Reviews from

in the past

demo is cool, i think i'll get it

Played the original demo from way back in the day. It was neat! But not my thing in the slightest.

дропнул спустя 4 часа, душновато, неосилил. между этажами бегатьи прочее, лучше на ютабе посмотреть канеш

I thought this game was really cool, I didn't know the franchise so it was a pleasant surprise from my point of view, the story is very simple but it's cool, good graphics, gameplay is functional and the setting is pretty good too. It's a good game for those who like the style.

From what I know it's a pretty faithful remake. Warts and all. I was really enjoying it for about half of the time but at a certain point I began to lose patience for wandering around aimlessly and frustrating combat encounters. I would frequently make large steps towards progress, but get hung up because I missed a switch or item pickup. That's where this remake has a leg up on its first iteration. The modernized controls and presentation allow me to at least get that far instead of searching for a specific wall texture. I could easily figure out my next objective from audio logs and whatnot but it was making it happen that became the issue.

Hacking sections were pretty whatever. I'd even say I liked them at first but they got too long and didn't get more interesting.

There are places on the map where they could have been a little less faithful and maybe provided an extra shortcut or two. There's an egregious section of walking back to where you were died you first arrive on the engineering deck, since you respawn on the floor below and have to traverse mile long hallways and vents. There are plenty of locked doors along that walk that could've just unlocked to prevent the hassle. Saving constantly would solve stuff like this but I'm not neurotic like that.

The game has some buggy behavior with ragdolls and loading their positions. I unloaded a clip into a ragdoll once because it loaded in right before I opened a door and was still standing up. Models will clip into walls and ceilings and stay there forever. There was one section in Maintenance cyberspace where the game would stutter and eventually crash right at the end.

System Shock is a great game but the remaster is so stuck on trying to be faithful that it fails to improve parts that the original game didn't do well.

Really solid game, give it a try when you can. My gripes are mostly with certain old game design decisions and certain inclusions like the garbage collection similar to what Prey (2017) had. Honestly probably the definitive way to try out System Shock 1 - mostly because of the better controls and interface (Although I have heard you should probably just try using keyboard instead of controller, if you weren't already).

This review contains spoilers

I've only played a bit of the original and SS2, but overall I had a blast with this remake.

Good things
- The original’s intro cutscene where you hack into and get captured by TriOptimum was turned into a great gameplay sequence that really immerses you in the world
- The art style uses modern lighting, geometry, effects, etc. but with low-res/pixelated textures. I've seen a lot of people comment about how they didn't like it, but I was a fan of the fact that adds a bit of a retro feel to an otherwise modern take on an old game
- I only crashed once and didn’t have any major bugs. The worst bugs I remember were with the ragdoll physics which were at best funny and at worst made me think there was an enemy when it was actually dead
- The atmosphere is always creepy and unsettling but never on the level of something like a horror game
- There’s a good variety of weapons. Since you have limited inventory space and can run out of ammo fast if you’re not careful, it was fun to have the game force me to change up my loadout and playstyle
- SHODAN is a fantastic villain. She has control of the entire space station, so you’re always on edge about what she’ll do to stop you

Mixed bags
- I like that the levels are big and feel claustrophobic since it matches the atmosphere, but they’re so dense and interconnected that it gets to the point of feeling like navigating a labyrinth. I get that the premise is literally “you’re lost on an unfamiliar space station” but it can be too much at first. As I kept playing I got better at navigating new territory, but it’s still a pain. The Storage level is a prime example of this problem.
- The enemy AI is… fine. It’s nothing special and has its moments where it forgets how to path properly
- The weapons are cool and each one serves its own purpose, but a lot of them feel like they have no impact. The enemies don’t react much to getting hit by them until they die… as in they will gib if you hit them right with certain weapons. Besides, this game isn't primarily a shooter, so I'm a bit more forgiving about it.
- Just like the original, this game doesn’t have a mission log or waypoints on normal difficulty (what I played on). You get all of your objectives from audio logs or incoming calls. I didn’t mind the lack of waypoints, but sometimes I would forget what I was supposed to do, so having at least a mission log would have been a good QoL addition. Also, from what I understand, you can get waypoints if you set the difficulty of missions to easy when you start a new game.

Bad things
- In my opinion, the cyberspace hacking sequences range from boring to tedious. Plus they were sometimes nausea-inducing. I didn’t like any of them.
- The final boss fight is disappointing and not very fun. This is mainly because it forces you to use a weapon that you only get in this fight and because it combines the cyberspace enemies with normal movement mechanics from physical space instead of cyberspace’s normal 6DOF movement. I wish they’d gone the route of Black Mesa (the Half-Life 1 remake) and completely redesigned this last part, but I’m more forgiving about it since I get that would take a lot of time and effort to get right.

