Reviews from

in the past

Today, there are little flowers blooming where there were none yesterday

Thats the kind of discovery that warms my heart, you know?

2010 and there is a little girl who wakes up on a Saturday at 5am in her grandma's house. She runs downstairs before the suns risen and before anyone has woken up, a novelty. Like she is the only one there, like it is her house. She makes cereal and watches tv, to the left and through the sliding glass door she can see the sun coming up. At grandma's house the sun always rises in oranges and pinks. The neighborhood is always quiet and always confined. Throwing away the plastic bowl, she walks out into the living room, turns on the tv, turns on the wii. Sets the setting to hdmi 2 and grabs her remote. And she plays this.

Impossibly beautiful and forever welcoming. City Folk and its open spaces, delightful music that defines an hour of your life. Your neighbors that seem to have an unlimited amount of things to say, sending you letters, asking after your other characters, pushing them into pitfalls regardless because it is funny every time. And to this child, it was very real, and deeply mysterious. You could spend hours doing nothing but I remember it all so well, feeling giddy after ordering 50 wheat fields and placing them in my house, walking and hiding in them. Dyeing my hair cyan in the hair salon, feeling rich if I managed to buy one thing at Gracies. Time hopping to winter so I could build an awful snowman. Making constellations with Celeste, in awe of all the colors and the way the stars shined.

At school, it is now recess. Today, I have brought a stuffed dog to school named Moo. It was my father's but he cared little for it, so it is now mine. Unlike my father, I will take care of Moo. I will not abandon him, or treat him like he is nothing. He comes with me everywhere and I hug him on the bus when I know he is scared, because I can feel what he feels and it is something other people can not grasp. I have many other stuffed animals at home, and they all take turns coming with me. There is a tree in the recess yard. All the kids jump on it and stab at it with pencils, and I remember that I felt like something was burning inside me. That tree was no ones friend and no one saw it, but I would and I did. I sat with that tree every day, talked to it and loved it. As an adult I can recognize now that the teachers were always looking at me because I never played with any of the other kids. This little girl cried a lot, she wanted to go home a lot. She had meltdowns and bit other kids. And children pick up on that, and I knew that they knew that there was something untouchable about me and that they should stay away. I never had any friends. But still, I was so loving. I loved everything and wanted to understand everything. I would be a friend to something like myself, like that tree, but still they could never talk back.

But, the villagers in City Folk could. They talked to me like they were real, like they knew me. I listened to them and loved every second. I fell in love with Rolf and bombarded him with letters asking him to marry me, I adored Friga and her mature attitude that I didnt quite understand yet but compelled me nonetheless. I played in Frobert's house a lot because the colors were so pretty, and he had a frog chair. I loved every detail of every little thing about them, and it was something only a child could experience. But it also hurt too, because once more as much as I loved them I knew that they could never sit with me and give me a hug, or push me on the swing or make me a bracelet, any of the many things I saw other girls my age doing. And I didnt know it at the time, but I never would feel that. I would never have any friends. For two decades, I would be alone. And into the years which should of been the best of my life, I would lose the ability to leave the house. I would lose a lot of things that I was otherwise proud of. And I begun to feel like something like me might never be understood or loved at all.

That child in me never really died, sometimes I still feel her sitting in a field behind the school, bawling her eyes out at an impossible lonliness that children really dont ever feel.

But a year ago, to this day, I sent someone a message. We had a lot in common, I thought, and I was so desperate for friends. I had just moved into my first apartment and I was so lonely and scared. I stayed up till 1am listening to my cat wailing and talking with them. I did not know that this person would turn out to be my best friend, my first friend. I was just excited to talk to them the next day. And the day after that. For hours, the whole day even. All the time, for a whole year, they spoke with me. They never once let me be alone like I was. And even though I've never had the chance to speak much, and I might be annoying at times, they have never once held that against me. I can be with them, talk with them about things I like, play games with them. And they listen to me, enjoys having me there. Wants me to be there. Impossible.

Later, I met two other people. They celebrated my birthday with me and I dont think I ever smiled as much as I did on that day. And it was the first time I ever had a party with friends, had someone to remember my birthday. And even though they arent with me physically, I was still so happy. I wont ever forget that. Two days ago, I spent the weekend watching one of them play Bratz all day and we were laughing and having fun. And I thought that a year ago, this would not be possible. A year ago I was much less of a person and more like a slave. But now I have people to talk to, people I respect, people that make my life worth living. And even though I still want to know what its like to be hugged, to have a friend physically there, im still so happy. And I can not believe someone in my position got so lucky as to meet these people.

