Reviews from

in the past

you're not one of those internet maoists are you?

The Bombs Have Been Dropped é estranho, e eu gostei disso. Também é outro jogo que eu joguei esse ano que está mais pra uma história (não tão) interativa, e que também não irei o diminuir por isso. A história é basicamente uma poesia surrealista sobre um pós-apocalipse nuclear. A leitura foi uma experiência legal, com o seu texto surrealista e mesmo não entendendo completamente, não tô nem aí. Me diverti bastante com as loucuras e até me tirou umas risadas e não liguei nem um pouco pra falta de coerência. O jogo tem uma única música de fundo, e é uma versão abafada e distorcida de uma música de Steely Dan, e como alguém que nunca ouviu Steely Dan (o máximo de contato que tive foi referências em Jojo), devo parabenizar essa obra por me incentivar a ouvir músicas dessa banda. The Bombs Have Been Dropped foi legal de ter experienciado, com todo o seu onirismo absurdista e desprezo à coesão, sendo engraçado, imprevisível e experimental.

A short little bit of poetry that I'm utterly in love with. Seriously, it's a short, maybe 5-minute bit of writing that is so genuinely funny throughout, with a fantastic backing-track to boot. Easily my favorite Bitsy project that I've played

HAHAHAHAH jesus. this is why no one respects "art" games. pathetic

Honestly, the whole time I was playing this I was thinking of this

I honestly have no fucking idea what this was or how to even rate it, but I laughed my ass off in more than a few areas. Goofy, unpredictable, and surreal as hell, it more than lives up to its whacky name.

Gotta be real with you, though, I was expecting a reference to the one Steely Dan song that's literally about the apocalypse. Perhaps that's the distorted song that plays when you boot this up? I'm a massive Dan fan, and even I couldn't recognize the song being fucked with. However, however, Deacon Blues is my favorite Steely Dan song (with The Caves of Altamira in close second), so uhhh, can I get the based department on the line? Thank you.

sitting listening to aphex twin’s syro n thinkin bout this one. i had been thinking about all these comparisons i could draw but honestly any sort of direct comparison takes away from the beauty of the work. muffled steely dan puts pressure on your ears and your mind, constructing an immaculate vibe over euphoric colors. writing is super witty and displays very interesting topics! every girl is quirky and interesting in their own way. each have their own feelings of isolation in this desolate post-nuclear world. i’d go with the #5, personally. this is my first work of goufygogg’s and i def intend to check out the rest of em when i can find time. wanted to write a quick somethin to show my support, very lovely little game. check it out! big fan of small passion filled projects such as this. really motivates me to try and make a game of my own.

i can't wait til i move to the city

Extremely surreal, not very coherent, kinda felt like being hit with a baseball bat

you know that tweet about music made by transmascs vs music made by transfemmes

a trans woman made this video game

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Eu já sabia que era mais fácil imaginar o fim do mundo que o fim do capitalismo, mas esse jogo me deu a valiosa lição de que as baratas da superfície e os pervertidos do subterrâneo vão sobreviver aos dois.

Ive never read , watched performed or written slam poetry, but this is the videogame equivalent to slam poetry. I will not elaborate further