Reviews from

in the past

I adore this game. One of my favorite party games still. There's not much content in it, but what's there is well crafted, with a sense of humor that holds up.

One of the only good uses of the motion controls of the Wii - using them in lots of ways, with tutorials, for short bursts that don't rely on lots of precision.

played this really recently and is honestly now my favorite wario ware game. The humor is great and the mini-games are suprisingly accurate for a wii game not using the wii motion plus.

I barely remember anything about this game but I remember renting this as a kid, playing it, and having a good time because the microgames were wacky as shit and everything was fun,

And incredibly entertaining game with an eye-catching style that uses the Wii Remote in unique ways. It's gameplay, consisting of doing small mini-games in rapid succession, has a certain rhythm and energy to it that makes it endlessly replayable and entertaining.

Honestly, after seeing what could be done with the Wii-Mote at the time, I think a Switch WarioWare would be great to play.

Todo lo bueno de WarioWare, una vez más, en esta ocasión con controles de movimiento. ¿Qué mejor forma de aprovechar el gimmick del control por movimiento que con minijuegos?
Con la tontería, acabas haciendo bastante ejercicio.

Controls in certain minigames feels clunky. It is still comedic and fun like all wario ware games.

The single player stuff was fun in its own right, but this was the absolute best game to play with your friends at parties.

my favorite wario ware, i think its handling of motion control (different named poses to hold the controller) makes for the best way to control mini games in the whole series. also its the first game to use 3d in the series so it looks even weirder than usual

animations looked weird and some of the control styles were a little unresponsive but i believe thats all part of the charm. Overall it was okay, a bit short, but still a solid time. I like how many different ways this game uses the wii remote, I wish more games on the wii were this creative. haven't played multiplayer yet which is a huge component of warioware fun, so thoughts may change once i get some bois over. that narrator's voice is so sexy

My first foray into the world of WarioWare games and holy shit is this the epitome of fun.

Le meilleurs WarioWare à mes yeux, au passage, je recherche femme très douée avec le bâton de style

Eu ADORO a série WarioWare. É uma série hilária, descompromissada, que gera muita risada e uma boa dose de desafio.

A versão pra Wii tem 2 grandes pontos a destacar: os modos e o uso do wiimote.

Os modos são a estrela do jogo. Campanha single, multiplayer, minijogos extras...tudo enriquece o título e adiciona conteúdo valioso pra um jogo full price (a Nintendo, IMO, tem um forte problema com precificação).

Contudo o uso do Wiimote é, novamente, o mocinho e o bandido. Ao passo que as interações e utilizações do Wiimote estão facilmente dentre as mais criativas e divertidas do console, a imprecisão que pragueja motion control ainda é o responsável por uma certa dose de frustração quando não o devido reconhecimento, especialmente porque é característica da série ir aumentando gradativamente a velocidade e o tempo de input se tornar estupidamente curto para mudar a pegada do Wiimote e executar a ação do microjogo.

Apesar dos pesares, é um dos melhores da franquia.

while It's probably the best at using the Wii Remote capacities, It lost the unexpected feeling because of the advises before each micro game.

Better than the mario party stuff if you wanna play with friends

Smooth Moves is a game that is easily enjoyed with more people around. Its quirky, its fun, simple, and can help make a dead party come back to life. Unfortunately Smooth Moves simply doesn’t bring enough to the table that really makes it the center of attention for parties, and even less when it comes to a single player experience. It still has the Wario Ware charm, but the heart isn’t all there.

Silly warioware fun. The microgames are fast paced and funny, and I always liked the art style.

this was the first wario ware game i got to properly play and honestly i miss it every day

some of the minigames in this one scared me as a kid for some reason

It has charm and that's the one thing carrying to greatness, even if it has all the flaws of motion controls.

Made significantly less fun than the previous titles on the grounds that the wiimote can be frustrating as fuck to use sometimes. Still a classic nonetheless

loooooved so expeditiously as a kid. i think this was my most played game on the wii by far.

This is called Dancing in Wario in Japan (the franchise overall is called
Made in Wario). That's a very accurate title, as it apparently reflects the
development team's ultimate goal--give players a game that makes them feel like
they're dancing. Maybe not the most accurate description, but the basis of the
game involves different forms-positions that you hold the wii remote in and sometimes
your body to move in precise ways to clear microgames, the bread and butter of
Warioware titles, which are mini-games that last often less than 10 seconds.

WarioWare in general is a great exercise in minimalism, it tells you in a few
words the task at hand and is intuitively designed enough to not confuse players
and keep them on their toes anticipating the next wacky task. Smooth Moves takes
it a step further as the first console title of the series, with fully 3D
micro-games and some of the most genius implementations of motion controls that
I have ever seen. The Wii's motion detection is subtle enough that no matter what
body position you need to assume, it's super responsive and never feels awkward.
And even though these forms have names, you still never know exactly what task
you will undertake. The minimalist design of micro games is expanded upon with
these forms, you have to change them frequently between micro-games but this also
helps further communicate the type of task you might get. You may use a position
where you hold the remote like a pencil to throw darts or guide a paper airplane,
or even use the "samurai" form to do something as mundane as pass out a flyer.

The challenge of the main campaign, which only lasts under 2 hours, is added with
the addition of an endless mode where you try and clear as many mini-games as
possible without making too many mistakes, both a dedicated endless mode and
the option of replaying all main stages to get the highest score. In addition,
there are post game modes such as further developed mini-games, a mix-up mode
where all forms of the game are switched between, decent multi-player,
and my personal favorite--a calorie burning mini-game. Never had so much fun
sweating. Not to mention the game all throughout will get faster and faster and
put your reaction times to the test. Even simple things like UI for your total
score and lives changes in every stage you visit yet is ALWAYS easily readable.

And as you might expect, the game has a great sense of humor: sometimes weird,
sometimes outrageous, sometimes quirky, and always a ton of fun. And despite how
simple some of them are, the characters in these stages are a lot of fun themselves
from everyone's favorite greedy schemer Wario, the goth magician Ashley, to the
gamer duo 8 volt and 16 volt whose stage consists of micro-games that pay homage to
numerous Nintendo properties. Including the friggin' virtual boy. Casual game design
absolutely still has a place in modern times, and Smooth Moves is the poster child.

Pure absurdist fun from one of Nintendo's most wild franchises. This and Touched! were the peak of WarioWare, in my opinion (though the franchise has continued to be good, of course).

had a harder time with orbulon's games than i should've cuz my nunchuk (or nunchuks in general idk) is a busted up piece of shit. other than that it's another warioware game and therefore good