To Nicole, I love you sooo much. You are such a bright and loving person. You are endlessly talented in so many things, so kind and so thoughtful, everyone should be taking notes. Thank you for all the happy memories you have given me over the past year, and for everything youve done to help me.

And to Hilda, thank you so much. Even though you say you wish you could do more for me and you wish that you were more, I sincerely do not care. Because every day I am excited to wake up and talk to you. You make me laugh every day, you are so funny and beautiful. I am so, so proud to call myself your friend and I am so happy to be liked by the both of you. You have changed my life considerably.

For my first year of being on my own, and the first year ive been on Backloggd, I can not be more pleased. I am still not all together free of the ocd that forced me here, and part of me still feels trapped and lonely. I want to experience the things other people my age take for granted. Ive never been kissed, I've never gone to the mall with my friends. Things like that, but for the first time in my life I can at least finally feel content. And I feel like no matter what happens, I will have always people to go back to, people who care. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.

So, it's good to appreciate the times where you've got nowhere to be and nothing to do

it's honestly amazing how cf managed to flip the entire franchise on its head. backpedalling on what made wild world so great while shoehorning in gamecube features that were missing from wild world doesn't make for an interesting game unfortunately. while it does do some good things, like a consistent 60fps and giving us the holy grail that is the city music (all are genuinely wonderful tracks) however that doesn't excuse the terrible grass deterioration, complete dumbing down of the villager system (which had a surprising amount of depth in wild world) removing all the special character episodes and their memoirs, and making them a LOT nicer (which, in turn, hurts their original personalities a lot) thankfully i don't need to go into detail since everyone knows about them by now, but man did that hurt the sales of the game by a long shot back then.

the city deserves its own section. i absolutely love the vibes, but when you get down to it, it's really just the special shops crammed into one place, and it hurts the game’s replayability a lot. special characters in wild world would pop up in town and do something fun each week, and for me, that was a big motivator to come back to the game every day - there’d always be something new to find, or unlock - and if not, they would at least be interesting to talk to. but now that people like Redd, Katrina and Harriet are always in the city, there was no real reason to come back, since they’d always be there, doing the exact same stuff. gracie’s shop made returning furniture sets from gamecube way too expensive, the auction house is pretty much useless now that wifi’s gone, and kicks would be better if he had his own building. it would have been so much better if they had made new characters to replace these old ones, but that’s what new leaf is for.

i would go into more things like the terrible golden axe fountain rng, the fact that multiplayer is virtually unchanged from ww (and you can't go to the city), the weird exclusion of classic controller/gamecube support and ultimately harder to play for longer periods of time due to the lack of portability, but i don't want to be too harsh considering i have had some fun memories of this game with good friends. the goofy wii speak, pro patterns, and the whole hacked villagers and dlc item fiasco years ago are always a fascinating part of animal crossing history in my eyes. still, for every improvement it introduced, it adds 3 more problems, while also being way too similar to wild world and trying too hard to fill in the gaps it left behind.

A sweet and cosy game that has enjoyable NPC interactions (no matter if they berate you or speak highly of you) in a simplistic, yet adorable world with a simple, yet effective artstyle.
The whole thing is so cute, the music, the sounds, the simple day-to-day activities collecting things for the museum, making your own patterns for the shop, visiting the city and to pay off your debt are so relaxing and makes the real world seem so nice to do, which is ironically what most people would want to avoid in real life (myself included).
I didn't get super far into it before I stopped, as I'd "changed" a bit since starting, so using an old "account" felt wrong and sharing a town with the old one also felt wrong, and nor did I want to start over because of the bond I'd made from the first time, so I never picked it back up unfortunately. One day I will again.

