Reviews from

in the past

Un clon de Street Fighter II. Me gusta el artstyle. I’m just here for the platinum. Nothing to see here

Sempre adorei os jogos das Tartarugas Ninjas, mas esse não me cativou. Em uma época de escassez de jogos a gente se divertiu bastante com esse, mas hoje em dia eu jogaria outros jogos de luta que são mais divertidos.

out of all 3 versions of the game, this one is probably the best one, it's not gonna win any awards or anything but it was pretty good at times, I liked seeing all of the different characters from the Mirage and Archie comic but they don't really have any story significance so they feel slapped in rather than feeling like they belong in the same world as the 80's TMNT.

A decent fighter that could have been much, much worse in terms of quality.

A decent fighting game in the vein of Street Fighter with a good cast of characters and a story mode, I am just not that into TMNT to be honest.

The story mode was fun, you can choose a fighter from the turtles and beat everyone else who is not a turtle (basically that is the plot).

Gameplay - ★
Roster - ★★
Graphics - ★★
Sound - ★★

Honestly, there is nothing great to say about EITHER versions of this game. I played both the super Famicom and Sega Genesis versions through and yet still I cannot fathom how absolutely abhorrent this game truly is.

I can give a few things a pass on this - graphics is probably the high point of this game on both versions, but better on the genesis. The controls are, weird to say the least on the SNES, with light and heavy punches and kicks respectively. No command list, but it seems they have taken a leaf out of street fighter's book for this one.

The SNES version of the game plays weirdly. Almost as if every special outside of projectiles are very Bison esque, with ways to travel across the screen, and even less ways to punish it, with Raphael's AI continually doing his version of a Psycho crusher, leaving you open to a grab, something which isn't too dissimilar to SF2 Bison, where there is no way to tech grabs in this. Annoying, but not completely out of options.

The roster is a bit of a strange one, with War swapping out for Ray, and Casey replacing Shredder, as well as some random other character being swapped with April.

Overall, the aesthetic, roster, and feel go to the Genesis version, but neither perform well, and both feel painful to play. No way of training or labbing without going against an AI that can read your inputs as was common for the day, no way of knowing what characters have charge inputs and what ones follow Shoto rules, and no real feedback when attacking either. The only thing that the game had going for it was that if you closed your eyes, you could sort of imagine that you were playing street fighter. Well, that would be if the god awful sound design didn't destroy your immersion.

The sound on this game is terrible. The game in general is terrible. There are very few redeeming factors to this game, and I spent way too long trying to come up with arguments for it. The only thing I can possibly let it off for was sprite work and stages as honestly, the gritty look of the Genesis version really does look decent for the time. Other than that, I don't think I'll be picking this one up again any time soon. I think one or two arcade runs are good enough for this to leave it well alone.

I rented this as a kid and was disappointed that it was just a fighting game and not a beat 'em up.

Played via The Cowabunga Collection

Still airs on the "old game bullshit" side of things in its single-player offering but isn't anywhere near the catastrophe that is the Genesis version. Tournament Fighters on the Super Nintendo is a solid if not dated and janky 2D console fighter back from the Konami heydays.

Ninja Turtles apply well enough to classic fighting games, and you could do a lot worse as far as Street Fighter 2 knock offs go--but you could do a lot better, too--namely, anything with Capcom's name on it

I'm afraid to imagine how many tens of hours it took for the competitive mode that my friends and I constantly launched...
The game is good, the visual and gameplay are simple, but for fans of green reptiles it will be an unforgettable fighting game.

Forgotten fighting game gem.

Not gonna lie, was kinda disappointed in this one. I had heard over the years that this was the best of the 3 Tournament Fighters games, and after playing it, I really hope that's not the case or I'm REALLY gonna hate the other ones...this one did have some good.

I really like the art style of the sprites for both the characters and background characters, a lot of references to the cartoons, movies, and toy line I also like how every character including the turtles have a very distinct fighting style to match their weapons, and the super attacks are kinda neat.

