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in the past

This game is very fun and the designs of the Touhou characters in this art style go immensely hard, literally my favorite spin off game. It's very satisfying to get used to the different playstyles of each character and tackle bosses without dying. While I wasn't a fan of how some of them played at least I enjoyed some of their fights which brings my main complaint about this game: the bosses. Some bosses in certain character stories, while are fun, do not compliment other character's playstyles making the boss fight less enjoyable as for example when you play Joon, the melee-intensive character who has to fight against a character who stays in the air so you're jumping and using up specials the whole time. It has its issues but I'm willing to forgive it for the good time I have playing all the character stories. Flandre rocks in this game both in terms of gameplay and characterization.

Welcome to Gouyoku ibun, after 2 years of development, hopefully, i would be worth the wait

Touhou fighting(???) game rating: 8.5/10

This has the most interesting combat to me among Touhou's side scrolling fighting games. Add a stellar soundtrack, a gorgeous art style, and a great cast, and we have the makings of a masterpiece. This was worth the wait.

This game is almost great. Its sprite work is wonderful and the music as always goes hard. The cast is super fun and it really lets some of the less used characters shine, especially Jo'on, Yuugi, and Murasa. Every character plays dramatically differently, allowing for a lot of creativity when blasting through the boss rush esc story mode.
This game actually carries a story mode unlike the mainline games and its really good! Seeing the same events play out in order, learning more about how the different factions in Gensokyo are dealing with the oil spill really ends in a satisfying way. My favorites being Jo'on and Shions dream of scamming people with oil and Okina just throwing Flandre at the problem until she brute forces a solution.
The thing that kills the game for me is Totetsu, her second phase fight is so insanely obnoxious and unfun that it kills the momentum and mood of any character who has to run through it. Other than that a pretty good time overall

For the most part, this game provides a very tough but fair difficulty curve in having to tackle bosses with completely different control schemes per character, and they're pretty satisfying to figure out.

However, the absolute bullshit the true final boss throws at you almost deflated the whole experience for me; in the seventh and final phase, it throws a solid red indicator for a half second on a solid red background in the middle of solid red projectiles before shooting a giant lingering laser that managed to consistently drain my health every time despite figuring out the previous phases enough that I went in with near full health. After having the game crash on me on my 55th attempt (which is far from the only technical issue the Switch version has, such as random bits to even one of the endings still untranslated and the game completely freezing up on me midway through a fight), I just gave up and beat it on easy mode first try to get it over with, because it just wasn't satisfying feeling anymore to get that far and just die to garbage design like that. I legit haven't had a final boss experience this bad in a long time.

I'm doing this one before 18 even though it came out after because I feel like it and that only happened due to a long delay in its release. Also, it has a few different names and Sunken Fossil World is probably the most official but I like Submerged Hell of Sunken Sorrow better so I'm going to just call it SHOSS. I'm saying it as a word in my head. Shoss.

A lot of people really want ZUN to just have their exact politics, and while I remain dubious about making many assumptions based on the very little writing in Touhou games, this one is about how fossil fuels come from hell and are made from the suffering and greed of human souls, so there's something there probably. Since Shoss is a Twilight Frontier game (the fighting game team) the plot mostly consists of what you'd expect: a chance to have a bunch of different characters interact. This isn't a new fighting game, though, so the case is drawn from a broader base. Mostly it's the 10-12 band, with wild inclusions like playable Captain Murasa. Also, the sprites are smaller than in the fighting games to suit the gameplay but they're still great, and the character portraits are just gorgeous. Maybe the best these girls have ever looked. Really striking, thick linework and cool poses.

But you know the thing is that Shoss isn't actually a fighting game, but it's kinda like it's trying to be one? The story structure is a lot like one of the fighting games. The boss structure is a lot like the fighting games. The controls? A bit like the fighting games! Sometimes it seems like it was meant to be multiplayer, but it's not and never really could be. It is simply an action game composed of boss fights with combo attacks that kind of don't work or make sense, platforming that also kind of doesn't work, and multiple playable characters who engage with different subsets of the same few fights. Not every character is actually playable, but with the last update, most of them are, and every playable character is also a boss. It's just hard to describe succinctly, but it felt like one of the fighting game story modes while also feeling totally different.