I didn’t catch the coelacanth until 2018

my childhood❤️❤️❤️❤️

This was given to me as a gift for Christmas many many years ago, I came to hate Rover for some dumb reason (I did not like the way he was asking me stuff) and named my village "K*llRover" PLEASE like it was not that serious... it is so funny to think about now. Apart from that, I genuinely had fun playing

Mejor que la mierda de new horizons :v

People flame this game but it is probably my 2nd favorite. It is the most similar to the gamecube and what it does add doesn't detract as much as the newer ones.

the best animal crossing game (for me (out of nostalgia))

Wild World was better and it was played on a Nintendo DS

Probably the game ive played the least of in the franchise. The relaxing nature of these games don't really work with a wii remote and on the big screen they seem to fit more handheld style.

After an exact month of playing this near daily, I think it's appropriate to mark this as "played" to bring up my tally for the end of the year. I haven't completed the museum yet, obviously, but I've upgraded my house a few times and made a lot of progress. A solid AC title to pick up for ~30 minutes a day or so and do daily tasks, but lacking depth beyond that. I still prefer the original and New Leaf to this.

the city had a lot of potential...but it fell short. love this game regardless :)

this game would have been way better if it was something original and wasn't a carbon copy of wild world (apart from the city)
the game actually does some things worse (villagers will never have proper conversations with you, grass deterioration)
granted this game did bring back holidays, a weird removal from wild world
but yeah after unlocking everything in wild world this game felt like a boring and lazy rehash of that game
way less charm, gets boring wayyy faster and i'd take wild world over this one anyday, despite it's graphics

I went to the barber shop in this game and the dog inside made me take a long buzzfeed quiz, then she decided to give me a shitty haircut and told me she wouldn't fix it until tomorrow

Stale isn't strong enough a word. The content recycling is one thing, though disappointing given the years between this & Wild World. But the dialogue looping is inexcusable. The original Animal Crossing & its DS sequel both offered just enough variety in conversations across villagers to keep the game loop working. With your neighbors getting stuck on one damn thing so often in City Folk, the illusion's dispelled.

Then you see how, even with some added content like new holidays & collectibles, the city itself is just a demystified way to access previously event-only features. Sure, it's awesome that I can get my hair done anytime vs. the dumb unlocking method in WW. But why not simply give & tell players a way to get the hairdresser at Nookington's? Then you can stay in the village—you know, the actually relevant setting of the game. Instead of finding better ways to let players unlock & integrate new functions into the village, City Folk took the easy way out, and it's harmed it ever since.

The developers must have realized (or learned through market research) how badly they missed the mark on most players' expectations. New Leaf fixes so many of CF's omissions & questionable decisions. But for all the fun I can still have with this entry, it just has me pining for a WW decompilation so we can get proper content & mechanics mods for it already. I loved this as a kid, but would much rather play the idiosyncratic GC versions or WW for those neat villager hobbies & pictures. Even returning now with cheats & emulation niceties doesn't make a dent in CF's mediocrity.

I haven't even touched on dirt paths, barely improved online, using the pointer for typing, and other exhausting but well-trodden topics. All I can do now is ponder how much worse this could have turned out if not for the core developers' consistency in porting the working bits of GC & WW over. I'm just glad even the most mid of pre-New Horizons entries is still a little fun. (N64 is a glorified prototype, so I'm not counting it here.)

Not sure how this franchise is so well regarded nowadays. You've experienced everything this game has to offer in a couple hours. The activities get old incredibly fast, there's no incentive to get gold as everything is merely cosmetic, and therefore no incentive to get currency. The villagers are the same 3 people in different bodies, if you can even call them characters. You can barely speak to them twice a day and they either make a pun, say something irrelevant or repeat something they said just a day prior. Interesting concept, awful in every other department. If you want a solid cutesy farm life sim, Stardew Valley is superior in every way.

ppl who hated this are just mad abt the grass. its just wild world with a city on top and the city was ultra fun for a kid like me to go mess around in

I like to revisit this one every time a new animal crossing comes out, because I figure if I'm gonna play it for 2 weeks and stop I'd rather play the one I already own lol

The city is cool!!! :D only thing I did in this game was go to the city as a kid xD

these little villager bitches look so fucked up on the old chibi bodies

not as good as new leaf but swag

Probably my least favorite Animal Crossing to date, I can see how it was a good stepping stone between wild world and new leaf

my entire childhood, many many hours spent of skype playing w my friends :)

basically wild world but with better graphics, 60fps, a city and pro designs. and it's on the wii...

i loved this one, but unfortunately my memory card corrupted and i lost everything on it :( but used to be my absolute favorite.