Reviews from

in the past

i don't play a lot of games that i don't like at all (because i can usually tell in advance). but this was the exception.

no se como mierda se les ocurrieron tantas cosas con la perspectiva

Es increíble lo creativo que se puede ser con unos laberintos.

i'm afraid i'm not smart enough for this one, sorry

sorry folks this one is boring as shit

I was previously spoiled on the ending and overall meta of the game. Had I figured it out myself I would've punched Jonathan Blow in the face.

Achei bem feito, mas não curti muito.

O jogo é lindo e tem mecânicas incríveis, porém eu achei um jogo muito chato e cansativo de jogar, principalmente nos últimos puzzles.

this game deserves to die

This review contains spoilers

I am not sure how to feel about this game, not sure at all. Some parts are great, other parts are absolutely atrocious. Some parts were such a joy, some parts are downright painful. One part made me want to keep playing it forever, another part literally gave me a mental breakdown (or something close to it).

I am glad I have finished this game. Not only because I have completed a great challenge, but also because I don't have to suffer through this game anymore.

This game can feel so rewarding, yet also one of the most painful experiences I have had in recent years in gaming. (Do note I said it [i]feels[/i] rewarding, you gotta have an intrinsic joy for puzzles to keep that feeling though.)

Do [b]not[/b] play this game if you do not [i]really[/i] enjoy puzzles. This game is almost only puzzles. There is a bit of philosophy (which you will be too mentally engaged/fatigued to think about), but there is no story or music or lore or reward or anything. The only reward is more puzzles. You complete puzzles so you get to complete more puzzles so you can complete more puzzles. It is like a big Sudoku book, and once you complete one you get to complete 5 more. Each book twists the formula a bit, but by the end of the last Sudoku book you won't want to play Sudoku anymore. (Maybe this game is best experienced, where you complete one puzzle a day or only play when you have nothing else going on or only complete one section a week/month/year or something. I don't know...)

If you are someone who finds puzzles to be something that pads out a game, someone who sighs gently when they get stuck at a puzzle in a story game, or only played Portal 2 for the witty dialogue and story first and the puzzles second... then do not play this game.

If you do enjoy puzzles, then go ahead and play the game. At times you should have fun, but to limit suffering allow yourself to look up hints and guides and just understand you will never 100% this game on your own.

This is not the sort of game you complete without a guide or some hints, even without going for secrets you will certainly need help.

The Challenge looks actually interesting at first, but probably only because I like the music. Also I [b]love[/b] the environmental puzzles. I just think it is a bit naff that there seems to be no reward for finding them all.

Overall... get it on sale if you are willing to play with hints or not complete the game.

As for those wondering, I completed 90-95%+ puzzles without any sort of guides or hints. However, I really threw in the towel at the end. I also threw around a lot of swear words.

Also I activated all the lasers, which I don't think you needed to do to get the "Endgame" ending... so yeah.

Interesting puzzle game. It is frustrating though and not a lot of hints. Beautiful island. Game gives me motion sickness though.

puta jogo desculpa johnathan blow n sou esperto (terminado 20/9/2020 no pc depois eu joguei de novo pra platinar no ps4 em 22/6/2021)

Jonathan Blow can Jonathan blow me

he made a pretty alright puzzle game though

Puzzles bem desafiadores e interessantes. Não cheguei até o final do game pq por ser em terceira pessoa me deu muito enjoou, outra critica é que os puzzles claramente tem mais de uma forma de serem resolvidos mas o jogo só aceita uma forma.

Though it may be occasionally bloated and low on display options to stop me from getting sick when i play it, the puzzles and inviting nature of the game keep me coming back albeit in short spurts.

Una de las cosas grandes que tenia en el backlog, por fin.

Como me alegro de no haberme spoileado absolutamente nada de él, lo de los puzzles ambientales es increible y como usa absolutamente todo el juego para ir explicandote mecanicas constantemente, argh, se va al top10 de la gen segurisimo esto.

Ah si, no olvidar acordarme de la familia del que inventó los puzzles con tonos, para alguien sin ningun tipo de oido como yo, fueron una tortura.

Und wieder ein Rätselspiel, das den Namen verdient.
Wer auf einfache und doch fordernde Rätsel steht, wird hier massig belohnt. Gegen Ende ohne Autismus oder Lösung nicht zu schaffen, aber genial ist es dennoch.
Auch der Charakter läuft zügig, etwas was viele andere Spiele komplett vergessen.

muy dificil me derrite el cerebro

People shit on games with gold but I got this for free I just have to finish the damn thing

it's good! i feel like i get the gist, might come back eventually

Pretentious as fuck with mobile game mechanics.

a psn deu de graça (eu acho), resolvi fazer os primeiros puzzles de cabeça e depois vi uns vídeos no yt kkkkkkk

a platina em si não é fácil, eu fiz vendo um bug no youtube, tive que treinar um pouco

Pretty looking pretentious bullshit

beautiful game, but some puzzles on here feel so arbitrary
maybe im just stupid tho