Where the comparison falters is the fact that every playable character plays totally differently. Actually I guess it falters where there is literally no multiplayer but if there was, it would be one where everybody is playing by different rules. But for a single player game that's rad as heck! The further you go, the more you start having to deal with the same obstacles with odd movesets and special rules that only apply to one character. Starting up someone new was always a delight for this reason. The difficulty you'll have with different opponents and spell cards will vary a ton as a result, but that's also super cool. It's not a coincidence that the final boss gets longer and more elaborate as you gain access to characters that have an easier time with the earlier parts.

With that all being said, Shoss is just really frustrating at times. Whoever you're using, the gameplay largely revolves around your opponent having super armor until particular moments in her attack pattern. You might try to damage through it or wait for those vulnerable moments depending on the situation, but the combos you're doing never feel particularly designed for the encounters. Even attacking a stunned boss, when you have the most use of those combos, feels kind of unintended. A lot of your basic combos will send the boss flying away, so you'll instead be motivated to do weird juggles a lot of the time. Also, the boss patterns involve tons of bullets and RNG, occasionally spawning attacks at the bottom of the screen. In a shooter where you can move freely none of this is an issue, but in a platformer/beat-em-up kind of thing it's way more annoying. Being successful is really all about understanding some fairly dubious rules of when you have iframes and exploiting that without letting the natural movement of your attacks sending you careening into a hurtbox.

All that said, I beat every story on normal difficulty with a modest number of continues and only a bit of recurring frustration. I love to see a fully wild experimental game in the mainline series and I'll be super happy if they do something else like this again but refined. Shoss lands solidly in "interesting experiment that I'm glad exists" territory with bonus points for Totetsu Yuuma, a shark-toothed sheep girl who uses her giant spork to eat crude oil. I love her.

bro this game is underrated as hell

not only is the game legitimately amazing but murasa and joon (the best characters) are in the game as playable characters, something that would only come on a wishlist to me.
competently made, probably due to the million year delay, and everything was well thought through by the worlds most heavily autistic game designer.

Gouyoku Ibun, the 17.5th Touhou and the first sidescroller in the series. Community had assigned it so many red flags during the troubled development phase, the game finally crawls past the release date.... And it turns out to be such a unique startling thing I'm astonished how special it's shaping up to me.

Here, behind the usual touhou mysticism hides another modern fable that denounces greed as the biggest threat to environmentalism, but its tale is optimistic and uplifting in resolution. Brash dialogue and PoV heavy plot structure make up story layers that are such a delight to peel, building up the timeline of events with many moving parts and personalities that bounce off each other in a way that's full of energy and style. I seriously envy people that happen to go in this game unspoiled, there are such surprises along the way that ensure no touhou fan would be left feeling indifferent.

And on the other side of increasingly shiny coin is the culmination of over 15 years of Tasofro's experience of creating games where girls shoot A LOT of bullets and let you have elegant tools to JUNK them. Balancing between cautious evasion with chip potshots and rabid flurries of attacks isn't much unlike other sidescrollers, but all the haphazard mobility you have put against swarms of projectiles on screen leads to such a unique moment-to-moment dynamic, there's simply nothing else that plays like it. Coupled with how different playable characters feel – it's nearly euphoric. These playables share no identical moves or tools, their styles are different, their mobility is different, their resource management is different, their meters work differently... They shouldn't work all in the same game, but they do, and they fight the same enemies on the same stages. Where Kanako has to gallantly float around the field and invoke crushing forces of nature, Murasa haphazardly grapples herself all over the screen and setups air juggle combos. The mad playstyle distinction becomes the very means of character expression, it truly makes you feel like a wind goddess or a ship ghost with murderous tendencies, one could say.

