Reviews from

in the past

Best roguelike ever!

tal vez no deberia haber jugado esto con 12 años

I put a bunch of time into this iteration of the game (base BoI + this DLC) back around release. It was a good, if difficult, time but I never really found the desire to dig deeper and unlock more characters, nor finish the game itself.

En su momento era súper divertido, aunque ha quedado en la sombra por su secuela.

Empiezas pensando que el Eternal Edition es injusto de cojones y acabas pensando que son los enemigos más interesantes. El mejor roguelike de la historia, he disfrutado cada momento completándolo y han sido como 70h bien ricas. Lo único que no me ha gustado son los logros de no-hit en los niveles 3 y 4 pero bueno sigue siendo mejor que la mitad de contenido del repentance.

WotL is one of the peaks of the series, arguably the previous peak before Repentance.

flash isaac was just at its best here, godlike game i put way too many hours into.

Fun game that is dwarfed by it’s successor is almost every way. I grew up watching Northernlion play this game (specifically right after the wrath of the lamb released) and was fascinated by all of the insane synergies that items could have with each other. It’s weird to me how I can look at this game and it’s sequel and see how vulgur everything is, but I just process each item for what it does mechanically rather than at face value. It’s frustrating when you are on a losing streak but that is made up for tenfold when you get a broken run and can just steamroll through the game. I sunk hundreds of hours into this game and don’t regret a second of it. I go back to it occasionally for nostalgia’s sake. If you are new to the series, do yourself a favor though and get rebirth if you want a more complete experience.

necessary to enjoy the game

Ana oyun için yazdığım incelemeyle aynı durumda malesef, ama bu çokta kötü bir şey değil, çünkü hali hazırda günümüzde oynanabilecek bir sürümü var.

Impulsiona consideravelmente a experiência do jogo. Adiciona inúmeros novos conteúdos, tornando a jogabilidade mais imprevisível e aumentando a diversão a cada run.

This is where Isaac really started being fun.

Eu peguei o Binding of Isaac original por 5 reais e depois a dlc sem saber da existência do remake, o Rebirth.
Joguei bem pouco, acho que precisaria jogar mais pra dar uma opinião mais sólida. Mas pelo pouco que joguei, o jogo é bem viciante, as runs não são tão longas (talvez isso não seja sempre o caso, tem muita coisa nesse jogo que eu não vi ainda), e por mais que a maioria do conteúdo do jogo esteja bloqueado de início, ele ainda apresenta uma boa variedade de itens, inimigos e bosses logo de cara, que funcionam bem diferente uns dos outros. Cada run é realmente bem diferente da outra, e as possibilidades de uma god run caótica são várias, mas o jogo ainda depende muito de skill, acredito que o jogo tenha um bom balanceamento entre sorte e habilidade... na maior parte do tempo. Muitas vezes ele é só injusto e bem irritante mesmo. Tem muitas variações de sala que te colocam num espaço extremamente confinado com inimigos que te enxergam E te atacam pela parede, algo que tu não consegue fazer, então você fica se debatendo contra as paredes enquanto 10 bixo atiram lasers e minhocas na tua cabeça ao mesmo tempo sem tu poder fazer nada conforme teu hp vai sendo drenado pelo spam de ataques na tela (MALDITOS BIXINHOS QUE ABREM A BARRIGA), isso sem falar dos controles deslizantes e da performance que o jogo tem, resultado de ter sido feito no flash.

É inegável a influência que esse jogo teve no gênero roguelike/roguelite e em jogos em geral, e não é por nada, é realmente um jogo bem bom, e é provável que muitos dos meus problemas sejam só uma questão de eu aprender a jogar o jogo melhor, mas eu não vejo muito motivo pra isso agora que tenho o Rebirth (apesar de que aparentemente o Rebirth em si, sem as dlcs, é consideravelmente mais fácil em alguns aspectos, o que nem sempre é algo bom, mas ainda tô pra ver o quão melhor o Rebirth faz as coisas)


Back in my original review, I think I sold Wrath of the Lamb a little short. I had called it one of the most unfun, bullshit things I had ever played coming from Edmund McMillen. But, there was one, small. Perhaps a tiny issue. Maybe with skill? Hell if I know...