The part that goes downhill is how slow this game goes to me. All the characters feel REALLY big, so the hotboxes seem a bit off. I'm not an expert in fighting games and the series I dislike the most is Street Fighter and this felt something like that. The difficulty has no medium, either the CPU is brain dead or just counters every little thing.

The music was pretty good as well, nothing seemed recycled, only a few tracks were remixed, but most everything was brand new.

Honestly, I didn't have fun with this game, it's a good idea but wasn't fond of the execution.

TMNT Tournament Fighter (SNES) (1993): Mejor que su contraparte de Mega Drive sí, pero no por ello es bueno. La IA es aburridísima de jugar, y no por fácil o difícil, si no por su planteamiento defensivo que (además) el juego no penaliza. Es simplón y totalmente olvidable, pero para un rato...(5,45)

A fighting game that's worth looking into if you like SNES fighters. Story mode has you play through the game as one of the four turtles while tournament mode lets you use any character besides the bosses. Has better balancing than the Genesis version, but there's a certain shark that can be extremely broken if used in a specific manner. Despite this knowledge, I'm primarily a Shredder main. My only criticism is damage output can be random despite using a heavy attack or not. So that heavy punch you landed could just deal small damage. Tournament and Story isn't as punishing as the genesis version, as beating Karai in either mode will get you the expected ending on the default difficulty. The game can be hard regardless due to the AI being able to spam moves faster than a human player (Armagon would fire 2 projectiles without any visible input because AI) This game also predates Super Turbo in terms of having super moves. Overall, its a good SNES fighting game when you want more variety on the system. Just be sharp when facing the AI cause they're almost as bad as Mortal Kombat II's.

Actually a pretty good fighter. Nice graphics, fun characters, and good controls. Not the best fighter on the system, but it is much better than you would originally think.

Not a bad fighting game in itself but the CPU is too cheap even for Turtle standards.

Back when the fighting game craze hit the SNES, many series attempted to put out a quick fighting game. This one, in particular, was ported to many systems. All were lackluster and weren't very refined.

They kept making fighting games, we kept playing them. Didn't really matter how good any of it was, so long as we could bash heads and mash buttons.

It's fun if you like spamming special attacks and can handle an unbalanced fighting game, but that's about it.

I complete with: Aska

this game's ok. just an alright fighting game

As a huge Street Fighter fan and a huge TMNT fan this was not at all what I wanted it to be.

This one is technically better than the other two but it's not my favorite. I dunno what it is. Maybe it's because I have no nostalgia for it or I simply have to more nostalgia for the genesis version. I think this one has a weaker roster and presentation. It may be more balanced than the others but I like the other two more.

The best version of the three Tournament Fighters games, but still falls short of its competition

I’ll be completely honest here, I’m not a big fan of traditional fighting games. When playing with them with other people I get the appeal a lot more but as someone who usually plays video games by himself a lot of these classic ones especially are not a fun experience playing alone. The AI in this game is absolute balls and it’s pretty much the one reason why I don’t really wanna touch this one again but compared to the other versions I’d be down for potentially picking this one up again, who knows. It’s got some cool fighters, some neat and simple enough mechanics and Karai is a super welcome edition. Are there other things here that make me give it a lower score for now? Well even though I can praise some of the gameplay aspects, I feel like this game is way too janky for its own good. Even on the lowest difficulty setting and speed it feels like this game is constantly on the fritz and… yeah it’s hard to describe here but still. Really though it’s the AI that screws everything over, I feel like I’m playing Street Fighter 2 Turbo with how rigged the difficulty is.

I would have rather this game be a beat em up but as far as the game goes they didn't do a good job selecting the characters to put in the game Krang Leatherhead Stockman there is more missing I am not going to list all of them, but 2.5 stars is all I am giving this game and 3 stars and over is what a consider decent this game falls short of decent.