And I ain't even gonna fully touch on the artstyle or music, how much it's doing with this few pixels and what a cool vibe the remixes of classic themes are. Gouyouku Ibun is such a sensation for me and I wish others get even a fraction of emotions I experienced. Maybe wait until the english patch is cooked to completion, but otherwise even if you're even tangetially interested in Touhou, you should pay attention to this game, you're in for a threat.

loved it alot had a lot of trouble playing as murasa though but still an amazing game

Re-doing my review for this game now that I've PROPERLY beaten it with every story mode. It's a good game but a few points have to go down for the final boss of Murasa's story mode. Genuinely, who thought that as a good idea?



's pretty good, I like the sprite art a ton, remixes are solid, gameplay takes a bit of getting used to but is decent enough when you main issues are the sound design (a ton of the same sound can play at once making things REALLY LOUD) and certain characters not being equipped to properly deal with the game's final attack pattern. Other than that it's great but it could have used a touch more polish in those regards.

1CCs: Reimu (Normal), Kanako (Normal)
This has been brought up but Toetetsu’s second phase was clearly designed for Kanako and then was stapled to other characters.
Roster is very fun and correctly glorifies random characters like the UFO stage 4 boss and fighting game OCs.
Marisa is so clunky I gave up trying to beat her story on hard and normal and just switched to easy.

Прошёл 東方剛欲異聞 ~ 水没した沈愁地獄. Именно так вам придётся искать Touhou 17.5 в стиме и никак иначе. Название с .5 в конце означает не обновлённую версию существующей игры, а совершенно новую игру, не относящуюся к основному для серии жанру данмаку-шутеров - конкретно эта игра является платформерным босс рашем. В игре красивая рисовка с качественными анимациями и приятным саундтреком, а вот геймплей как минимум очень специфичный.

В этой игре используются три кнопки. Первая кнопка в зависимости от выбранного персонажа и зажатого направления может быть прыжком, полётом или рывком с последующим ударом или без него, причём во время анимации героиня может быть неуязвима, а также касанием она может стирать вражескую волну пуль. Удерживая или повторно нажимая первую кнопку в воздухе, можно продлить полёт или выполнить двойной прыжок. Вторая же кнопка отвечает за удар, причём снова в зависимости от персонажа и направления это может быть удар с рывком, апперкот, удар стоя на месте и т.д. Иными словами это файтинг с возможностью активно передвигаться в воздухе и без прокручивания крестовины, причём строго сюжетный - в игре нет мультиплеера, вдобавок персонаж игрока выдерживает лишь 10 ударов, а вот у каждого бота сразу несколько форм. Уникальной игру делает третья кнопка, отвечающая за поглощение жидкости. Жидкость появляется после стирания вражеских пуль и начинает плескаться по арене. Поглощение жидкости пополняет шкалу, а после полного заполнения автоматически используется особый приём. Действие этой кнопки тоже разное в зависимости от персонажа, например эта кнопка может позволять даже находиться в воздухе во время удерживания, что полезно для уклонения.

К слову о формах боссов - во время каждой из них боссы по циклу проделывают различные действия, при этом в какой-то момент их аура загорается красной. Ударив босса в этот момент, можно разбить иконку ауры на лайфбаре босса, а если разбить их все, то это застанит босса на некоторое время. Иконки после стана восстанавливаются, но только лишь та их часть, над которой лайфбар босса всё ещё закрашен. Так что полезно знать, какими приёмами можно нанести максимум урона за короткое время.