Wrath of the Lamb is where The Binding of Isaac truly began, adding all types of new shit into the game. From bosses, to items, and even modes, Wrath of the Lamb is one of the most influential expansions to Isaac as a whole, and solidified the game as a masterpiece. Did 2011 simply not have enough content for you? Well, it's Wrath of the Lamb now, bitches!

This is where the alternate floors come into play, and the greater enemy variety is more apparent here than ever. I didn’t notice how limited 2011’s enemies were until I installed Wrath of the Lamb, because holy shit. This is way bigger! And the bosses? Far more intimidating than before. Each boss is far more devious than the previous Flash bosses, being faster and even more intimidating with the new music, which goes just as hard as the rest of the soundtrack. The difficulty of the game itself is so much higher than before. I nearly died on the first FLOOR when playing, it’s that grueling. In fact, it might be a little... too hard. I do really like Wrath of the Lamb (now that I don’t suck at it), but in GOD’S NAME, at least play Flash for a little bit before downloading it, because the type of shit you’ll encounter far exceeds the difficulty of any expansion to Isaac, and yes, even Repentance. To compensate, Angel rooms have now been added, and you can also manipulate them into spawning, and these have weaker items, like Rebirth, but the pool doesn’t suck now!!! Hooray! And, just like every previous Isaac expansion, there’s new story. There’s the Cathedral, and The Chest. Now, you might say that I already covered these, but Wrath of the Lamb’s Cathedral is NOT the same as Rebirth’s, not by a long shot. It’s a far more challenging area, with enemies being far superior and faster, and the final boss (Isaac) has been completely changed in Rebirth, honestly one of the only things Rebirth did worse compared to Flash. It’s a complete slap fight, with Isaac only firing and firing hundreds of tears towards you. After doing that for a bit, he stands up and starts firing homing tears in a D-Pad pattern, and does it even more frequently, before finally gaining flight, summoning so many enemies and light beams, descending down on the player. And this is where the true fight begins, easily being the hardest part of the battle. And the music, once again, is fucking incredible. After killing him, you get a piece of an image on the title, and I think you know what that means. So after 6 kills, you get The Polaroid trinket, and it drops after killing Mom. Now, go into the Chest dropped from killing Isaac, and bam. You’re in the final chapter of the game. This floor is essentially a victory lap, with every dropped chest being converted into items, and the final boss is Blue Baby. He’s essentially the Hard Mode of the Isaac fight, shooting even more tears, having more health, and having the ability to teleport across the room. And, for the final time, the Chest drops. The final ending shows numerous polaroids, showing Isaac’s memories, as the screen slowly fades to back, while the Library music plays in the background. Nightmare fuel. But, when it comes to the rest of Wrath of the Lamb, there’s not much to say that hasn’t been said already in my prior reviews. All of the new items are pretty cool, there’s even more run variety, and practically everything from Flash is fixed, so yeah. Wrath of the Lamb is pretty damn good, if I say so myself.

Except for ONE, tiny, SMALL issue. 100%ing Wrath of the Lamb is fucking TERRIBLE. Okay, so we all know the usual “defeat every boss with every character” stick, right? I neglected to mention this in my previous review, but Flash Isaac is just as straightforward as Afterbirth when it comes to 100%. But thought Flash was too easy? You sir, have not played Wrath of the Lamb. And it’s all due to a little update in 2015, without Mcillen’s involvement. Wrath of the Lamb wasn’t too taxing of a 100% prior. Sure, Isaac and ??? were pretty hard, but once you got it down the first time, the difficulty only snowballed. And the challenges weren’t so bad either, so 100% was pretty fun and engaging. But... in 2015... oh man, Curse Alert for those who care.

