Reviews from

in the past

Hay un verdadero talento en reciclar completamente el primer juego para hacer este y que no moleste porque la trama y los personajes te aguantan lo que sea.

Everything a good sequel could ever be. The payoffs are absolutely fantastic. Once again, Joshua and Estelle are the best. My top favorite Trails and certainly my top favorite JRPG ever

First half is really mediocre but the 2nd half is really good

A fantastic ramping up of all of the events that FC laid the groundwork for. Contains one of the best love stories in video games as well as a very satisfying overall plot with good twists and turns and a feeling of the world being bigger than the events of this game.

great game but man don't play it on hard. balance all out of whack. also a bit too much padding in some sections.

This game is overrall an improvement over FC although I’d still say it’s only OK, not bad though and has some Pog moments

Refer to my previous review but now the story is 10x more awesome 🦍

less fun gameplay wise than FC and also has some pacing issues but it's got one of the coolest final dungeons and general characterization in any game I've played

maybe the longest 27 hours of my life

The combat in this game is really fun and has a lot of options for party building between the characters and orbment choices, and the game has a lot of good encounters to support it.
On the other hand, the game is overall pretty badly paced (this game did not feel like it was 50-60 hours, it felt so much longer than that) due to it's almost excessive dedication to worldbuilding and making sure everyone acts realistically. While the game's cast of characters is fantastic, the story is just Passable and nothing super hot, it's really just held up by the characters and writing.
Great combat, great characters, but poorly paced.

Ahora sí que me ha ganado definitvamente esta saga, ya conociendo a sus pjs y con la presentación hecha, esta segunda parte va con el puñal directo, el cariño que se le llega a coger a los personajes, como la historia va a más en todo los sentidos.. Y es que esto solo acaba de empezar encima, es la punta del iceberg, la rueda acaba de empezar a girar. En sus mecánicas es bastante continuista (alguna leve mejora) y la bso de 10 como siempre en falcom. Las misiones secundarias incluso mejores que en el anterior. Sobresaliente.
Por último, vuelvo a sus pjs, su mayor punto sin duda. Como le llegas a coger cariño hasta a personajes super secundarios pero que aportan su granito de arena, pero sobre todo los protagonistas flipantes todos. Mis favoritos Estelle (directa a mi top de protas) y Olivier. Y por supuesto un gran juego no puede tener solo buenos protagonistas, sus villanos no se quedan atrás. Muy carismáticos todos, con sus propias motivaciones, nada es porque sí en este juego. ¡Qué ganas de saber más de Ouroboros!

Picking up right where we left off in Trails in the Sky, our heroes meander around for a while and fight ghosts before finally fighting the monsters (Enforcers) of the week and completing their main objective.

Amazing sequel that made me a permanent fan of the series, great story, great combat and a top tier pay off from FC

que jogo tesão
é uma gozada a cada capitulo

Fantastic resolution to Joshua and Estelle's stories, banger music, absolutely wonderful game

Going off the first game I didn't think things would get too crazy. I was wrong.

this is a good game; I really loved Trails FC, but my brain worms just won't latch onto it anymore, which I really hate because I WANT to see this story to its conclusion, but every time I've played this I always burn out around Chapter 5 or before then.

Lord knows I'll never get around to the other Trails games either for that matter; there are 10 games currently taking place in Zemuria that directly connect to the Sky, Cold Steel, and/or Crosbell games to some extent, and each one is longer than the last. It's all so dense, it's just too overwhelming.

The only one I can really see myself playing is Nayuta since, from my understanding, it's a completely stand-alone spin-off game.

This review contains spoilers


Woke up early and had nothing to do before work. Will make a big one once I replay it I think.

I'll get the negative stuff out of the way first (and there's quite a bit but I won't go into detail):
- most villains aren't that good with their monster of the week approach, Renne & Loewe are goated though
- first half should have been better content, the structure gets repetitive
- chapter 8 probably shouldn't exist, it has a reason for being there but is too tedious to actually warrant being a thing
- combat is on the lower end for the series, nothing is more effective than spamming mid-game spells and Nightmare is just unbalanced
- backtracking (OST bangs though so never a concern for me)
- one redemption came a bit our of nowhere

The positive:
- Amazing character journey for Estelle to become someone who thinks of herself of being competent enough to stand by Joshua's side. Especially things like the early moments Estelle gets to vent are really nice and the series hasn't really given it's characters enough time to do stuff like this in recent entries. This also includes things like the talk between Joshua and Queen Alicia, where she gives her own reasons for pardoning him, so it makes more sense for him to start redeeming himself (which has only ever been one more time in the series iirc)
- Soundtrack obviously retains the good stuff from FC and adds things like Truth Behind the Tragedy, Fateful Encounter (#ThankYouUnisuga) etc.
- best final dungeon in the series so far. Actually feels like an ancient city when exploring, has a consistent aesthetic, it's own lore, making it feel more realized than most final dungeons I can remember.
- the 100 days war's effects can still be felt at times, e.g. General Morgan's development is great and didn't just happen overnight.
- Loewe is amazing, from the parallels between Liber Ark and Hamel (both being places that were forgotten after their downfall by human hands), giving his involvement in the Aureole plan more of a reason. He's not purely evil though did kill before, same as Joshua. His suppressed attachment to Karin and her sacrifice, how well-put Hamel is in context to the war, it all helps make him more compelling by relying on things directly told and the context you get in the game overall. I think I remember someone questioning his allying himself with Weissman, though this is addressed in final chapter dialogue, so idk seems like a reach. And that doesn't include his encounter with Joshua yet, but pair what I said with their dialogue and it's pretty obvious why it is a top moment in the series.
- Weissman is actually pretty decent. Having someone purely evil as an antagonist gives more room for someone nuanced like Loewe (even though Loewe could have been the final boss too I guess)

The game is by no means perfect, but it excels in a bunch of areas where other games in the series didn't ever come close or did anything similar at all. I might still revise the score because I can't refute a bunch of negatives.