Я прошёл все восемь сценариев на нормале - у первых пяти персонажей по одной концовке и лишь у Фландре по три. Странностей в игре много - например туториал есть только для Рейму и Марисы, а значит с остальными персонажами придётся разбираться методом тыка и каким-то образом узнавать, что блок на удерживание кнопки удара есть только у Мурасы. Всего два уровня сложности - нормал и хард, которые стоило бы назвать как минимум хард и лунатик. Для Мурасы уж точно - её сюжетка является лишь четвёртой, но она однозначно самая сложная в игре, так как Мураса на первую кнопку умеет преодолевать исключительно половину экрана, ни больше, ни меньше, а сюжетки кстати проходятся строго последовательно. У персонажей в целом никакущий контроль прыжка, рывка и прочих способов перемещения в воздухе - часто приходится просчитывать, через какую волну пуль в какой момент можно безнаказанно сделать прыжок или рывок. При этом вражеские пули мыльные и смешиваются в нечитаемую мешанину, из-за чего я постоянно терял персонажа из виду. И насколько же велика разница в сложности между боссами - на какую-то битву могут уйти десятки продолжений, благо они в игре бесконечные, а следующая битва при этом проходится спамом комбы "вниз+удар". И ведь я не могу не отметить разнообразие арен как визуально, так и геймплейно - то арена автоскроллится, то бой проходит на корабле, то арена с бесконечным скроллингом вниз и огнями по бокам. Но с имеющимися проблемами я не могу поверить, что игру как-то балансировали и тестировали. Играть на свой страх и риск.

this game is amazing but its also caused me the most frustration out of any game i've ever played bc of yuuma's final spell as murasa

I loved the story modes in the Touhou fighting games with how the Spell Cards turned each fighter into a full-on boss fight, when I heard about what this game was going to be I was super excited and playing it was a joy

It really is those story mode modes converted into a actual boss rush, it doesn't try to be like a per-establish genre of game beyond the elements they already were borrowing, it just, takes the essence of a fighting game, and makes it work as a single player action game

You still get multiple characters, each with a moveset that's easy to memorize, something like to a copy ability in Kirby, except that the extent of how their moves and stats change to one another makes them all feel so different that it demands you to change your playstyle and how you fight bosses. It's the fighting game essence, but with more approachable learning curve

This was the first time in a long while that I felt wowed by game design rather than something like "good job, you got a A" or "oh I see what you did there"

i think if any game should get an adaptation it should be this one in chronological order this game kicks so much ass

As of currently, I've finished at least one run of every character, and multiple runs for the final one. The game has not received a fan translation yet, so I cannot speak much on its story, but I can currently say that it's cast is wild and what it does with it's story, from what I can gather, is very interesting and atypical of Touhou's usual routine. This review will probably be spoiler tagged later down the line when I actually can replay it and experience the story, and go for 1CCs if possible.

This game is rough around the edges, for sure, not perfect at all. I had some problems, some minor and major annoyances, but despite that, this is some of the most fun I've had with a game all year. The soul and passion poured into this game is felt in every minute of play. The long, delayed, and memed upon wait was definitely worth it in my eyes.

Gameplay wise it's something the series has never seen before, a type of 2D action game with several playable characters, and a boss rush game to boot. There are no stages here, just multiple different bosses who's attack patterns can change based on who you're playing as & where you're fighting them. The bosses are all a joy to tackle, with each of the 6 playable characters having completely, and wildly different playstyles that make each one distinct. It also has one of the wildest character returns in the series, and puts them in a spot of prominence I absolutely never could've seen coming, which I think the game deserves huge props for.

It also has just straight up one of the best OSTs in a Touhou game to date, up there with 11, 12.3, and 14.5 for me.

I will expand on this review in the future, but for now, I'll leave it at this:

Touhou 17.5 is a flawed game, but one I love every bit of regardless.

This review contains spoilers

As we can see Yuuma Toutetsu has presented a rather large spoon to Okina Matara. The humor in this video game stems from the fact that Yuuma would like to consume oil but the secret god retorts at her saying, she can only have a spoonful, nothing more. Yuuma then suddenly changes her expression and body language and reveals she is indeed in possession of a spoon. And not just any spoon, it is a massive stainless steel spoon. This is funny because you would never expect someone to be casually in possession of a massive spoon to eat the fear, pleasure, grief, loathing, and resentment of living creatures with. It is completely unorthodox and uncalled for. This is why the game is so humorous and was put on the 2021 Gensokyo Incident compilation.

Unfortunately, the secret god did not find this amusing, and had Yuuma immediately obliterated.