ETERNAL EDITION IS THE WORST FUCKING THING EVER INTRODUCED INTO THIS GODDAMN FRANCHISE. HOLY SHIT, WHERE DO I BEGIN WITH THIS FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT??? There’s NO new items nor anything in this update, only Hard mode, taking most of, if not ALL of the fun out of 100%. That’s the entire fucking POINT of The Binding of Isaac. The achievements are difficult WITHIN REASON! You actually get shit for going out of your way to do something difficult. THAT’S WHY IT’S FUN! I need way more incentive to play Hard mode rather than an achievement on Steam. That’s what made Super Meat Boy 100% so fun. The Meat Ninja is actually a cool unlockable, even IF Leaderboards are disabled with him! Shit, if you couldn’t come up with any new items, just take some from Rebirth, that would be COOL and neat to see in the older version of Isaac. You use Godhead for your achievement icon already, why not go all the way? Oh, and Hard Mode? I kid you not, this is some f the most grueling, unfun BULLSHIT THAT I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED IN THE BINDING OF ISAAC. The D6 got nerfed for no fucking reason, the Eternal Bosses are controller breaking frustration, and the difficulty relies on heavy luck to even succeed. I’m not kidding when I say I had an awesome run but with low HP, and I had over 5 seconds of unavoidable damage that KILLED me and made me start ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the way back to the fucking Basement. Great and fun game design, Himsl. Oh, and whoever designed Eternal Monstro can eat a dick t- OH, OOPS! Eternal Edition isn’t fun. Don’t go for these achievements. Seriously, they’re awful. Wrath of the Lamb is an amazing game, but simply put, Eternal Edition just sucks.

But overall, Flash Isaac as a whole is pretty solid, despite Eternal Edition being far from the greatest. If you’re getting tired of Rebirth, I’d recommend trying out Flash, even for a little bit. It’s shockingly fun, and I think it held up pretty well. Hell, I'd say that it's on the same tier as Rebirth in terms of greatness. But thats enough dawdling. We all know what’s coming next. So it’s time for the finale, the PINNACLE of zeusdeegoose. Until then, my friends.

Life isn't fair, isn't it? / Wrath forges his fury, his sin / From within he cries” “Wrath” by zeusdeegoose, Written on 4/22/24

Fantastic game. The eternal update was a neat breath of fresh air too!

It's a part of Rebirth so a 10 but in original issac it's probably more a 7. things like shot speed and Issac/??? definitely feel worse in the original BOI architecture and because of that going back is definitely weird. Has a better(???) Samson atleast

I love my lamb! W-where is my lamb?

Got this as a gift from my student flat-mate on steam.

Man, playing this game after Repentance really makes you appreciate the limits of the original. It's actually mostly pretty fun still, but my god it feels like so many items are just not that good.

Enter the Gungeon but the enemy design, rng, and weapon sway is absolute dogshit

A now classic rougelite, completely overshadowed and forgotten in favor of it's heavily expanded and improved remake.

"Isaac's First DLC"

This is a solid DLC that adds a buttload of content to the original game. While not all of the content is "great", there are things such as the Angel Rooms, spider/sack enemy types, new curses, and new bosses/mini-bosses that just help the game feel so much more fleshed out. Isaac's original content was fine, but got old really fast, so this DLC helped add a layer of randomness that actually helped with the game's run diversity and added some extra charm to the experience.

Final Verdict: 6/10 (Above Average)

...and I also tried the DLC, which is more Isaac... But then...

this expansion definitely adds lots of much needed content, but godDAMN are some of the rooms way too hard. too much shit going ona nd too much stuff on the floor makes some near impossible to do hitless unless you have flight or get really really lucky.

I sometimes forget that OG Isaac got a DLC. It's so natural at this point.

you can beat the shit out of isaac in this game for once so it has to be good

I'm mixed on WotL. On one hand, it adds a crap ton of mechanics to the game that make it new and fresh. On the other hand, it has a cheap, fucking obnoxious difficulty spike. For one, there are new floors. The Cellar, Catacombs, and Necroplis. The latter two are fine; it's the fucking cellar. The Cellar is one of the worst designed areas I've ever seen with extremely annoying enemies to boot. Seriously, who thought spiders were a fun enemy? Second, the new bosses are terrible. Any boss that either A: Summons monsters or B: has a shield around their weakness is a bitch of a time. Looking at you, Mask of Infamy! Also, Isaac (the fight) is a cheap HP drainer that made me debate whether I should continue playing Isaac. Oh, and curses. I love getting punished for doing literally nothing wrong! Overall, I couldn't get down with WotL. It's too frustrating and unfun BS to me. It has good things in it, but man. Fuck that difficulty.