Reviews from

in the past

Great game, probably the best in the series. Shame they didn't make any more good ones. Gotta replay these games at some point.

Its like a main campaign of call of duty in a killing nazi setting but in a Doom-gameplay like way. And it is very addictive and awesome as hell. I also have been engage with all the characters in the game as they are all likeable and the characters bosses are intimidating and satisfying to kill them.

I feel as if I like this game more than most did. It doesn't reach the same heights as it's predecessor, but it really is a solid experience. The gameplay is much smoother and faster, though it does sacrifice the more strategic element New Order had. The story is...out there. It puts more focus on it's protagonist and his mindset with rebelling against Nazi fascism which is very compelling, but it isn't as prominent as I feel it should have been. Still great though. It's worth going through for the insanity it throws you into. I think the idea of the revolution going to Nazi occupied America is pretty cool, and the game does mix Americana culture, Nazi symbols, and the drug fueled counterculture to interesting effect, though I feel they don't utilize it enough. The characters that return are still great, the new ones I'm fairly mixed on, but they're still fun. Overall, I'd play this after New Order if you just want to see where the narrative goes.

it's bad, folks. game goes really hard in the opening, and introduces some cool new characters over time. i like that it takes place in the US. i also really like that it pissed off so many chuds by pointing out the very real possibility that america would have embraced nazism. i'm just not into the story. i don't like that we have to rehabilitate a nazi villain. i don't like the stupid twist that happens halfway through just to add some new movement mechanics. it made me feel ill, and not in an artistic Cruelty Squad way, but in a "this is emotionally distressing in a way i don't like" way. i wish there was a way we could have had the good politics of this game, but in the first game. unfortunately that didn't happen. no real reason to play this when you could just play the new order again.

First half of the story is like the first game, and has some tense moments. 2nd half is much more light-hearted and comedic (not necessarily bad but the opposite of the other games' tone). The story feels like it ends abruptly, which hurts some of the character arcs (Sigrun especially).

On a gameplay front, they nerfed the stealth greatly so you need to do direct combat more. BJ gets more options for this, but it does make the game feel like diet Doom. Several weapons were merged or removed too. The guns get the job done and dual wielding any combination of guns is fun.

By far my favourite singleplayer shooter ever. The story just goes so hard and I love how the game feels to play. The way it portrays the US as well is just a nice surprise also. It doesn't glorify it, if anything it makes sure that you know how shitty it has been. Even with BJ in denial about that fact the other characters were sure to let you in on that fact.

на кой хуй надо было в клоунаду какую то превращать всё

Równie genialne co pierwsza część

Better game mechanics but worse story than the new order.

Dropped the ball after the new order, boring ass game that I couldn't bother finishing, lacks the substance that kept me in the new order

Nazi Cristoph Waltz doesn't exist, he can't hurt you.
Nazi Cristoph Waltz:

Degno capitolo anche questo. DLC poco accattivanti.

I was kinda disappointed by this one at the time I think, but you do get to kill a bunch of alternate history sci-fi nazis in radical ways, and there's a mad bit with Hitler that is worth the price of admission alone.

Lo dicho del anterior pero mejor en todos los aspectos llegando a ser incluso bastante mas maduro a veces a pesar de tener momentos absurdísimos.
Pensaba que seria mucho mas básico pero no tiene miedo a hablar de cosas que llegan a ser bastante importantes hoy en día como es el fascismo que hay en la historia de Estados Unidos y como podrían llegar a fácilmente adaptar su cultura hipócrita en una distopia nazi.

this game is so weird, every design change from the previous game feels worse and the story is so much weaker

Few months ago (as of October 21st 2023) I was mowing down Nazi's for the last time.

Wish the shooting and level design was better but a handful of memorable gameplay sequences and insane story turns mostly make up for it.

Finished my replay of Wolfenstein 2, Got damn this game at points just orgasmic af, The story is really good with humanizing and grounding B.J. Blazkowicz and the story had some of the most horrific scene but at the same time it is funny as hell enjoyed it alot, The gameplay is great tho with one of the badass gory kills out there, Visually it is amazing looking when it 1st came out and i had to admit them water effects are kind of the reason i played it back in 2017 lmao, the levels are the weakest point of the game tho just hallways shooting gallery but overall serviceable level design the gameplay kept it fun, SOLID 8/10.

Even when your game bugs and you don't get a single upgrade the entire game, it still manages to captivate with its raucous story and brutal action.

Got stuck on the last boss fight without realizing it was the last boss fight. Also, I think most men would enjoy watching there pregnant wife, covered in blood, and shooting two assault rifles topless.

It had some good moments, but more stupid moments that were just too over the top for me, which I'm sure is what they were going for but not to my tastes. Gameplay was pretty damn good throughout which is why I'm giving it what it has.

My favorite game of the series. Amazing story, fun gameplay, good music. Played on Hard.

Лучше предыдущих — хороший баланс стелса и екшона. Игра более юморная, чем предыдущие — это на пользу. Много видео-вставок (слишком много?), между миссиями можно бегать по кораблю и слушать забавные диалоги. Круто сделано, что начинаешь в инвалидном кресле, крутой плот-твист в сцене с судом, короче мне в целом понравилось, entertaining. Дополнительные миссии из энигмы (убить оберкоммандеров) какие-то скучноватые, я думал они будут экстра-сложные. В целом, игра не особо сложная, но на самых высоких difficulty levels становится не прикольно, потому что очень быстро убивают. Ждём Wolfenstein 3 (уже 2024 год, алё).

Completed in 7 hours and 17 minutes on "Bring 'em on!" difficulty. Ultimately not as good as The New Order or Old Blood but still a solid entry in the series. Some highlights were meeting your dad and auditioning for Hitler.

Leshoid Gives it a: good
Beaten on the 23/04/24