Reviews from

in the past

The music was gorgeous but what the hell even was this game. Like, YGO War of the Roses? WHY?

This is such a strange game and it. I mean really it could be the posterboy for licensed games in the 00s tbh. I was a bigger fan of Falsebound Kingdom but this had a solid soundtrack with songs that were way too short and it was probably a bit more "put together".

Muito legal o jogo e a maneira diferente de jogar as partidas. Nunca consegui a carta da Feiticeira Negra...

Incrível, zerei dezenas de vezes (agora tem Redux mod, perfeito)

One of my first strategy games.

Loved the random mix of history and yu-gi-oh.

not only is a fun variation of yu-gi-oh featuring 3D monsters (which I genuinely wish more yugi games had) but the plot is also a retelling of the War of The Roses with card games which rules

super unique direction for the series it’s like the capsule one on ps2 but like better lmao i had a lot of fun with this one. yugioh games are actually pretty good huh?

When Yu-Gi-Oh! was at the height of its popularity during the late 90's and early 2000's, you'd be forgiven for thinking that there was a new YGO game around every corner. In fact, in a span of 4 years between 1998-2001, a mind-boggling 11 YGO games were developed and released. Among them was Duelist of the Roses, which was one of the oddest and most unique takes on the YGO formula. Set in 15th century England, this game substituted real and fictional historical figures for YGO characters as Yugi (Henry Tudor) and Seto (Christian Rosenkreuz) fought for the throne of England by playing an archaic version of Duel Monsters. If it sounds ridiculous, that makes sense, because it is. But just as it was the strangest YGO game of its time, it was also the best.

Both the main benefit and the main drawback to this game is the way the card game is played. Instead of sticking to the original game, DotR opts for a board-game style layout, where cards are played on a 7x7 grid and moved around, with the goal of surrounding and attacking the opponent's deck master. This structure is considerably more interesting than the original card game was at time of release, and is what gives this game so much of its charm. Even though the card game was still in a somewhat limited state at the time, this new format allows for a much more variable and nuanced gameplay experience. Players generally have a much stronger feeling of control over the game, as they have more agency to play their way out of difficult situations. Grasping victory from the jaws of defeat is immensely satisfying in this game, and that's because of this novel setup.

It also ends up being quite confusing. This is a game that, if it's your first time playing it, could take you 5-10 hours to understand how to play ideally, but if you've played it before, you can breeze through it pretty quickly. The game manages to keep players interested due to the deck cost system, which prevents the use of supremely overpowered cards to defeat opponents. This makes deck building a more involved process, and the game is better for it. Most of the difficulty comes from an unclear tutorial, save for the final boss, who just has vastly overpowered cards. There's also a lot of gameplay aspects that are left to be figured out. Fusions, for example, appear almost random at first, and require a lot of guesswork to figure out. Card collection is another wonky aspect, and you're better off playing with what you have rather than wasting time trying to collect specific cards. Even with all that factored in, though, it's a pretty short game, and there's not a lot to do once both routes are completed. Unless you decide to rank up your deck master, that is, which is extremely tedious and not recommended. Luckily, it's also something that's not really too important.

DotR is an impressive game simply because, in between the releases of other mediocre licensed YGO titles, it managed to stand out and offer something different. Even though there's not a lot of substance to it and it may appear pretty unapproachable at first, it's still an innovative title that clearly had passion behind it, with a killer soundtrack to boot.

It felt cool to be playing a Yu-Gi-Oh video game, but the odd translation of the card game to strategy video game had a lot of awkward moments - including games that you could only win by running out the 99(?) turn limit - and the difficulty felt very punishing. Loved the overall aesthetic though.

My first Yugioh game and it's interesting to say the least. It's basically Yugioh but with historic elements and the card game here is built more like a chess match. It's not prefect and man are some of the duelists unfair as shit but I still have nostalgia for it and I enjoyed overall.

White Rose and Red Rose Campaign completed.

os que jogaram esse podem tacar pau e tudo mais mas eu AMO esse jogo de coração, jogo até os dias de hoje, sei que parece patético mas eu queria que fizessem outro yugioh nesse mesmo estilo com novas cartas e novos personagens.

melhor jogo de YGO até hoje

Trilha sonora foda mas extremamente difícil igual o "antecessor" e é basicamente isso que define o jogo, uma boa jogada da Konami de não ficar só no modo tradicional e ficar inventando coisas diferentes nos Yugioh dessa época

What a fun little game. If you're like me and rented this when you were 7 years old, try it again as an adult. It's a fun strategy RPG that doesn't take more than 10 hours to finish.

Um jogo extremamente subestimado,eu amo,é viciante,atemporal,diverte mais do que muitos jogos atuais

Um dos melhores jogos de estratégia que já joguei.

Pumpking? Busted.

Childhooooooood. First time playing any kind of "strategy" type of game as a kid. I didn't know why they didn't call Yugi by his name but I didn't care I had my cards and that's all that mattered to me. Returning to this game some odd 20 years later, I really appreciate what they went for with this. A super fun, creative, grid movement based strategy game while still being a Yu-Gi-Oh! card game with two sides to a story to explore.

Heavily enjoyed this game back in the day, I need to come back and finish it

It's really dated and a bit bare bones but I had fun

An amazing game that was actually more enjoyable than the original trading card game, with its grid based system.

I would love to see a spiritual successor or a remaster with online play, new AI opponents and new cards.

A great story as well, retelling the War of the Roses with the cast of original Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

One of my favourite games of all time. The pinnacle of a TV show tie-in game.

Fun to play with buddies. Story's not great but I don't think the game intended to focus on it so that's fine. Duels are fun.

An interesting take on the formula but besides nostalgia, it is a mediocre RPG that is not interesting at all and is rather boring.

thats a min to understand what ur doing and best comps and so on but thats yugioh in a nutshell

Even as a Yugioh fan, this is not a good game.

I will return to this game to give my true thoughts on it.

I think I was just too young to understand the complex nature of this game. Something always drew me back to it all the time, even though I kept losing (guessing it's just because I'm a Yu-Gi-Oh! nerd)

Regardless, I love the story and presentation of this game. Truly good stuff. A unique atmosphere that really pulls you in.

A fun little twist to the standard Yu-Gi-Oh! formula at the time. It takes some getting used to but it's a lot of fun once you do. I can't consider this game mastered because the only two cards I'm missing are only available through the Destiny Draw mechanic and I have too much pride to suck that much ass just to put them in my library.

Beautiful soundtrack, cool cutscenes that show the Yugioh monsters fighting it out. Terrain types fleshed out the gameplay in a novel way. Major pain points include the story being a little weak, and the game aging like milk.