Wonderful, love every second of it and I wish nightdive... Dives into system shock 3 next

Overall, really enjoyed the game. It grabbed me pretty quickly from the start and it was fun to crawl my way through the station. It took me 30 hours, which is seems to be on the longer side than most people, but I'm not sure if that's because I was pretty thorough, others have played the base game before, or I sucked. Probably all 3. I played on the standard difficulty for all settings. The fights were challenging, but the AI can feel a little dated - which I expected going in. The puzzles were fun, but also still took me some time.

The graphics were an excellent choice as they are hi-def pixelated. The game also ran great as I had everything maxed and upscaling maxed at 200%. The sound design was solid and while I think some of the voice actors were different than the original game, they all fit well and of course OG VA for SHODAN.

There are definitely some flaws, but it's one of the games I enjoyed the most so far this year. It was cool to see the influences it had on later games, especially Bioshock.

System Shock ist so wunderschön gnadenlos darin, wie es einen in diese feindliche Umgebung wirft und man als namenloser Hacker alleine gegen die AI SHODAN kämpfen muss. Ebene für Ebene. Raum für Raum. Die Sprachmemos der Besatzung und SHODAN und E-Mails, die man unterwegs findet, schaffen es gemeinsam mit der Space Station selbst die Geschichte unterschwellig voran zu treiben und ihr Gewicht zu verleihen, die Kämpfe sind hart aber nie unfair und vor allem das Hacken hat es mir angetan.

An update of a classic I had never played. If you're looking for an "immersive sim" I would go elsewhere. This game is more similar to a metroidvania than Deus Ex, however if you're looking for a solid single player shooter, I highly recommend.

Ремейк, который сделан с большой любовью к оригиналу, это ощущается в каждом аспекте. Но, к сожалению, это и является его главным недостатком, так как игра ориентирована исключительно на фанатов оригинала, она слишком узко направлена, от чего простому игроку местами можно нереально душиться во время прохождения

- Really liked the remake as i was unable to get into the original game.
- Game difficulty spikes immensely at the ending of the game and i felt like i was playing the game wrong by the end.
- Surprisingly, too loyal to the original art style and not at the same time. It felt weird having a blocky world rendered in 4k.

Played the demo. Had a good time. Looking forward to when it comes out, and will update the review by then if I remember to.


Перед тем как начать:
Если вы играли на релизе/будучи ребёнком в оригинал, и ожидаете таких же ощущений от ремейка, то играть в него – не лучшая идея. Ваши максималистские впечатления не будут схожи с правдой, и вы только расстроитесь.

Кал прямиком из 1994 года, который играется проще только потому что можно играть не только клавиатурой, и из-за этого соответственно персонаж ощущается более мобильным. Вся остальная духота передана с максимальной точностью. Слабые духом люди дропнут эту хуйню сразу, и только мужчины честной судьбы пройдут до конца.

Если серьёзно, задача воссоздать игру 94 года в современных реалиях выполнена на все 100%, ремейк лишает вас только управления одной клавиатурой, но не отменяет:
1)Непонимания чё блять вообще происходит
2)Куда вам вообще нужно идти первое время
3)Рандомно генерируемые локации и коды(То есть гайды вы посмотреть можете только по ключевым действиям, но делать и записывать всё придётся самим)
4)Возможность потеряться(Не дай бог вы при исследовании 7 этажа не нашли лифт на 8, будете бегать час и проклинать разрабов)
5)В целом беготню по этажам(Вам нужно это будет сделать не один и не два раза, а если вы ещё и не любитель исследовать все палубы сразу то готовьтесь возвращаться на одну и ту же палубу по 10 раз
6)Маленький инвентарь и хранилище(вам нужно будет выбрать этаж и место, где вы будете складировать ваши вещи, потому что одного хранилища вам не хватит
И так далее и так далее

Но когда ты наконец стираешь SHODAN, когда вот никуда эта падла не денется уже, чувство успеха появляется само собой, тем более когда кто-то эту игру дропает потому что не может её осилить xdd.

Из более важных пунктов по моему мнению отмечу:
Музыка – Лучше первой части раз в 10, но всё ещё хуже оста второй части
Геймплей – Приятный, но не более. Приятно бегать складировать патроны конечно, заниматься менеджментом инвентаря все дела, но в один момент у тебя появляется лазерная рапира и в целом всё сводится к дрочке у угла и одному-двум ударам, а патроны нужны будут только под конец, когда жирных мобов будет несколько и подход в упор без баффов будет летален.
Атмосфера – Просто крутая.

