surprised how far I got as a kid. This game isn't hard hard, but it really is no walk in the park either. Compared to the original Super Mario Bros, I'd certainly say it was harder, but that may be due to other things like screen issues and controls.
There isn't much doubt that this game was a classic back in it's day, and the idea of a portable Mario game was enough to sell itself to many people, but nowadays it's just kinda lackluster. Everything about this game is rather off, and because of that, many of the enemies and level design end up being rather forgettable compared to their iconic console counter parts. If you really want to explore Mario's first outing on a handheld, I do feel this game holds up enough for a look through, but it's not something I recommend people play.

admittedly I am very enamored whenever Mario isn't afraid to get weird (see my review of Super Paper Mario, another very weird Mario game) and I played the hell out of this on my 3DS during the initial software drought. the physics are a little wonky but there's little weird pieces of charm I haven't seen anywhere else in a Mario game. I can't say I want all of it back, but it'd be at least nice to see a Sarasaland enemy again at some point

I dont like this games, sorry

The physics and control are weird, the power up, honestly pretty crappy, and the boss are a jock (except tatoonga, its just easy here) the games is really ugly now, unlike 6 golden coins, and is saved by the theme of this games: Real world theme like with the egyptian one for example. I guess the fact that Mario cheat on peach is kind of funny, and the shooter section show us how the franchise was supposed to be...but its honestly not a very good games

faz muito tempo que eu joguei isso, mas lembro de ter gostado

El primer Super Mario que jugué, plataformas muy básico y corto, pero con un par de fases bastante llamativas para la época. Entretenido sin más.

No es un mal juego pero ha envejecido fatal

Super Mario Bros. picture what if it was black and white and lesser in every way?

Yeah, this is a Mario game absolutely. It's fine, it's really nothing special but yeah still fun. I like the ball power-up, it's neat. The music is great, the levels are nice and the game has its own unique charm because its set in a different location that isn't Mushroom Kingdom. But really that's the extent of what I have to say about this game. It's probably the shortest of all mainline Mario games and I guess that adds to the fact that there is not much to talk about this game.

The physics kinda suck, but the soundtrack slaps and it doesn't overstay its welcome, so it's a good time

It's the first Game Boy Mario game, so I gotta cut it some slack but it's a little short! That second world theme is a bop though.

Se nota que la Game Boy estaba empezando y no es el mejor juego que te puedes echar a la cara. PArece casi una versión de Mario para móviles Nokia. Es un plataformas decentes pero se controla un poco mal.

Bizarro e difícil(talvez eu só seja ruim mesmo e vocês incríveis)

-Un juego bastante divertido
-Las fases de Shoot em up
-Banda sonora
-Diseño de niveles
-El manejo de los saltos es bastante impreciso
-Con la flor solo puedes lanzar una bola

Yo tenía como 6-7 años y esto me parecía el Dark Souls de los Dark Souls. Lo jugué con 20 y me lo pasé en media tarde. Lo que hacen los recuerdos

Between the creative limitations imposed by the need to adhere to the series’ formula and the technical limitations imposed by the Game Boy itself, it struggles to find its own voice in a meaningful enough way to make the single hour it takes to finish feel worthwhile.

Read the full review.

The game is pretty short and sometimes feels unfair with deaths. Not the worst Mario game but definitely not the best.

Super Mario Land is an interesting game, because there's bits that I really like and some bits I really don't.. for instance the way the flying mode is such a good concept but it is sort of ruined by the difficulty of those levels (looking at you, final boss). Overall, you can still have a pretty good time if you are using save states - and the normal levels are quite good as well.

Not a game I'd be crazy about, but I think if I had a GameBoy, I'd get this game for sure.