Reviews from

in the past

- story
- difficulty curves
- level design
And it has no mission select?? A linear FPS with no mission select??

it really could have been better if it wasn't sequel bait

For me, this game was a misstep. Less guns, a more grounded story, and less action. I felt like this wasn't as good as the first one, but couldn't have predicted the steaming shit that was YoungBlood. Still, the scene with Hitler in this game is iconic.

I don't know what they did but this just.....lost the spark that "The New Order" had. Still a very competant callback shooter though

yo this fuckin ruled.

like, everything about it. It was the first game in awhile that truly surprised me at points and made me give a shit about basically all the characters, and was at points chilling as hell with a lot of the Nazi America stuff. It was good as shit.

The only criticism that comes to mind is that I know the next Wolfenstein game is set in the 80s in France(?) with BJ’s daughters so I wouldve liked to have seen what the in between of that wouldve been. besides that this was good as hell. Probably my Game of the Year through the halfway point of 2019

Probably the worst of the new series so far but still a fun shooter with some killer moments.

Had some interesting elements, but most of the missions felt really half-baked.

Downgrade de mecanicas, niveles extremadamente lineales y desinspirados (algunos mal diseñados), bonitos colores desperdiciados en 20 capas de gris, historia mal escrita que tiene un tono inconsistente y llena de identity politics, las armas sonaran bonito pero son meh, la dificultad esta mal testeada como el sigilo, al morirte tan rapido lo mejor es evitar los tiroteos con run and gun, en vez de eso es mejor tomar cobertura o correr al siguiente checkpoint, cosa que choca con lo que deberia ser lo contrario, buena parte del juego son cinematicas y un largo etc.

Shittier story, shittier level design

Honestly overstays its welcome, gameplay-wise. Lots of fun initially but then really doesn't introduce enough new wrinkles to the gameplay to make it consistently feel fresh and fun throughout its entire run time. Thankfully the writing more than makes up for it! Not only is the satire genuinely consistently funny, it's take on an alternate universe where the Nazis won WWII is really clever and well-executed. Ronald Reagan getting shot by Hitler still an all time great video game moment.

I think this game is more fun than New Order, and it definitely has more balls to the walls Nazi killing madness. Again, it does a lot to vilify the Nazi world order and to make your fight against them personally, which I appreciate a lot. This makes the game extremely cathartic at times. The story ends in such a way I thought I was about the start a cool part of the campaign. You could say that makes it a good sequel hook...but I walked away from it ultimately unsatiated.

matar nazistas ao som de mick gordon é gostoso demais

Unfortunate sequel. Bad pacing, less memorable sections, no true bosses. :/

Wolfenstein 2 has amazing moments, unforgettable sequences but confusing level design and a bloated end game keep it from being great.

Great writing, tremendous characters, solid FPS design, killin' Nazis.

great improvement from the first game on almost every aspect (levels are a bit short and gameplay is not as good as the first BUT the story and overall atmosphere are a lot better), overall a pretty solid old school styled fps.

Good game not as good as the previous one but still very enjoyable

Is fun, can't wait to meet h*!!!

The level design in this is maddening.

This game starts off so incredibly in the first half. It's the first game times a million in every way. The gameplay's way better, the game looks and runs like god on ultra even on an RX 580, the tone's goofier and not as good but moments of character interaction and building had my jaw on the floor in a lot of scenes. So many more taboos and risky ideas and themes, it's great. Easy 4.5 stars. But then something happens about halfway through. After an awesome level, after a character building moment between BJ and another character that had my jaw through the floor and on my scalp, followed by an awesome gameplay sequence with a fun setpiece, something happens. It's so fucking jarring, so fucking out of place, so fucking stupid, and so fucking mind-bogglingly offputting that it hurts my head to think about what the devs were actually hoping to achive. I think they just ran out of ideas. After that point, every aspect of the game apart from the gameplay just fucking stops like they hit an orphanage while driving at the speed of sound. All the stakes and worry are removed from the game. The hints of the darker and more mature tone are thrown out the window.

Si el primero me gustó regular este no me gusta nada, encima el monologo interno sigue

No sé como lo han hecho pero se siente más generica y menos especial/propio

Tenía ganas de jugarlo, pero después de pasarmelo creo que he perdido el interés en la saga

I can see why people complained so much about this game but if you can't see past the small problems you need to go outside.

Pretty cool game. You get to kill the KKK.

Probably the second best nazi killing simulator ever made.

It’s been a long time since i played a game that have a story this good , not calling it a masterpiece of a life time or anything but at least it unique in its own way and the gameplay is quite fun

I feel as if I like this game more than most did. It doesn't reach the same heights as it's predecessor, but it really is a solid experience. The gameplay is much smoother and faster, though it does sacrifice the more strategic element New Order had. The story is...out there. It puts more focus on it's protagonist and his mindset with rebelling against Nazi fascism which is very compelling, but it isn't as prominent as I feel it should have been. Still great though. It's worth going through for the insanity it throws you into. I think the idea of the revolution going to Nazi occupied America is pretty cool, and the game does mix Americana culture, Nazi symbols, and the drug fueled counterculture to interesting effect, though I feel they don't utilize it enough. The characters that return are still great, the new ones I'm fairly mixed on, but they're still fun. Overall, I'd play this after New Order if you just want to see where the narrative goes.