Если вы способны вытерпеть духоту геймдева старых лет, то эта игра вам понравится, скорее всего xdd.

Небольшой совет если захотите пройти – Помечайте все важные объекты, особенно если о них говорят нпс в записках и ОСОБЕННО цп-узлы.

Before you start:
If you played the original game on release or being a kid and expect the same feeling from the remake, it's not a good idea to play it. Your maximalist impressions won't resemble the truth, and you'll only get frustrated.

Elder shit straight out of 1994, which is only easier to play because you can play with mouse(original game was keyboard only), and because of that the character feels more mobile. All the other stuffiness is conveyed as accurately as possible. Weak in spirit people will drop this shit at once, and only men of honest destiny will pass this shit to the end.

Seriously, the task of recreating the game of '94 in the modern realities is 100% done, the remake deprives you keyboard only gaming, but does not cancel:
1) Not knowing what the fuck is going on.
2) Where you need to go at first
3) randomly generated locations and codes (There's not much you can see on wiki or yt)
4) The possibility of getting lost and looking for the right elevator for an hour
5) The whole run on the floors (You will need to do it not once or twice, and if you do not like to explore all levels at once, then prepare to go back to the same level around 10 times+
6) A small inventory and storage (you will need to choose the floor and the place where you will store your weapons, ammo and other stuff, because one storage will not be enough for you)
And so on and so forth.

But when you finally erase SHODAN. when this bitch isn't going anywhere, the feeling of success appears all by itself, especially when someone drops this game because they can't get a hold of it xdd.

Of the more important points in my opinion I will note:
Music - More better than the first game, but still worse than second game
Gameplay - Enjoyable, but nothing more. Nice to run around and managing inventory, but then you get a rapier, all things ill be easier bcs it's a one-two shot broken shit, and ammo will be needed only in the end, when you'll cheesing bosses and other fat ass mobs.
Atmosphere - Just awesome.

If you can stand the stuffiness of old games, you'll like this game, most likely xdd.

A little advice if you want to play – Mark all important objects, especially if NPC are talking about them in the notes and ESPECIALLY computer nodes!!!

Yeah . I think its just not for me . Maybe its good maybe not . But i felled so lost . Man i cant even know the interact things or button from not

Cyberspace is better, but still bad. Overall a faithful remake that improves upon the original by making it play like an actual video game and not an oscilloscope.

my first time playing the series and holy shit is it good. extremly cruel, demanding and clever, with an interesting and fitting style. an absolute banger of a remake.

Never thought this would ever come out

ótimo jogo, definitivamente um FPS Hardcore, muito backtrack, não é um jogo para correria, um jogo que deve-se apreciar do inicio ao fim, ele se passa num cenário muito louco de Cyberpunk no ano de 2072, onde vc só tem que lutar contra as tramóias da SHODAN, que é a vilã do jogo (IA)

Tem que prestar bastante atenção no jogo, se não tiver culhão pra tankar o vai e vem desse jogo, vc simplesmente não vai conseguir prosseguir no jogo, combate do jogo é bem estratégico, sem correria, cada combate é um desespero novo em sobreviver do que atirar rsrs, no fim eu recomendo muito o jogo a todos!

Really cool and fun game. I feel it scaled just right in combat and difficulty. I do feel that the combat was very "peak around corner, shoot, then step back behind corner", which can kinda get stale. The scrapping system is kinda annoying to keep up with and ended up giving up on it. Inventory management was kinda a nightmare at times. Shodan is a funny killer ai that i would loved to be threatened by again.

wanted to enjoy this way more than i did but lost interest by executive

unfortunately got released in a year with so many good games and it went under the radar of pretty much everyone. So good though

Vraiment sympa... au début. J'ai vraiment adoré au début, la sensation d'être perdu, l'atmosphère oppressante et les ennemis qui représentent de vraies menaces, tout avait bien commencé.

Malheureusement, plus on avance dans le jeu, plus on se rends compte qu'on évolue pas, on est tout le temps dans la merde, les objectifs sont littéralement juste cachés, je demande pas à ce qu'on me prenne la main comme dans GoW: Ragnarok mais j'aimerais AU MOINS savoir quoi faire.

Les combats sont pas si mauvais mais on n'évolue pas, malgré les composants qu'on peut récupérer etc... ça change pas grand chose, il faut toujours une dizaine de balle pour tuer un ennemi qui te tue en 3 coup, bref, c'est pas du tout satisfaisant.

Peut être qu'avec des mises à jour le jeu deviendra plus accessible, on espère en tout cas.

Captures the retro feel in a modern package. SHODAN is fantastically sadistic as always. The final boss encounter leaves a lot to be desired but otherwise a great game in many respects.