Reviews from

in the past

On a GBA Emulator I played this for probably 100 hours and regret nothing

Fun, but never beat it. It would probably be hard to play with all the new rules and cards released since then.

suffers from all the same problems as the other gba games unfortunately

One of the first (if not the first) Yu-Gi-Oh! game to have the official card rules. Pretty simple since it's early 2000s Yu-Gi-Oh! and not the ridiculously broken modern version.

Game plays fine but it's so slow at going through actions. There are 24 opponents to choose from. Most of them cheat knowing the def of your face-down cards. Also, it feels like everyone has mirror force. The bright side is the password system is great. Just input the real card number and get it with no strings attached.

Overall pretty fun if you're fine with older cards. Just requires many duels to unlock everything.

I learned a second language by playing this game at age 6

this has established itself as my game to come back to whenever i wanna play something to turn off my brain to, its nice, its simple - its just yugioh but in its earliest form basically

I have vague, but positive, memories of this one from my youth. I remember it being no frills, no fluff ---- just pure dueling & deckbuilding. And it nails that pretty darn well. It's convenient just whip out, play a round or two on a bus ride or whatever, then save some more for later. Great structure for a handheld game.

My childhood favorite YGO game. Nothing else to it but cards, that's all I wanted.

if you like yu-gi-oh then there is no reason not to play this. The dialogue is pretty much as classic as the show too

Pretty straightforward Yu-Gi-Oh game. The AI will cheat when you're facing the dualists from Tier 3 onward, as they will not attack any of your face down monsters if their attack power is less than your defense. Every single duelist from Tier 2 onward will have Mirror Force, graceful charity, and Pot of Greed. One of the better ways to get through to them is to cheese them to hell with a bunch of deck destroyers like Cyber Jar, Morphing Jar, and Needle Worm.

After a bit, the game starts to feel stale and same-y. Also the game asks for a lot of time on your hands to unlock more booster packs as well as attend championship games.

It aged like milk and there's better options but it's still playable.

It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!

You get a Mirror Force and you get a Mirror Force! Everybody has a freaking Mirror Force!

My fav YuGiOh! video game of all time

i like yugioh but not for the card game, so after beating yugi 7 times i thought "hey why not try dueling ryou". he kicked my ass so hard that i'm too embarrassed to go back to the game

Não cheguei a terminar mas joguei muito. Esse é fácil 2 melhor jogo de yugioh já feito perdendo somente pro gx duel academy de também gba.

I dropped a billion hours on this perfecting my Shadow Ghoul deck.

it's fine. ai is kinda busted strong especially later in the game. card variety does not exist, just as a factor of what cards even existed when this game came out. get blue eyes out, pray it can stay out, and you win

Mediocre, slow and rather boring. Not worth playing at all compared to the other gba games.

Este juego es una muy buena opción para jugar el Yu-Gi-Oh clásico. Si bien sirve para jugar solo, recomiendo muchísimo jugarlo en compañía

Le tengo mucho cariño a este juego porque me vicié a él junto a unos amigos de la universidad, y mientras cada uno iba mejorando su deck en el single player, después nos echábamos nuestros duelos en el multiplayer XD También gracias a este juego al fin aprendí a jugar Yu-Gi-Oh. Eso si, no te enseña, pero pude poner en práctica lo que aprendí del manual oficial del TCG

No le doy 5 estrellas porque tiene unos bugs muy notorios

Depois de jogar a atrocidade que é o Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories de PS1, que ignora completamente as regras do jogo de cartas, Eternal Duelist Soul traz uma experiência muito mais fiel pra quem curte o jogo físico real.

E o faz de forma excelente, apesar das limitações de cartas e estratégias.

My very first GBA advance game. Man the memories!!!

Enjoyed this as a kid, will have to play it again to beat it sometime

El primero y mi favorito de los de GBA
No sé, el simplemente jugar con las primeras generaciones y sin nada de lista de cartas baneadas se siente bonito por alguna razón
Además es la IA es bastante competente y balanceada así como el deck de inicio que tienes no es una completa caca como en otros juegos

Eternal Duelist Soul is a good option if you want to experience what YGO was like during it's earliest inception. There being no banned cards & instead having a few very powerful cards be just limited to 1 makes this game pretty funny to look at with a modern perspective of the game.
The game is slow (but that's more due to the nature of early YGO being slow) & the in-game progression feels needlessly tedious requiring you to defeat different duelists from the anime multiple times in a row to progress to the next set of duelists where you just repeat what you did before.

Password system is amazing, love digging out my binder to add my cards in-game. But like most Yu-Gi-Oh games of the era, Eternal Duelist Soul is highly dependent on repetitive duels with the same handful of opponents over and over. If you're just here for the nostalgia and to get some duels in with the older card sets then it's a good candidate, but otherwise you're better off aiming for some duel monster games that are just a little bit more current.

I feel like I have a lot to learn, but one thing is for sure: The AI in this game is way more competent than the anime characters they portray.

Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul (2001): El mejor juego de la franquicia jamás creado. La de horas que pasé con este juego de pequeño. Una IA súper variada para la época, un montón de cartas y posibilidades, y una interfaz súper agradable. De mis juegos favoritos de peque (8,90)